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, today's video is brought to you by , Midwest homes for pets one of the , reasons that people relinquish their , dogs or make their dogs live outside is , because they are difficult to potty , train my hope is that you'll share this , video with those that might need it , because it's pretty easy thing to , overcome once you know what you're doing , also make sure you click thumbs up and , make sure you're subscribed to because , there's a good chance you're probably a , beginner if you're watching this video , have lots of how-to video son how to , teach your dog the basics and even some , more advanced stuff in fact check the , description because'll have playlist , on what to teach your dog in what order , for those of you that have had a do gin , the past how long would you say that it , took you to house train your dog or are , you still working on it what things work , for you what things did't work for you , tell me in the comments below , many people think there's something , wrong with their dog if they don'tho use , train easily they'll say things like my , dog is stubborn he just dozen't get it , remember we can't blame our dogs if they , don't understand where they're supposed , to do their business it's our , responsibility to teach them it's very , easy to get frustrated during the whole , house training process as well that's , normal but understand that frustration , will hinder our progress so we have to , reach deep and avoid that emotion during , training Luna the border collie and I , are going to show you how this is done , but we have to talk about a few things , first be patient you cannot house train , a dog in just a few days it'seagoing to , take a little bit of time understand , that it's not instinctive for a dog to , want to do their business outside we , have to show them another very important , thing to remember , potty accidents in the house are never , punishable we would't scold an infant , for going in their diapers for example , also avoid these long-standing myths and , remedies like rubbing your dog's nose in , their business or spanking them or , yelling at them these are all very , counterproductive they don't work so , just don't do it the big picture with , potty training is letting our dogs know , that our house is their house , instinctively dogs don't like to do , their business where they live and where , they sleep but they're not going to , generalize the entire house as a single , structure they might think to themselves , wellie live in the living room but the , dining rooms right over there'll just , do my business over there you may have , noticed if you're struggling with this , that your dog may pick out one two or , three places within the house to , regularly sneak off to to do their thing , once they understand that the whole , house is indeed their house you'll see , the accidents come to a halt but this , will take a little bit of time I'm going , to show you exactly the best process to , go through in order to accomplish this , in the mos treasonable amount of time if , you hear nothing else in this entire , video hear this know that you need to , become a master at controlling your , dog's environment in fact this is an , overall theme that you'll see time and , time again as you continue to teach your , dog so now is as Good time as any to , get really good at that the best way to , control your dog's environment is to , supervise them W% of the time , obviously that's impossible we have to , sleep sometimes we have to go to work so , there are other ways we can control our , environment but remember the number one , mistake that people with new dogs make , is too much freedom too much trust too , early encourage responsible and humane , crate training for purposes of house , training your dog if you succeed in , making the crate a very fun and , desirable place for your dog to be then , you can expect to really accelerate the , whole house training process but one , thing is very important to understand , the crate is not a babysitter we use the , crate when we cannot directly supervise , your dog because supervision is the most , potent and effective way to teach our , dogs all sorts of things if you're , supervising your dog appropriately and , you catch the min the act of going right , is they're about to squat for example , that is the time to interrupt their , behavior and take them outside and , encourage them Togo in the right place , whereby you're going to reward them , heavily forgoing now if you don't catch , them in the act there's nothing you can , do other than pick up the mess throw it , away and do abettor job supervising , them in the future , think of the crate as abed room for your , dog but you want to make it the coolest , most awesome bedroom you can you want , them to love being in that crate Midwest , homes for pet sis sponsoring this video , but actually approached them because , I'vie been using the crates for years I , find them to be very reliable well-built , and the quality of them is fantastic , plus they give you couple of things , that a lot of crates don't I really like , the max lock door system on , life stages crate you also notice that , there's a divider panel in here so that , way you don't have to buy various crates , for your dog let me explain you see when , you're potty training your dog , specifically in the beginning stages you , want the crate to be just big enough for , them to turn around and lie down in , instinctively dogs don'talkie to go , potty where they sleep now be patient , with them in the beginning they may have , an accident or two as they're making , this connection but it should be very , short-lived what's great about this max , lock door system too is you don'thieve , to work Neil at all you can pull it up , ope nit and it gives you extra security , around the entire perimeter of the door , these are also highly portable crates , too they fold up so you don'thieve to , take them apart they come fully , assembled so I highly recommend the , crates if you don't have one I'll have , link in the description where you can , pick one up if you nee done , I'm here with Luna today she's a border , collie she's six and half months old , and we're gonna go over how to teach our , dogs to be comfortable with going in and , out of a crate during the introductory , process we want to use really good , treats to encourage our dogs to go into , the crate voluntarily we want to avoid , waiting until we have to be somewhere , and then throw them in the crate and , leave them that's likely to create all , sorts of problems for you and your dog , now I like to actually use real meat to , really give them that positive , association with it very early on what I , like to do is open both doors this is a , double door crate one of the benefits of , having a two door crate is that you have , the benefit of really opening it up this , will make it Little bit more appealing , for your dog to go in and explore and , they won't feel quite so shut in in the , beginning phases plus it'll give you , more option son how to position the , crate within your home it gives them a , nice opening it makes it a nice place , very good Luna you're doing terrific , always let me dog know that you , appreciate when they'redoing something , you like and be very genuine about that , do not try and rush this process if it , takes you a day or two so be it just be , patient , now most dogs will get pretty , comfortable with this early on patience , fuels progress let's say you'veal ready , tried to rush the process and your dog , is now terrified of the crate you would , just start over and do this all over now , you're going to need to be a little , extra patient with them you get the best , results when you're not rushing units do , really , she's taking beautifully to this so just , to be clear we're giving Luna , comfortable with walking in and out of , the crate on her own terms once you feel , like your dog is comfortable going in , and out of the crate like this then you , want to introduce the idea of closing a , door this is the part where we want to , be very delicate this is also the point , where alto of people set their training , back the benefit of having two door , crate like this is you can close one , door and then you can encourage them to , go in wit hone door here by closing one , door at a time you're making the crate , little bit smaller but your dog still , has the option to come out of the crate , should they start to feel uncomfortable , since many of you are beginners this is , also afar-reaching theme with inner arc , dog training it's a good idea to break , things down into smaller steps like this , regularly now once she goes in if she's , comfortable I'm gonna close the door but , I'm only gonna do it for a brief moment , as if to suggest you her look it's gonna , close but it'll open again don't worry , blast message we want to send to our , dogs is hey I'm gonna put you in this , crate and I'm gonna lock you in it , fore verso watch this here we go in just , a moment of truth yes good she reacted , very well I love that I'gonna let her , right back out during the first several , days of introducing your dog to a crate , it's a good idea to just leave the doors , open let them come and Goa's they please , when you're supervising them avoid , picking them up and putting them in the , crate remember the goal here is to get , them to go involuntarily some things , that will help you with that are feeding , them their meals in their crate giving , them good chew toys and other toys to , play with in the crate so you're , starting to get the picture here we want , the crate to be an ideal place for them , to be and we want them to want to be , there it's also a good idea to have it , next to your bed when you sleep at night , that way your dog will be less stressed , out in this new environment here because , you're right there so it might result in , some sleepless nights in the beginning , for you but hey that's what you signed , on for when you goat puppy don't worry , it'singly temporary , keep it fun for your dog be very patient , and understanding with the fact that , they're new to this world and you'll be , through this in no time if your dog , shows any signs of stress or discomfort , when introducing them tithe crate that , is your cue to , slow down now some dogs especially dogs , with severe separation anxiety or other , types of severe anxiety will never be , okay with crate training and that'soak , that'Sparta of accepting our dogs for , who they are for those dogs will bypass , crate training in favor of more direct , supervision while we work with them , through those more complex issues let's , talk about the maximum period of time , that we would allow our dogs to be in a , crate or at a time the general rule is , one hour per month of age so four , month old dog would never be in a crate , more than four hour sat atom now the , maximum time any dog should be in a , crate is six hour sand that'pushing it , so trying to avoid keeping them in for , that long since many of you are going to , have your dog sleep in a crate you'll , let them out in the morning but then you , may ha veto go off to work so it's a , good idea to schedule in some extra time , to give them that workout so that you , can at least put them back into the , crate while they're tired before , returning home to let them out for a , potty break at lunch or something like , that now if you have to be gone longer , than the allotted time here are some , options for you you can take them to , don't need a care you can get an , exercise pen also available from Midwest , homes for pets you can see the , description for their website you could , also put them in a bathroom or some , other area where you can tolerate the , potty accidents happening you may also , want to put some puppy pads in there in , order to encourage them to go on the , puppy pads now house training will take , a little bit longer if this is you but , hey that'soak so we're at the point , now where Luna feels pretty comfortable , in the crate she dozen'tap pear to be , stressing and I'm even gonna treat her , from outside of the crate just to let , her know it's still a fun place the , first place we take our dogs after we , let them out of the crate is outside or , wherever you want them to go potty maybe , you're using puppy pads or paper or , whatever but dogs are very keen to , specific textures now most people want , their dogs to go on grass so we're going , to see if we can take Luna outside now , and teach her go behind , remember when we talked about patience , earlier make sure you bring that with , you now usually you're only gonna need , about five minutes but I'll tell you , that five minutes can seem like an hour , and a half sometimes because it's not , the most exciting thing you want to set , them up for success you don't even want , to give them the opportunity Togo potty , where they're not supposed to you want , to show them the right places to go , and be as proactive as you can it's best , to have them on leash even if you'vie got , a fenced area because you want them to , go in specific area this will make , your job a lot easier for picking up , after them as well as a general rule , especially in the beginning I recommend , taking your dog out every hour or so , your dogs not gonna have Togo every , time that's okay in the beginning it's , better to go out more times than you , need Toni order to ensure success , let your dog sniff around to let them , get comfortable you don't want to wait , until you'rein a major hurry to potty , train your dog make sure you'vie got , treats with you tube just so that you , can let your dog know hey look I like , that you went potty in the right place , that way you can follow it up wit ha , reward the instant they do what you like , if she does go potty I'm gonna wait till , she's done because Id on't want to , interrupt her and then I'm gonna come in , and reward her right after she's don ego , potty that's what that's called you did , excellent Luna that's fantastic and you , got to do this a lot remember it's not , very natural for dogs to know where to , go and where not Togo we as people have , to show them how to do those things , now remember don't make the mistake of , thinking that you need to get your dog , potty-trained before you teach them , their obedience this is something that , happens simultaneously with your basic , training if you enjoyed this video make , sure you click thumbs up like me on , Facebook - at slash these , act towards and tell me how long it took , you to potty train your dog or are you , still going through the process in the , comments below one last thing if I miss , something specific that you're wondering , about as it relates to potty training , post those questions in the comments , below and I'll be posting a follow-up , video probably on my Facebook page so , you'll need to like me on Facebook in , order to see that video so fire away I , look forward to seeing your questions .