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hi everybody this is Tyler from canines , mentioned on training and I'vie got my , dog logo here and we're going to make a , series of videos showing the steps to , having a competition healing dog this , could be pretty basic videos not too , much detail obviously but today we're , going to go through the first part of , how teach my dog the exercise of , competition healing if you're not , familiar with competition feeling it's a , very precise behavior not like you would , heal when you're going for , the dog has to be inline with your left , leg definitely focused on you they have , to pivot in place as you turn they have , to be able to backup with you as you , back off so it's a very complex behavior , for the dog because of that here can I , can actually we like to teach it in , there is small parts so the first step , that I teach a dog is just a body , mechanics of how to keep it in place , it's actually a pretty hard thing for a , dog to do if I'm standing still , next to me and I make a turn my dog to , stay where they are and turn exactly , like my bod yin both directions , that's a hard skin to me that's a very , very important skill'd ought to be , able to find the position of heel so , today I'm going to show how I start to , teach the pivots the second video make , will show what I call entrances into , heel which is showing the dog how to , actually get into position from the , front the side and the back and that's , the second thing that I teach so to , teach pivots like to teach the dog to , keep their front feet not an object , sometimes I'll also teach you to go out , to keep all four feet Ina larger object , it really depends on the dog logo here , heads when I began with him a hard time , with the pivots he has a long body and , so staying larger square with all four , fee the found it difficult to turn , because he can really reach a fool or , without having his bad legs at all so , where I'vie gone with him is that was , much better much easier for him to , learn how to pivot adjusted front to be , not a small object where you can freely , swing his back end around so that'shy , Is tarted with him so I use I in command , here Just call it touch you can call , it whatever you want I call place when , they have all four feet because it's , it'just 2 V I'm calling in touch so , that's the first step , teaching touch is super easy all you , ha veto do is lower your dog on there , when he gets to the object market and , rewarded and do , so here are those in call demonstrate , book , touch yes , so he knows when I say talks he only , gets fed if his feet are there pretty , so once he's there we need to start , teaching him how they turn his back legs , know how to turn his back legs on the , object without his front feet leading so , in the beginning I'm just facing the dog , and I'going to rotate my body around , and use a lure to rotate him those , couple keys here you don't want to have , it or too far out it's going to enforce , the dog to step off Alike to put a , little bit above their head because we , want to shape for the dog they have a , lot of their head up but that's also , going to force them to pivot their body , without turning their neck and really , long gated way like this if it's about , hi there cut it up and twist their head , their body is going to follow very , closely so again I'll demonstrate over , oh boy , so once he's here we start to turn , and as soon as he must belittle yes we , market report you want to mark as the , dog's feet are moving is the movement , that we're rewarding not the position , here , yes , yes you want to continue this until you , can move for , around the board and have the dog move , right along with you , yes notice I put the food down to low , and out here always stretches his body , and steps off we don't want that to , happen touch , keep it up high centered over the board , makes it's in my other hand that's okay , yes , yes so once your dog is moving freely , then we can move on the next step know , that step need to take you minutes it , might take you days depending on the , dog and how easy they find it to move , their body in a way if you'restarting , with a puppy it's going to be a lot , easier because that dog is young and , they haven'built any habits yet as far , as how they move their body this guy , here is months old and I just got him , so you know what he was learning before , did't really know any medians commands , and moving his body in that way was , totally new so it did take me a little , bit longer to be a few days to get him , tithe point where you would really , freely move his value back and forth , now once we have that step , in the dog used to turning if he's in a , position next to you instead of facing , and again for some dogs that will be a , very easy step for some dogs will be a , very hard step as we slob has not , quite learned not to jump on people , Gobi touch so again once he's here , don't worry too much about perfect , position just start turning marking and , rewarding , yes , going backwards is actually easier for , the dog you can use your body to block , yeah , yes good for wine I really want to mark , that one because he almost stepped off , bu the caught the one right so I like to , teach my dogs both a heel position and a , right-side field position is there going , to do that that's probably your best , interest to start teaching your dog the , mechanics of being on both sides of your , body , so you're going to want to do it both , ways to stop them on the right yes , and start having them learn to turn this , way , he steps off just asking to get back on , yes and he only gets fed when his feet , are there so it learn sit's in his best , interest to keep his feet there so now , he's turning nicely he's turning nicely , at our side snow we want to start to , build correct position so actually start , to ask him to line IPA bit better and , this is where using a square can be very , helpful because the sides of the square , will help the dog line up with his front , feet are on the very edge of it he's , going to be Little bit square so you , can use your body on the edges of the , square to culminated once you get smooth , this is where you add the heel command , and so first we want to make sure we can , get them in position yes , yes good boy now a key point here is I , like to deliver food from behind me , notice how his kind it stay sup nice and , high , yes and then if I turn on the line up , again , yes , yes those boy , as possible try again , turn against you see is a little bit , harder for Emily's focused , slower , yes hidden't line up perfectly but , because he fell off toys I really wanted , to reward just interning properly so you , could see a bit of success that we , did't get frustrated so we'll try the , more time line well yes , and again you're going to want to do , that both sides so the dog can learn how , to line up the body on both sides if you , intend on feeling on both sides if you , only attend up using heel on one side , then it dozen'really matter so again , my love over here it'gotta be straight , yes keep in mind always as you're , steering the dog with your hand to keep , it high up and above the board , all aboard the dog will step , my dad , lion-o yes , yes yeah you overshot their place , yes , nostrum yes to be see how by starting , with boring the dog there and turning , you'vie given yourself a nice equal here , to basically power steer the dog maybe , over shoes can steer dick anyway I , want even just by moving my hand yes , works very very nicely for teaching go , in a proper position to no force what's , of other , zero yes so once we'vie got this starting , to look nice that we can begin to add , the commandant so that he starts to , understand to line up with our body on , commando use Creole commands if you , remember for this dog so that he looking , at his table on the right side and is , poverty so I'm going to start by getting , on the board touch good boy , then I'll give the command table lure , him yes always the command comes before , the Lord always tail , yes and we do this with enough , repetition yes until the dog begins to , line himself up , yes I'm marking and rewarding him for , staying in position here yes does the , hand always returns to behind my back , yes the reason I do that if the food's , coming from the front the dog would have , a tendency to one tilts himself and wrap , around your body so we keep it behind so , he stays with his head up and line up , properly yes , yes they're able to solve no more and as , we want to start degree , good boy , and again same thing on the right hand , side touch , he has a harder time with this side , Patrick , yes , birth , yes , yes , power , yes , yes the boy again notice how'm able to , steer the dog great so I will continue , with this step in Lob until I guess the , point that I can do with completely , around the board in both direction son , both sides and he will line yourself up , to my leg without will be using any food , or feeding my hands behind my back or at , my side if I step around the board , he turns with Meir don't ha veto fix it , at all once you're doing that pretty , good deniability again we don't expect , any dog to be W% but as close to as we , can get that'SWAT I will begin my next , step , sure to turn that on prior filming , apologize that'shy I will begin the , next step of starting entrances and , that's where we'll pickup on the next , video