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hi cat here from standing, stone kennels , and, today we're going to teach, your , puppy and, our puppy how, to point some , pigeons so, today we're gonna head tithe , field, with rogue, we're gonna have our , bird launcher set out I'gonna show you , at the beginning of, this how we go ahead , and, set one, how I'm gonna hide it in the , Grass, couple, things to keep, in mind, is , your wind direction today, we don'thieve , a, lot of wind but we still do, have, a , wind direction, so we're gonna, want to , keep that in, mind, when we're working , rogue into, those birds another thing, to , keep in min dis, where you're putting , your launcher you, want to make sure, that , you know exactly, where that launcher is , so you can help your puppy and, that, your , puppy cannot accidentally work into that , launcher too, closely we, don't like using , flags or ribbons or things like that to , mark, where our launchers are because , we're working with puppies they, can get , pretty distracted and just zero Inonu , that, flag run in there without using , their noses as, well as down the road , they can start, keying off of that visual , instead, of using, their nose and they , just, head straight, tithe, flag instead , of searching the, field so instead, of , that, we use physical, landmarks so, I know , where certain clumps of grass are, that , work really well to, hide a launcher in , and then I just need, to, keep in mind , where those are so I'm going to, show you , how we go ahead, and, load this launcher , it can be loaded, a couple of, different , ways so, I'vie got my homing pigeon here , and I typically like to just fold that , pigeon in like this close that arm back , across, there and there's, this rolling , bar when, you push this red button it , locks into place so that'sine, option , the, other option, is there is this little , trapdoor that you, can, once you'vie locked , everything into place you can take your , little homing, pigeon make, sure he's all , folded, up nice, and, tuck it in this way , you just want to make, sure, his tail , feathers are out of the, way of that, trap , door, so that they, don't get caught and , ripped out, because you know we want to , use these homing pigeons over and, over , and, over so, then you just lock that , little trap door into, place'm, going to , show, you, how it launches , so I'll let you, back up get into, place , so launch is pretty quick really , responsive, to our remote which is really , important for timing, so, I'm going to , show, you, how we set one out in the, field , a, couple of things last things, I want , you to keep in, mind, is if your puppy and , your timing, USN'perfect, and your, puppy , works in on top of the launcher , accidentally, don't launch that pull, your , puppy outgo, to, the next launcher , because if you launch this right in , their face you could startle them or , they could, have, negative, association , with, the launchers and the birds and , that's, something, we don't, want so, being , very attentive, to where, your launchers , are at so that you, can help your, puppy , work downwind, and at a crosswind will, be , really important so, we'll go set this , out here so I'going, to set my first , launcher fairly close to where we're , gonna, start, we're gonna, go back up there , to, start for, couple of reasons, one I , want Rogue, to get on a bird fairly , quickly so she's, encouraged by being out , here and, searching, what we're looking , for as well I know exactly, where it's at , and, we don't have, ton of wind so I'm , gonna wanna bring, rope, in come down this , direction and, then swing her in across , that scent, come this way, don'twat, to , bring her, in this way where she, gets, to , work, into that scent, all the way up to , that launcher because first of all, I'm , not going to, know exactly, when she , catches, scent of that, bird and second of , all we can teach a creeping behavior , well they worked in work and working, in , the right on top of, the bird instead if , we have, a crosswind she's, gonna work at , across as soon as she touches, scent , she's gonna turn that's, gonna be my , indication that she's got scent and, boom , I'm gonna launch that bird , so that she can associate that, smell , with, the bird as well, as she'll, sink, hey , I, might have over-pressured, that bird , even though she did't I, want her to , think, that so that she's gonna be more , cautious on, her next, bird but, I'm gonna , immediately launch, that on the first , bird on the, next bird I'm just going to , ha veto, see how, she's reacting to this , first bird before, I know am I gonna have , to boom launch it again when I work on a , crosswind where, aim, going to be able to , hold, that launch, a couple of, second sand , that's, all gonna depend, on your puppy , it's, all gonna depend on, what rogue, does , today I'm not gonna, be, able to explain , as much when, we're in the field that's , gonna, just, kind of be a watching process , then, at the end, I can explain, what , happened on, each of those birds because , like I said timing is really, important , paying attention to where my launchers , are and where rogues, at, is really , important as well so, let's head backup , and hit the field, that's why again , said it'll, be, nice to get her, on a bird , fairly, quickly so she, understands, we're , out hereto, hunt we're, out here to find , [Music], , [Music], , [Music], , [Music], , [Music], , [Applause], , [Music], , I'm gonna hold that that lunch because , she, went melt, that bird and then bounce , right, in she, was ready to take, that bird , out so we don't want to give, it, the , opportunity to, get right on, top of that , [Music], , [Music], , [Music], , [Music], , [Music], , [Music], , and we're gonna take care of some more , business all around here in the field , you're, just gonna stop let her finish , that and then, good, thing doc sunshine , [Music], , [Music], , [Music], , so on that one , she kind of got behind, me, when she , caught Sun, of it and then I popped that , bird, but she was far enough, away from , That Bird that, she got to see, it and , chase so, she's gonna put a little bit , more association between that now and a , bird because, she did't feed the bird , won't build the, launcher this pumpkin, on , top of the launcher so, now she Haas , better understanding, of hey I used, my , nose I found this bird, if she does it , that's, fine , another thing that we, can do, is come , back to like our second launcher and , sometimes having that, launcher in the , exact same place and, working that, same , situation will, allow them to , [Music], , come on come on using again it again you , were able to, see that's great , [Music], , so as you swain, the first, bird, she, was , really close, to, the, launcher and then , she basically, take, it out, as I was , launching and, because she was so close , she, did't see that bird hop, or fly , again nothing we could do differently in , that situation other than, hopefully have , her catch scent, of that, second launcher , a, little, bit farther away her nose and , that, there was a bird there then, on that , second bird she was a little bit, farther , away which, was good, and she was able, to , see that bird when it was launched and , she, was able to, chase so we're making , that, association, then we come back on , the, third bird you, see a little more , slowing up a little more hesitation , where she's not just , full, out trying, to take, it, out and, we , launched that then we were able, to, come , back into that same, launcher, with that , same location, with another bird and you , could see Little, more hesitation, on , that fourth, bird that she, had so that's , just, something that we're gonna keep , building on it's not like, weened, to, see , her pointing Birds her first session , yeah, that'd be great, that would be , awesome but, it's, not something, that , typically happens with every puppy , so her next session we're gonna , hopefully be, able to, see a little more , hesitation, little more pause again if , we have to go back to the same launcher , again in, her next session that's , something that we can do the nonce, we , see a lot of confidence, which we're , seeing, now she's not startled by the , launcher, she's having fun chasing we, can , introduce gunfire as well on the flesh , of those birds, just, to continue showing , hey these birds are gonna be shot and , we're, just conditioning more, gunfire as , well as more bird exposure so let us , know, if you guys, have any other , questions, and, check, back in with Rob's , next live, video training session.