Retrieving Shot Birds - Upland Bird Dog Training


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so she's getting birdie, here locked up ,  whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, hi cat, herewith ,  standing stone kennels and rogue, as well ,  as Ethan the guy with the, pink gun is ,  gonna be, assisting, me today because ,  we're gonna be shooting birds over rogue ,  she's, 6, month sold, and if you'Webern ,  following, along with her, training ,  progress with these live videos ,  she has already, had Aberdeen, gun ,  introduction we'vie, already been out ,  having, her point Birds, and launchers and ,  she'scalier conditioned to recall now ,  if this, is the, first time you're tuning ,  in, and you'd like to, catch up with where ,  she's been at and what she'been, doing ,  definitely check out our YouTube, channel ,  and you, can follow, right along so we're ,  gonna head out to, the field we'vie, know ,  where our, launchers are at which is ,  important we're, going, to be using, feral ,  pigeons or barn pigeons sometimes, we ,  call them kill pigeons they're basically ,  pigeons that we, haven't taught to home ,  so, we don't feel as, bad shooting, them ,  and then we're gonna work on, the ,  retrieving aspect side of things again ,  in these training situations timing, is ,  really, important so I'm going to, try and ,  explain, what's going on and, what's ,  happening as it happens but, if I have to ,  wait, until after, the situation, unfolds ,  and, explain afterwards, we'll do that too ,  so again thanks for, tuning in remember ,  to, Like comment share, this video, and for ,  the next, hours any like, shares and ,  comments will enter you in a chance to ,  win a DT, systems, bird launcher so, I ,  think, we're ready to, hit the, field so ,  today we don'thieve, a, ton of breeze the ,  grass is nice and wet so we should have ,  fairly good scenting, conditions we just ,  got an inch and a half of rain this ,  morning, so things are a little bit of, a ,  muddy mess out, here ,  so rogues, being a little bit cautious ,  you saw, how she slowed up to smell ,  something, that she, Hans'locked, up ,  solid on anything yet so we're, just ,  gonna, keep walking ,  and let her work to where we know the ,  bird is at which is why using these ,  launchers is really great is we can ,  ignore anything that she's pointing that ,  we knowing't, a bird ,  we're just letting her, hunt and, feel ,  comfortable with her, her, range and her ,  search you can see her kind, of catching ,  scent, up here, she's looking a little bit ,  birdie er, let, her work in until she's ,  sure yep so she's getting birdie here ,  locked up whoop ,  whoa whoa whoa ,  so I'going, to, move out into the ,  lighter cover over here so that she, can ,  make this or, tree snow, again this is, the ,  first time, we'vie shot birds over her so ,  we might have, to help her go finish that ,  mark ,  she's short marked it a little bit so ,  that, she can use her nose, she looks, like ,  she's catching son-of, it had a girl so ,  this one dropped and kind of thick, cover ,  but, we're going to, just keep letting, her ,  work and use your nose ,  good girl rogue good, girl good, girl ,  good I'm just vibrating her back good ,  good girl that was, really, good ,  good girl so, I'm gonna just do another ,  little retrieve toss for Hershey's ,  checking, out, that launcher so I'm gonna ,  move up ahead where, she's notable, to ,  smell that launcher Rogue rogue so ,  that's where the launcher that'm, just ,  letting her check it out then, I'm gonna ,  get heparin, attention here, get, her ,  excited okay, let her make another ,  retrieve add a girl call, her back just ,  using, vibrate good, girl good girl ,  okay, spout, that, one, in my bag and, we'll ,  continue huh, none ,  now one thin git's, important and, this ,  happened without, really saying, anything ,  but, if you'vie got somebody, else helping ,  Gunning, wise it's important for them to ,  step, out of the, way it kind of, helps to ,  prevent the distraction of somebody else ,  for the, dog to try and bring the, bird - ,  we want our handler to, be able to work ,  with, the dog without, his distractions ,  especially when they're this age ,  whoa whoa this, one's not sure where it's ,  gonna go had a girl rogue, good girl good ,  girl ,  girl good girl, good, want, one more ,  retreat okay ,  she's like I almost did't see that, one ,  so, she did't see that, one there, we go ,  good girl okay so I'just, gonna, put ,  that, bird in, my, bag and then talk ,  through some of the situations that we ,  had, on these birds here so, let me, clip ,  rogue, up here, okay so call her back I'm ,  just gonna, put, her lead on her so that ,  we'begot, her under control, while, we're ,  talking, through this so ,  so on that first, bird when she locked up ,  on that birdie, wanted to draw attention ,  that, I used woe and woe to, her but, then ,  I did't come up next to, he rand, then ,  walk, beside her to go in and flush that ,  birdie, made sure, that when, she was on ,  point, I, came in perpendicularly that, way ,  she's not tempted to move forward with ,  me or even, with Ethan when he was coming ,  in to gun and, work, with us into, that ,  bird sometimes, if you walk next to, your ,  dog that's, gonna kind of give them the ,  pressure that they think that they need ,  to, creep with you same, thing on, this ,  last bird I did't have it exactly ,  pinpointed she was pretty sure it was ,  here and the wind, was, coming across, this ,  way she was looking, at, me ,  so I was walking, in to flush and, That ,  Bird, was, over here a little bit, and ,  pigeons, do some erratic things and this ,  one, had a lot of, hang time, could't ,  really decide which way it was going to ,  go but it definitely gave, her a chance ,  to focus in on that bird's, flush to be ,  able to make that mark so, and then as ,  you saw we were also able, to, do a couple ,  extra, retrieves with her at the end, so ,  that we could work on, again her marking ,  that last one that, I threw she did't ,  really see, where it went, she wan't ,  paying attention, but then she was able ,  to key, off, of it and it's important, to ,  help work, your puppies through marking ,  like on that first, bird it dropped in ,  really thick cover that's her first ,  marked, bird retrieve that's been shot ,  for her ever so we definitely had, to ,  help work her down there ,  she had the wind advantage but we did't ,  want her, to, give up on Ito, just, worked ,  walked, down with her a little bit, to ,  help build, her confidence that yeah go ,  back out, there and, look for, that bird a ,  little bit, more so just, was there any ,  questions that we had today okay and ,  like Ethan had, mentioned when you got ,  multiple people, out, here we'vie got Ethan ,  this, handling the shooting for us, I'm ,  handling rogue, and then we also have ,  Jess, that'sot, here, helping camera ,  woman for us she's got a pretty ,  interesting, setup we might have to show ,  you some point in time, but, when you got ,  down, the ,  people out here it's, easy for a little ,  puppy, to get distracted and, not, be sure ,  where they need Togo, who they need to ,  go to, so they always stepped away from ,  the, situation let, me get out in front, of ,  where we'd, been, flushing the, bird and ,  then Always, got down into an inviting ,  position so that, road could key off of ,  who she needed to bring that bird, back ,  to and I just, kept, holding vibrate until ,  she go tall, the way back, to me told, her ,  she, was a good girl praised her when she ,  set that bird down, I just took it away ,  picked, it up teased, her Little, bit did ,  another retrieve and then put it away so ,  well if there's no questions, again keep ,  sharing, commenting this video, and we'll ,  be doing a drawing, in the next W hours ,  for your chance, to, indite, systems ,  bird, launch eras, well as remember, to ,  like us on, Facebook, follow us, on ,  Instagram, and subscribe to our You Tube ,  channel thanks, for, watching,  

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