Aggressive German Shepherd-Dog training with America's Canine Educator


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, what's his name, again ,  Cooper Cooper somebody, sit oh hope ,  so, in my experience it's, easy to tell ,  that, Cooper is very, fearful of me and ,  not truly aggressive so, I don't ,  recommend, anybody just going to grab the ,  leash this is my first session with ,  Cooper however I could tell immediately ,  that the way that he's barking, the, way ,  that he's standing, the tone of his, bark ,  is is all fear-based ,  and so I knew that, if I could go, up and ,  just safely transition the leash tome ,  and get going with, him and use my ,  momentum, to move forward he, would be ,  fine with me and he, would't, try to go ,  after me, so Id on't, recommend doing, that ,  at home but, the reason why I took the ,  leas hand, why it looked, so clean is ,  because he's actually a fearful dog and ,  he's not truly aggressive'm going to ,  try to, calm him down okay Cooper, come ,  [Applause], , so Cooper's a very young German Shepherd ,  that is lacking security he has it, been ,  handled by anybody who really, has, giving ,  him any confidence-building, skill sand ,  too many people have, been, focusing with ,  this dog on training, instead of ,  confidence-building, and, actually being a ,  confident balanced dog so, what I'm going ,  to, do is I'm just going to, hang outwith ,  them fora, little bit, and, I'm going to ,  work with him and just, kind, of calm him ,  down and let them know, that, I'here, to ,  help and, I'm going to help, him, and I'm ,  going, to just pop a, little, aggressive ,  dog up top to, show you, the difference of ,  a true aggression case versus Cooper ,  who's just barking through the muzzle ,  repeating Lee, and, you can tell the ,  difference the way that they present ,  themselves, of the aggression and, I'll ,  have you take a look at, that just so you ,  know exactly, what I'talking, about ,  so I'm just going to take the wheel a ,  little bit, and work with Cooper and, just ,  let them, know that, I know what I'm doing ,  and give him Little, bit of, security in ,  our relationship and let, them, know that ,  I can handle, him and, a lot of, what, what ,  handling insecure, dogs really, comes down ,  to is just kind, of putting them in, their ,  place a little bit, sometimes and as you ,  see here I'm moving him around with my ,  body just, to let him, know, that, know ,  what, I'm doing and he dozen'thieve, to ,  worry, as much, Ashe, normally would, so I ,  think he's just Avery, insecure dog just ,  needs, somebody who, knows what, they're ,  doing that's, it celery's, to it so ,  regardless of what, you guys want to do ,  with them, cook ,  he just needs somebody to, step up, and be ,  handler so, a lot of the, training, you ,  should have, been doing or, you should be ,  doing has nothing, to do with, the dog and ,  has everything to do with you okay so ,  you see and so if you followed me along ,  anywhere in my in my, career or you're ,  just tuning in and, watching the progress ,  and some of the dogs, that we, work with ,  my big thing is, it's, always usually, the ,  handler that'messing, up and so here I ,  am just going, through, the handling ,  skills that, the owner will need to ,  comfortably and, responsibly handle this ,  loaded gun of a dog if you, will, and so ,  this is what I'modding, here so, what I'm ,  teaching, the handle rand, as you can tell ,  the, dog completely starts to just lose ,  it right because, let's talk let's, Oman ,  let's really look, at the situation here ,  the dog is absolutely not secure, with ,  the owner and, you can see that that the ,  dog is really, just trying to, get away ,  now, when I was working, with, the dog he ,  was comfortable with me, but Nita ,  hundred percent comfortable, as, soon as ,  we transitioned back, to the handler the ,  dog completely just shut down and, wanted ,  Togo, tithe, sidelines ,  and so for me you know it's difficult ,  for, me, to watch some of, this, stuff ,  because the, dog come sin, is this you ,  noway, quote-unquote, aggressive dog and ,  all these things and I get the dog ,  handle, um, and he's beautiful and, he ,  works great ,  we immediately transition, the, dog to the ,  actual, owner and the dog, just completely ,  shuts down and, that's hard for me to ,  watch because, it's very clear tome that ,  the, dog is telling us, clear signs of ,  what needs to happen, and so we're, going ,  to, move, forward with, the, dog and really ,  just, try to teach the handler how to ,  control what she has so you can work ,  them again now, if he goes, out like, that ,  you, just, hold your ground, tell, them, to ,  come okay, go ahead start, walking got it ,  good come back this way release your ,  pressure on, them they're nice and ,  relaxed ,  what's your arm done, all the way there ,  you go that's how, you, need to be right ,  there good, boy good job buddy why ,  okay, now you gonna let, them out a little ,  bit, and, go the other way, tell them to ,  come yep ,  tell me come hold on, so, there, you go now ,  walk yep walk just move forward there ,  you go ,  good so, see he wins, oh, good, strong ,  strong for anybody but if you can do it ,  do it, if you can't let him, go because I ,  don'Ti, don't want to see you so, go the ,  other way and, tell, them to come ,  no, outside turn yep tell me combat, good ,  good, okay, so pulling back this way there ,  you go now walk now, walk that way just ,  move he'll follow you so, that's what ,  you're dealing with, is you're dealing ,  with he's, getting away with that stuff ,  mm-hmm, so we'll see what we, can do so ,  give me, the leash, now you're gonna, yep ,  now, you're going to turn that turn, the ,  other way do the same thing yep time to ,  come huh walk walk walk walk walk walk ,  good now take a leash, so what's going, on ,  here guys, is we have a German Shepherd ,  that has, been bounced around from ,  shelter to foster homes and nobody, can ,  handle this, do gas, of no wand so, I ,  really need to, hi ta, hard reset not only ,  with the dog but more, importantly with ,  the, owner so, I want to teach, the owner ,  that the, dog is, capable of working, with ,  her but'm, also showing, her that she's ,  not capable, of controlling the dog she ,  has which ultimately will set the dog up ,  for success, in the future ,  because we'll be able to, get, the dog ,  adopted, out to somebody, who can handle ,  the, dog which will ultimately make, the ,  dog look good so the correction I just ,  performed on the dog was really just to ,  show the, owner that she, dozen't, have ,  what it takes, to correct, the dog when ,  the dog tries to lung ego after people ,  and pretty much opt out, of any any ,  particular exercise so, that'exactly ,  what, just happened and, I just ,  transitioned, it really smoothly so, the ,  owner understood exactly what she needed ,  to do, but ultimately, she'll realize, that ,  she can't do it, and we can move the dog ,  on to a home that, control the dog now ,  take a leash back ,  hold, on swing, right there okay, do it ,  again ,  Hem me, leash do, the same thing, okay Aaron ,  come, to come walk, walk walk walk walk ,  walk, yeah better, right yeah'm, just ,  gonna, -engagement fit so good yep, this ,  my song, say, we're gonna do the same ,  thing, on, bail, it'soak we'll fix that ,  later turn again ,  now walk good, now, here take this ,  just keep them, right there, you're fine ,  right there that'll be easier for you ,  good turn around okay, stop and put them ,  in a sit there, you go, okay so it's going ,  to be, about management whether, or not ,  you can handle them or not but we got to ,  start breaking, these things like that ,  like, these little, battles that, you're ,  having with him will, ultimately give him ,  the the up and you just don't, want to, do ,  that right so you can tell he's got, a ,  lot of, his foundation but, he's very ,  insecure with his with himself so, he ,  needs to work, more on insecurity, issues ,  and you need to work more on your ,  handling so his foundation is good he ,  noticed his commands but, he's not ,  respecting the, handler right and that's ,  really, not what, we want out of, a dog we ,  want, here's the dog and, anybody can ,  do with it ,  so and why that is, put, him back, into, sit ,  sit is, because we're we're letting him ,  getaway, with, too much stuff, so, I would ,  much rather, work with, you for three ,  weeks work, with him for two days because ,  we just, need to learn how, to, handle, them ,  okay there's a lot, of, different options ,  we can do, that if he's trained on, an off ,  leash, tool we can but, right now it just ,  needs, to, be about understanding and, so ,  you have him and keep hi min, that's it ,  good good good good good good that's ,  good you you just, have to be very, strict ,  with, him and not let him get away, with ,  stuff and you literally might face ,  issues, like like right there where you ,  just, can'control, sit, good ,  good but, we need that we, need to, face ,  these little issues because, that's one ,  of, them say, Goodall, right, go ahead and ,  go, ahead and, walk with them, again build ,  it build it, so now you're gonna, do ,  inside turns you're gonna turn, towards ,  me, with, your leg, good go, that way, nice ,  good, boy ,  talking a little bit, good we, got to make ,  sure, we're, putting all, this pressure on ,  it we have to make sure, we reward him ,  when, he's being good same thing good ,  okay, come out here we're going to, do ,  that right hand turn again yeah good ,  better see that'suffixed over all right ,  so, we'll put that behind, us you, have an ,  insecure dog, who knows basics but ,  dozen't know structure so you have, the ,  it's kind of, like'm, it's kind of I ,  always tell it's it's it's complicated ,  thing when you're working with, this type ,  of, dog, it, always tell, people, it's kind ,  of like the Good Will Hunting type ,  effect, Good Will Hunting the movie with ,  a super super smart, intelligent person ,  that lives in crap my, boys, wasted, no ,  supervision, no, leadership, no, boundaries ,  so you have the good will hunting dog ,  which, means you got super, smart dog ,  that, can do anything, he wants, and he ,  knows sit, down stay wait like I know all ,  these, math problems, but, have no ,  structure, don't know what to do with ,  this Have, no leadership good, so we ,  have, to just make sure that, we're we're ,  you basically got to be trained on, beat ,  how to, be a handler in order to work ,  with, him and, that stuff that should be ,  done, because this is a lot, of, dogs for ,  anybody it's, not just you it's, a lot of ,  dog, for anybody move go ahead and move ,  forward move forward, go ahead gonna, pull ,  that, collar up just a little bit ,  like graphic, it yep and what, do we do ,  with bratty, kids where they let them be ,  a brat we fix them let me sure pressure ,  I'll walk the other way ,  this way nope, my, way my way, there, you go ,  tell them come, good just release the ,  pressure off a little bit off, the, dog ,  okay slow Dona, little, bit there you go ,  there you, GIGO, back the other way ,  so right there you put pressure, on, and ,  you did't need to right, so just go back ,  the other way ,  this way yeah, sure well she USN'cheap ,  we're, all anticipating bad behavior out ,  of, the, dog because he's big if we were ,  be working with it Chihuahua, would't ,  Weldon't, be Shogun, Scheat, would't be ,  so flinch, so that's why we're ,  doing, that is, we're expecting this, night ,  why, let's go the other, way whoa ,  you, go slow down stop sit so if you so ,  if, you were to work automatic sits ,  that's fine but, like'm, not, going to, do ,  that with them because, did't do that ,  with them so if I'm going to, be fair I'm ,  gonna say hey sit if, he learns, automatic ,  sit when he was a puppy, don't care ,  because he obviously dozen't know it ,  that, clearly so I'm just asking him to ,  sit so just asking the sit don't, expect ,  him to sit with you ,  because we I did't work on, it, with them ,  so so put them, in it down good good ,  so he's calmer now if, I was to take, the ,  solution off there until he said he ,  would say it's just too, strong, so, for me ,  yeah well he's a lot of done and, so ,  that's that's it's an important thing ,  that, you have, to, understand moving ,  forward that it dozen't and I told you ,  this in the beginning, is that, it dozen't ,  matter, it dozen'matter, if he's he's ,  overly over-the-top, for you, in an ,  excited way or he'soever-the-top, to you ,  in an aggressive way either way, he's too ,  much dog for you yeah, you know what I ,  mean so, we're going to, fail the dog ,  regardless of, if he'aggressive, or if ,  he's happy because, he's too much dog, I ,  see a lot of people, who, try to get into ,  like personal protection ring or French ,  ring fight sports stuff like, that, and ,  they they weigh W pounds soaking wet ,  and, they get hurt all the time because ,  they're, trying to handle this big dog ,  that, they just can'handle, and then ,  they have to get out of, it and ,  everything, else like, that, so, there are ,  certain boundaries that we, have as ,  humans now watch, what happened here he ,  react sand, Moved back, and, he ,  immediately moved, back with, me out of ,  here that'st hat's, fear right so watch ,  our, Charlie, bounces ,  good boy buddy, good, boys ,  well who's, sad, is that why, is that why ,  yes ditch, Wally ,  yes it is ye sit, is buddy so that first ,  initial that, was here you, see how he did ,  it right right right ,  so let me, break it down, right so that's ,  why, we record a lot of, the stuff so, I ,  can go back and I can, show, you like this ,  is exactly, what just happened so, what he ,  did is Walt Wallace came through the ,  door watch watch, he, does you get, this ,  right so, what he's doing is is he'slake ,  oh, look at me I'm big, that's, what dogs ,  do Shepherds, you, know so if you watch ,  what he does, dog that's pretty nasty ,  and, really aggressive won't, even bark ,  he'll, just go and then it's over he went ,  like, sabra I step, back, and, he's like ,  right back with me right here, he's ,  insecure right so you see how he saw the ,  dog and he'SO, he, stood, right where, he ,  was and, immediately my instinct because ,  Work for, a, lot of, these dogs is to, go ,  okay, tough guy and, then, he went right ,  back, with me ,  right ,  hey hey he was, like, Oh, going, Meir, can't ,  do this so, he's being a shepherd he's ,  being an insecure dog okay, are you what ,  are you, doing here ,  right I could I could have corrected, the ,  behavior but, I'm trying to kind of like ,  let him cry it, outta, little bit, because ,  I think he's been he's been pushed, a ,  little too much, that's, why he's not ,  trusting anything and so watch this dog ,  come, and I want you to, watch his ,  behavior, and what he does so, I, got a ,  fake dog, coming in looks pretty real ,  watch, so here is breathing oh, oh oh, and ,  then what, watch is run that way with ,  them real quick ,  [Music], , please come back ,  Oh your job your job, yeah, he's totally ,  he's, totally like I'm tough I'm tough so ,  bring, it back this way, here is ,  breathing what do i do what DI, do you ,  did't secure he's, insecure you, did't ,  secure what, do i do what do i do what do ,  i do what DI, DI, don'TKO, what, to ,  do right will, you help, me will, you help ,  me, will you save me somebody please save ,  me what DI, do with this thing, right, so ,  hid hold, on right there cake his initial ,  response, is to go oh my god, there's ,  another dog right and he gets, super ,  overly stimulated you heard his ,  breathing and, he did't know what to, do ,  and, then I let him gonad, I let him, get ,  there and he's like wait you're not ,  going, to stop me so, his whole life.

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