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at our training facility our instructors , get to chat with hundreds of new puppy , owners every single month and today I'm , going to tell you about the four most , common little oversights that people , have even when they're doing everything , else right when it comes to house , training but those little oversights our , completely derail a train so we're gonna , talk about that today'm Ken steep and , welcome back to Magnetos if this is , your first time on the channel and you , consider your dog a member of the family , then you're gonna want hit that , subscribe button we publish new videos , every single week to help you spend some , quality time with your four-legged , family member , let's take care of the easy one first , and that's supervision inside we all , know that any time your host training , your puppy and you have them out of , their crate that you need to be , monitoring them closely if they sneak , away while you'replaying on your phone , and they have an accident in the house , that's not their mistake it's actually , your mistake so you need to be sure that , every moment that puppy is out of their , crate that you are engaged with them , you're watching them closely for any , signs that maybe they need Togo outside , and that leads to the second thing that , I wanted to talk about and that's the , routine of going inside and outside , before you put your puppy in your crate , for any length of time they need Togo , outside if you come home from work or , you come get your puppy and you're gonna , take them out and have a play session , you need to immediately take that puppy , up and take them outside they're most , likely to feel like they have an , opportunity to have an accident in the , house after they come out of their crate , and for puppies a common time to make a , mistake is after a big play session so , maybe you'vie played some tug with your , puppy or you know you played some , response to name we're luring them , around or teaching them a new trick or , whatever , once you'vie done playing that play , session take them outside let them have , a piddle then you can bring them back in , and put them in their crate so they can , have a rest but it'serially important , that after they'vie been up really high , been really excited that as they're , coming down you'vie give them the , opportunity Togo outside so that they , don't have that accident in the house , next let's talk about outside , supervision now this is a really , important one and this is a very common , place for people to make a mistake even , though they think they're doing , everything right when you go to take , your puppy outside and allow them to go , outside to go for a pee the last thing , you want to be doing is sliding open , that backdoor and allowing the moat to , the backyard even though it's enclosed , and it'safe unsupervised puppies have , really short attention spans and the , last thing your puppy is going to be , thinking about is going pee if there are , leaves blowing around or there maybe , there's kids playing beyond the fence , maybe there's a do gin the in the yard , beside yours you really don't want to , let your puppy out of that backyard with , all those distractions when you know , that your intention is for them to go , outside to have a pee so attach your , six-foot leash and head outside with , your puppy you're going to go to the , area that you want them to pee at in the , future maybe you have a section of your , yard or an area around your building , that you want your puppy to go at and , you're gonna head out directly to that , spot and stand totally still , you're not gonna engage with the puppy , you're just gonna let them go out there , and find their spot and then have a pee , now if they still fail to have pee , even if you're standing out therewith , them and you'vie been totally quiet it's , not uncommon fora puppy to you know all , oaf sudden have this burst of energy so , the best thing you can do at that point , is scoop your puppy up after you'vie , given the ma longtime to have their pee , you haven'been engaging you're just , going to scoop them up and take them , inside you're gonna put them right back , in their crate and close that door just , fora couple of minutes once your puppy , realizes that it's not up to them when , it's time to play you're gonna take your , puppy back out of that crate and , straight back outside doing the same , process as before it's really important , that your puppets't start to learn , that every time I get to go outside its , really really fun so whether I go pee or , I play wit ha leaf all I want to do is , get out there your puppy needs to know , that every time you'retaking them , outside to go to have pee that they , have a job to do now if you have a puppy , who's still in the accidents inside , their crate then it's time to take a , look at what's inside their crate , puppies can be real opportunists so if , you put your puppy in a crate wit ha , huge bed or a great big fluffy blanket , they're way more likely to have an , accident on that if your puppy's going , through the house training process it's , best to not have anything in their crate , that they can pee on and then stuff to , the side now I know we all think we need , to have a great big bed for our puppy so , that they're comfortable but nowadays , the plastic crates are really , comfortable on the bottom very flat and , wire crates also have plastic tray but , make sure that there is what a flat , surface on the bottom of your puppy's , crate before you decide to take their , bedding out for us our puppies sort of , earned the opportunity to have some , bedding and we might go from a flat , plastic puppy crate once they'Head a , you know a couple of weeks of success , we'll put in like a beach towel or , something like that now if you have any , other questions about house training or , unusual situations drop them in the , comments below we have really active , community and we're always checking , our comments section to see if we can , help out our viewers really hope you , found this video helpful and I hope it , speeds up your house training process if , this is your first time on the channel , make sure you hit that subscribe button , we publish new videos every single week , help you spend some quality time with , your four-legged family member that cart , beside me is actually playlist of , videos that are grade one students have , found really helpful and Think you'll , find it helpful too , on that note I'm Keno'll be training .