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you're building confidence in any dog , again the breed and and the , functionality of the dog will we'll get , more specific to that in the future but , starting of fall you have to do is just , give them a simple task on the leash to , do something the bottom line thing that , we need to start doing is getting the , dog to learn new things because that'll , help them progress mentally to say okay , you know'm a little bit more , comfortable than I was minute sago , good come good job buddy , that was good I don'TKO if you saw , that but basically what he did as I said , Ranger come and he looked at dad and , said do I ha veto write and I said let's , gonad then all of sudden he committed , to me physically and you saw that big , jump and then he wagged his tail and got , really excited yeah yeah that'SWAT , we're looking for so these these little , battles so when so just like with with , people if we show up to an event we're , alone and we don't know anybody and then , somebody who's in charge says all right , everybody I need you over hereto do , this then all of a sudden there's some , sort of camaraderie there and then , immediately you feel more comfortable , because you'redoing something with , other people you don'TKO that'SWAT , I'm gonna do with him and so right now , I'm gonna ask Ranger come so right there , it's now watch what happens when yeah , Ranger come good boy good job big man , there's my good boy , Ranger come yes good boy good so my , objective here is to eliminate the time , duration that it takes for him to commit , tome so right now he's still thinking , about it a little bit so what I want him , to do is not be apprehensive at all I , wanted to just do it that tells us that , he's built confidence towards doing , new behavior which is basically just , coming to me and a new person good boy , good so see this freak out so what I , want to do is switch Tao little prom , collar it's gonna help all of that , change really quickly come here so see , this see this fight here this is what's , making him nervous is I'm I'm I'm , allowing him to do that'm not I can't , I'm physically fighting with him on that , and that'll make an insecure dog more , insecure so imagine again going to that , event and everyone being kind of nervous , because nobody knows each other and then , the person that's supposed to be in , charge has no idea what they'redoing , either so what this will do is it'll , help during this okay so this will help , during those freak outs so with the like , with the harness or with the slip collar , kennel collar dominant dog collar it , doe sallow the dog to physically fight , you without any real pressure on the dog , so instead of him choking himself out , and bucking like a Bronco this prong , collar is going to evenly distribute , pressure and immediately help him get , over whatever he's dealing with good so , see the difference come on buddy just , like that , good boy it's immediate because what , does that make sense to you and so that , makes big difference and so again when , I'm building confidence in any dog I , want it to be very smooth non , confrontational not a lot of argument , and so before with that he had full , opportunities to completely pump the , brakes , jump up buck around and fight me and , that'll ultimately make hit because he's , having conversation I don't want to I , can't Id on't think I can I'm nervous , you're making me whatever right and so , with the prong collar is it allows me to , kind of get him out of that state of , mind , yes yes I know you said it evenly , distributes yep pressure , yep I'll show you so this is like a , kennel leash or a slip or these are , awesome if we had a couple weeks to work , with him between you and I we could work , with this entirely but we have like five , hours altogether or whatever we have so , when again his main problem that I was , seeing was he was bucking and freaking , out so I was like hey let's go this way , he's like hey how about just freak out , instead I'd rather not and we did that , probably four or five times and he was , coming up and I don't want to sit there , and choke a dog out and like no you have , to pry him towards me tardiest't help , me that dozen't do anything it's not , beneficial it dozen't we lose and so , when you're doing that with this there's , not really a lot of consequence here , it's just little bit of pressure to , say hey let's go this way , more importantly the pressure that , you're distributing comes from one point , it comes from like it just hits one area , right on the bottom okay so with the , prawn collar is it allows us to when we , put this on it evenly distributes , pressure so you have two four six eight , ten so you have almost twenty points of , pressure distributing at once , collectively going around right so , instead of just right here it's going , all the way around so it's safer to use , because it's not just one point it's , like throwing a lasso on like a car like , you're not going to be able to control , this dog when they have freak out with , one point of pressure and when I'm when , I'm looking at a dog'behavior and I'm , seeing the fight-or-flight mode in order , to get him out of that behavior of go , okay oh II guess I'll relax have to , stop that fight-or-flight important , thing to understand as well is if you , were to come out and ask him to do this , stuff he would't put up a fight but , that's not I'm trying to build , confidence in him for the vent give him , the benefit of doubt and I hope he , proves this wrong way jumping up there , but if hoedowns't well that's the point , is , we're gonna get him over that why don't , you see if you can just ask him to get , up there okay so there will hold on for , one second we could force him on of , course but I want again it's to build , that confidence is to just make that , like if we force him on it's not him , building confidence that's us you know , making him go so just let me see the , leash really quick and let me see if I , can kind of come on buddy good Goodall , right so what I'm gonna do because he , has the prong collar on I'm just gonna , switch it over to the flat collar for , right now and then I'm gonna do , something I'vie been doing for a long , time with these with these dogs just put , on the ground and a lot of times for , dogs it's the idea of the different , material it's not even necessarily , getting onto the platform they're like , what is this so I'm gonna ask him to , just walk on this yeah it's a good boy , what a good boy and then that was him , going okay exactly and those are the , things you gotta help them get over good , job now we're cooking good so now that , we'begotten over the fear of the , material possibly even the color I'm not , sure now we'll flip it back over good , job buddy , you're alive you'vie made it then you , kind of just pop it back over on chant , Lee yes there it is good boy good job , buddy good job let's go and he did that , voluntarily I did't come good yes good , and then I kind of use my body to keep , him here so it's kind of like good good , so now we have some sort of activity to , do with him and that'll that that , creates that so the training aspect of , the confidence-building will come later , like we'll teach him what this is which , would be place well teach him what the , walking and the leash would be which , would be heel but right now I don't want , to do too mu chit's more about again the , kid that's terrified to go to , kindergarten we're not gonna put them in , there and say okay learn your ABCs we're , gonna say okay come in and have snack , first so that'SWAT we'redoing is , we're just teaching him like this is , where you got to be and then eventually , we'll start transferring in the , obedience portions all you're gonna ask , him to do is Ranger place yeah a good , place so you say good to reinforce it , good place and then you can say brick , good good job place good place just like , that good okay brick forgot about it yes , good so you can use your leash to kind , of cap him yep so do it again thank you , please good place good good and then , just you can do a break here Ina second , but so put them put them back in a sit , good all right now give him a break okay , good so one thing that want you to , work on a little break is be more , precise about the commands that you ask , him to do so you want him to perform , certain behaviors and much like kids or , even just human psychology in the first , place if you're in charge of something , and you tell them over and over and over , again by the fifth or sixth time it's , it's the the quality is a little bit , deteriorated that makes sense that but , but more importantly Timmy go to your , room yeah okay go to your room , alright go to your room okay go too , right so in and it's Inuits , habit-forming for dog learners because , we don't see it that way we see it as , I'm gonna tell the dog to sit until they , do it but the dog looks at it as well , that'SA new command six times or set , times six so you have to so anyway my , point is this is be a little bit more , precise so all I'moseying is it's Ranger , place good place Ranger sit good sit and , you're pretty good three commands three , words so doggone everyone does that it's , place place place place good boy sit sit , sit good boy so it did yep it , deteriorates so good but what happens is , is the dog says okay you'vie set that , five times maybe I'll do it this time so , I want so it's just little things I want , you to be a little bit more go to your o , means go to your room , make your bed means make your head you , those types of things you should like , again with parenting you should't have , to say it , pick up your mask pick up your mess well , if they don'Tod it the first time , then it how much does it mean to them , when you say it right there they may , wait for you to get really upset or UPI , hear you know anger in your voice , so not detrimental however it certainly , will help your overall process try it , good place sit good sit good and then , just hold that and then break perfect , that was well done .