Dog Training Tip of the Day- Counter Conditioning- clicker dog training


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YouTube, this is my dog training tip ,  of the day for today it's regarding ,  counter conditioning, or changing your ,  dog's, emotional response to, a certain ,  stimuli or, trigger a lot of people, who ,  are using counter, conditioning are ,  finding that, they're getting no results ,  and, when you're getting, no results you ,  can tell yourself that, you're not doing ,  it, correctly some, of the reasons why ,  when, using classical or counter ,  conditioning you're, not getting any ,  result sis one the main reason number ,  one is that the, dog is not finding, the ,  triggers, predictor of the reinforcement ,  so, if your dog is, not finding the ,  triggers, predictor of the reinforcement ,  you're, wasting your time and you're, just ,  basically, reinforcing your, dog, for ,  nothing ,  you really want to make sure, that, the ,  trigger is the predictor, of the treat ,  here's an example of, someone, who is me ,  screwing up big-time ,  my border collie splash used to be very ,  reactive, to, human being sand, dogs after ,  being attacked, as a puppy and, she made ,  great, progress in all, environments ,  except, when we were walking in, the ,  canyon which is there's brush, those ,  bushes this high so, she can't, see over ,  them and a long path and as we'd be ,  walking, along another human being would ,  be walking up the path, and, I would see ,  the human being get, my treats ready and ,  as she saw the human being, would feed ,  her and I wondered why she was, not ,  getting better in this, environment, until ,  I, finally, realized that even, though I ,  got the, treat out way before she saw the ,  person she, stole saw the predictor that ,  the, food was coming was, me getting, the ,  treat out of, the bag and, she was waiting ,  til, I gave her the treat so, the person ,  walking up, the path was, not predicting ,  my reinforcement that, was giving her ,  even if, I clicked her for looking and ,  feeding her that first signal that the ,  treat was, going to come to, her ,  the predictor of the food was when, I got ,  the food out, of, my bait bag so to solve ,  this problem, I, simply kept food in my ,  hand on, walks in the canyon and, then ,  when the person appeared, would feed ,  her for looking, at the person and ,  suddenly, there was, huge change in the ,  training, she started to get more ,  comfortable with people, passing, in the ,  where before there was absolutely no ,  change no matter, how much training I did ,  and, I basically wasted like eight, months ,  of, doing, absolutely no, classical or ,  country, conditioning, because, was ,  basically, training her, to like, treats ,  everybody can, screw up so, the sign that ,  you're screwing up is, when you're seeing ,  no change whatsoever, huge clue that ,  you're not using counter, conditioning is ,  if you're talking about, your dog being ,  focused on the food or, distracted by the ,  food if, you're if you're, working with ,  your dog I'm, trying to, change their ,  emotional response to, something in, the ,  environment and, your dog is busy staring ,  at you and being, over aroused about the ,  treats that, you're holding you're, not ,  going to, do any classical conditioning ,  or counter conditioning your, dog is ,  going to be, only if, you're feeding your ,  dog, at that point in time you're ,  actually, building your dog's, arousal, on ,  treats and not creating, a, relationship ,  between, the trigger and the ,  reinforcement, so, what you need to, do ,  instead is, backtrack and, start with ,  games of, teaching your dog to stop ,  focusing, on the, food to do this you ,  simply, sit on the couch and wait for ,  your dog to stop, thinking about, the food ,  while you're holding some food in your ,  hand and here you can, see splash, he's ,  thinking about the food she's going ,  she'smelling, the food even, if, she's ,  not, looking at me, because she knows the ,  game of, ignoring, the, food during ,  training she's still thinking about, the ,  food so, that moment, that, she's not ,  thinking about the food, I'm, going to ,  reinforce her and you'll see that in a ,  second because'm going to, wait quite a ,  long time for, her to be, absolutely not ,  thinking about the food when, I, reinforce ,  her once you, start playing, games like ,  this, you, play, the game where the dogs ,  settling, and not thinking about the food ,  trying different rooms, of the, house then ,  try on a walk if, your dogs, trotting next ,  to you and they're, looking up, at you ,  they're thinking about, the food ,  so the moment your, dog is distracted by ,  maybe a blowing leaf ,  that's the moment, you're going to, pop a ,  treat in your, dog's mouth okay, so ,  finally splashes stop thinking about the ,  food right now so, I'm going to, take one ,  of metre eight ,  tee's, and present Otto, her face and, I ,  will capture, the behavior, of not ,  thinking, about the, food ,  another problem is, if you're, using ,  counter, conditioning perhaps, you have a ,  dog that scared humans and, you you're ,  clicking too, much the dog is looking at ,  the person click treat, click treat click ,  treat if you're clicking, too, much the ,  dog gets try, seeing the click is the ,  predictor of the, food and not a certain ,  thing in the environment ,  an example is, Pavlov'Snell if the dogs ,  if, the dog is, hearing the bell ring ,  they're, associating the food with the ,  Bell and, not perhaps something that, was ,  in the, corner maybe, a jug that the ,  Pavlov owned or, a certain thing inside ,  of, the, room ,  the Bell, is really, being reinforced with ,  the, treat, and that, can happen if you're ,  clicking too, much another way to make ,  sure, that, you're pairing the trigger ,  with, the reinforcement that you're ,  giving is Tonto, click but as the dog ,  looks at the object or the person, or, the ,  other dog you feed them directly to ,  their mouth, as, their eyes are focused on ,  the other dog if, you lose your, out, if ,  you if you're moving and, you lose the ,  opportunity to, feed the dog, because the ,  dog looks back at you, don't feed the, dog ,  because, then you're just, feeding the, dog ,  for focus on the, food again, so they see ,  the person you feed if they turn back, to ,  you you can walk backwards encourage ,  them back and then try, again from a ,  different, distance another, problem, you ,  could, have is if you'reusing, the wrong ,  reinforcement if, you have something ,  that's not, reinforcing, to your dog you ,  can't create a different emotional ,  response in your, dog for example, if ,  you're trying to, train your dog to love ,  humans and you're feeding the dog kibble ,  for seeing a human, if, the dog has no ,  reinforcement value in kibble you're not ,  going to, get a reinforcement value in a ,  human being you, want to, use the best ,  treats that, you'vie ever used if, you're ,  trying to, change, your dog's behavior ,  regarding fears aggression, or reactivity ,  another problem with counter ,  conditioning, that you, may be having is ,  that you, can't find an area, that is not ,  too, close to, the stimulus where your dog ,  will react and, a great thing to, do is to ,  get in your car drive, somewhere where ,  your dog is successful, and, begin there ,  before walking in, your name ,  hood or in the environment that your, dog ,  is, having problems, with see you next ,  time YouTube ,  as you can see splash, is not thinking ,  about, theatre S's anymore, so, I can ,  reinforce her, for not thinking about, the ,  food tips work, on training your, dog, to ,  not, be all about the, food first before, a ,  counter conditioning, no or little ,  behavior modification will occur if your ,  dog is, focused on the food or distracted ,  by it apart from building your dog's ,  food, drive ,  if your dog regresses or has a setback ,  for example suddenly barks and lunges at ,  something the best thing you can do is ,  to take, break from training, and resist ,  the, urge to suddenly address the issue ,  this, is, because stress hormones can stay ,  in your dog's, bod yup, to 7 days, after a ,  startle and can hinder your progress ,  make sure the stimuli is the predictor ,  of the food and not something else you ,  are doing or that is, in the environment ,  make sure your reinforcement is of the ,  highest, value make, it as easy as, your ,  dog needs counter conditioning, will not ,  work if your dog is too, stressed or over ,  aroused lower, criteria if you are not ,  succeeding the goal is to avoid ,  undesirable behavior and instead ,  reinforce the, absence of it stay tuned ,  for more tips .  

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