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training a dog to play fetch and , retrieve different objects for you is , not as difficult as it seem sand in this , video'm going to show you just how to , do that first let's take a look at some , of the benefits of teaching the dog to , fetch it allows you to exercise the dog , more efficiently and maintain their , health this is important because most , people don'thieve the luxury of spending , all day with their dog splaying fetch , can also enhance the relationship that , you have with your dog because it is , interactive and relies on cooperation it , can also help transition your dog to , working for non-food based reinforce rs , because once the dog comes to see it as , a fun game we can use it as a currency , in training and finally teaching a dog , to hold carry and drop objects at a , specified location can Beau very useful , task that many working dogs are expected , to perform the most effective way to , teach this behavior well depends on , breaking the task down into many , separate little components and then , working on each one of those separately , before putting it all together this is , something that you want to work on at , your dog's pace and no two dogs are , going to be similar in how they learn to , do this it can be tempting to move ahead , quickly when you'reteaching this but if , you have a dog that is unreliable with , their fetch would strongly encourage , you to patiently follow the steps that , I'm about to outline so let's take a , look at the different parts of a fetch , first the dog has Togo to the object , the dog has to hold on to the object the , dog will then carry the object back to , the person and finally they have to give , the object to the person and let goof , it , first thing that we'll work on is , teaching the dog to hold the object in , their mouth start by using something , that is easy for the dog to hold it , could be something that you have already , found that your dog likes to hold in , their mouth such ass favorite toy and , the first session simply mark and reward , any behaviors where the dog is showing , interest in the toy , be generous with your reward criteria at , this stage in the game reward each , behavior at least five to ten times , before moving on and asking your dog to , do more cool take it very good , [Music] , you sessions once the dog is , consistently mounting the object start , to increase the amount of time that you , ask them to hold on to it yes good boy , good boy take it yes very good , at this point we can now introduce the , give cue instead of rewarding your dog , for holding on to the object ask them to , give encourage them to let goof the , object and quickly mark and reward for , letting go of it at firs tit's okay to , reward the dog for dropping the object , on the floor because we are just , teaching the distinction between holding , on to it and letting go this is , something that we can refine later on , for dogs that have a hard time letting , go with the object you can entice and , encourage them using a smelly piece of , food by this point you should have a , solid take it and give it's now time to , introduce some distance and encourage , your dog to walk towards you with the , object , [Music] , [Music] , once the dog is fairly comfortable with , bringing the same object to you over , several sessions you can now beg into , introduce other objects , boy you may have to go back to step , with a new object to help your dog , translate what they already know to a , different item and after several days of , practice we can start to introduce , distraction sand practice this behavior , in other settings new environments the , real secret is to make the dog want to , play the game more than anything else , and by teaching your dog to fetch , through shaping as shown in this video , you get very reliable behavior because , the dog remains highly motivated to , perform throughout the entire process , and you will also improve your dog's , ability to learn because you're teaching , them to problem-solve and think if you , have found this tutorial helpful please , check out some of our other video sand , support the channel by subscribing , thanks for watching .