FORMULA for solving UNWANTED BEHAVIOR - Dog and Puppy Training


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hey YouTube i want to, share with ,  you, the formula that i teach my, students ,  so they can create a training plan, in ,  order to, solve unwanted behavior ,  problems the, formula spells, out the word ,  trip, TR, IP and, stands for, teach ,  reinforced interrupt, prevent, so whenever ,  you have, problem situation, you think ,  of, the four categories of, trip, and then ,  you, make a training plan for each ,  category so, the first category is, teach ,  what behavior is your, dog doing, that you ,  dislike what behavior would you like ,  your dog to do so you think about the ,  behavior, you would like your dog to do ,  and you train it in training sessions, so ,  for example, if you don't, want your dog ,  to, lay on your, couch you, train them to ,  lay in the, dog bed and you reinforce it ,  in training, sessions, you can even, add, a ,  verbal cue for the behavior, so you can ,  tell, your dog, to, go to his bed the ,  second category is reinforce, there are ,  behaviors that your, dogs are already ,  doing, that, you can reinforce and, you can ,  also reinforce, the absence of the ,  undesirable behavior so, what do Oman ,  by this for, example if you'Reno, a walk ,  and, your dog bark sat, other dog son, the ,  walk what, you can do is when the dog ,  sees the other dog they're, still on a ,  loose leash and they're not barking you ,  can actually reinforce that behavior ,  instead of, the barking the, third ,  category is, interrupt, what, are you going ,  to, do to interrupt your dog if, they were ,  to offer the undesired behavior so, you ,  could then redirect, your dog to doing a ,  more appropriate behavior there, are many ,  ways to, interrupt behavior it's, a ,  misconception that you need, to use ,  physical, or psychological intimidation ,  in order to do this, instead you can ,  train interrupt, your cues for example a ,  kissing, noise or an attention noise your ,  recall you, can train and leave it cue ,  you, can teach your dog a stationing ,  behavior for example you, can say go to ,  your bed, or go to your crate, in order to ,  interrupt them from doing, behavior you ,  dislike so, basically you train all these ,  cues to stop your dog, doing what, you ,  dislike and, then you can give your dog ,  information on what you would like your ,  dog to be doing now the important thing ,  with, behavior modification is the focus ,  is Norton, the, problem behavior, but ,  replacing that, problem behavior with, a ,  desired behavior ,  so the last, category is called prevent ,  you want to create prevention, plan to ,  prevent your, dog rehearsing the ,  undesirable behavior throughout, the day ,  while, you'retraining, your dog what, you ,  do want them, to do in, the, same scenario ,  so, for example, if your dog jumps on ,  guests you're not going to have your dog ,  loose and just, see what happens you're ,  gonna have your dog Ina, leash until ,  your, dog has calmed down an dis, relaxed ,  an dis, more likely to not, jump on, the ,  guests when, meeting them, or for example ,  if, your dog barks all, day long at the ,  gate instead, you could, have your dog ,  inside with the blinds closed, and, music ,  on until you teach your dog not to bark ,  at the gate in training session sit's ,  really important to remember with, a ,  behavior modification plan that, the ,  focus is Norton, interrupting and ,  preventing the behavior but, the focus is ,  on building, the new behavior to, be ,  stronger than, the older behavior so ,  you're going to, be focusing on what you ,  do want, your animal to, do training and ,  reinforcing it rather than simply ,  interrupting and preventing because what ,  can, happen, is even, if the behavior goes ,  away there's, a vacuum and, your animal ,  dozen'TKO, what to do, in that ,  circumstance besides, that one behavior ,  he, did so for example, if it was jumping ,  he might then, think to, start barking for ,  attention or jumping harder since ,  jumping, just, little bit did'twerk ,   

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