How to Train Your Puppy 8 Things in 7 Days! (STOP Puppy Biting, Come, Stay... )


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 ,  this video is crowdfunded by you and , sponsored Midwest homes for pets , we'vie got are ally exciting video today , this is the first time I'vie ever had a , Chiba IN and one of my videos I'gonna , be showing you how to get handle on a , lot of your training especially if you , have a new puppy in your life we're , gonna be dealing with some of the most , common issues that I hear about from new , puppy parents become a greater part of , our community by liking me on Facebook , Linked will be in the description and , become patron on patronage / -AK , George - contributions from you are , going to allow us to do much mo rein the , coming months to promote free humane , training to anyone with an internet , connection'vie had couple of training , sessions already with Roku and Jennifer , and Jonathan have done an incredible job , why don'you guys decide to get a Chiba , in us we're both into the Japanese , culture and Japan in general did you , speak Japanese is that right yeah you , knew it's how you say dogs yeah what , does she but you knew mean it's , translation- brushwood dog how do you , say dog in your language what have you , guys found to be the most challenging so , far Jonathan um his play biting is the , worst once it goes into that biting it's , hard to get him out of it this is , probably one of the most common issues I , get emails from every day with with dogs , this age it can be really overwhelming , when you have puppy like this because , you really have to pick your battles , there's a time to address certain , behaviors and there's a time to ignore , it and focus on teaching different , things you as a person ha veto kind of , feel that out as you go that's what the , first few months of teaching a dog are , all about building the communication and , learning to understand one another and , with that comes Little bit of , disconnect from time to time as you guys , are no doubt experiencing a little bit , of aim right yes almost all destructive , and unwanted behavior that you're , dealing with like potty training or , chewing or digging can be solved by , controlling our dog's environment for , that first six months to one year really , good trainers are wonderful at , controlling their puppy or dogs , surroundings at all times , now that means supervising them and when , you can't do that either having them on , a leash yes in the house as you seek , he has that leash on so he's easier to , get to or having them in a crate or an , exercise pen or an area in the house , that you're comfortable with where your , dog will be safe this is a life stages , split door exercise , and and this is a wonderful way to , control your dog's environment , especially if you're going to be gone , several hours and they need to have a , little bit more room what's great about , this exercise pen is that outdoes't , take any tools to assemble collapse is , really easy small investment like this , and a crate will probably prevent lots , of damage and keep bad habits from , arising in the first place it's like , their own private bedroom and you have , the peace of mind knowing that your , houses't getting destroyed you could , even put your life stages crate right , here and join the two so it's super , awesome you have a partial split door , that means that allows you to step in , without worrying about your dog bolting , out but if you needed to give them food , or water or anything like that for , example and by the way I'll have a link , in the description on where you can look , into getting this if you're interested , oh boy yeah there's the play by the way , he'Sgt sharp teeth , ouch hey what's this why don't you bite , on this instead you know when you're , dealing with play biting with a puppy , it's really important to immediately get , their teeth on something that's , acceptable when your dog gets really , revved up and they're biting you like , crazy that's when you breakout the food , because that'slickly to give them more , oaf soft mouth you can see hies a bad , play biter but he'she's really over the , top right NOW can feel his heart , racing it's not realistic to eliminate , it but it is realistic to minimize it , I'gonna make him do a little something , for it so he dozen'think he's getting , rewarded for the biting so I'gonna ask , him to sit oh yes very nice good job , we're gonna see if we can get him to go , into the exercise pen here come on , and then look at that just like that he , goes right in I'm gonna let him come , right back out good some hot stew huh , I'm gonna try and pet him without him , biting me that's my goal right now no I , mean right there there was I mean that , was really subtle there's a little lick , right there that's what you look for , there's a little bit of licking to start , replacing the play biting look at this , I'm petting him right NOW'm not , getting bit there'biting I'm gonna , stop petting him I'gonna ask him to , sit ye sit's it looks really good you , ha veto do this for weeks this is normal , when you have puppy lot of people , attribute breeds stereotypes of certain , behaviors for example with Border , Collies and Aussies I'll get a lot of , emails my dog keeps nipping , my heels so it must be because there are , hurting dogs that they do that he he , nips your heels dozen't he he's not , hurting dog you know all puppies do that , you know but there are gonna be things , that are unique and in many cases to , breeds I don't mean to diminish that , Jonathan why don't you show me some of , the stuff you'vie taught him and let's , get lower here have you talked him up , usually with a dog this young you want , to be very liberal in your reward sand , letting them know what you look like , often just to get the habits established , but that was awesome leave it and look , at me , is such an essential skill for dogs to , learn but it's not that common for him , to learn this that young why is that so , impressive because if we're throwing , something that our dog really loves a , turkey on the ground and he's getting , the attention on him you have to do this , before you can expect your dog to not , chase another cat or squirrel or dog , down the street you can see the , description of this video if you need , help with that it might look like we're , teaching sit lie down up leave it and , watch me but the bigger picture is we're , teaching our dog how to listen to us how , to understand that's how to build , communication if you can build overall , communication then you can teach your , dog to do anything every dog needs to , know how to stay it's the most important , skill in the world so I'm gonna kind of , give you an idea of how to introduce , stay now I'll have video sin the , description that will give you more , information on this sit good stay yes , okay get up I told him he could get up , there just to make sure he knew this day , was over you want a master oh one second , stay before you start walking away , before you start asking them to stay , when they see a dog or something like , that once again here's how it looks sit , stay one two three okay good , very nice that was good Iowas even able , to pet him there without inviting me , stay is very important but so is come , when called now I'll have a video in the , description that will help you keep it , happy keep it engaging encourage your , dog to want to come -that's the trick , with this start at a nice short distance , like this- make it easy that easier you , make new concepts to your dog the better , high-pitched voice can really really , help lot - to encourage your dog to , come to you you can see in Perth up he's , like hey what'st hat Indefinitely want , to go running- that you get it anyway , you , as long as you're motivating them to do , it from within when you're making it , work as well letting them know with the , turkey that you love it when he does , that this will make you more likely to , repeat this behavior in the future if , people were to try and run past you you , have them Ina leash , now if you were practicing this outside , where he could really really get past , you you'd want to have a lot of harness , for his safety does that make sense but , I'm not too worried about him getting a , lot of momentum here before we came here , to shoot this video actually made a , post on Facebook asking you guys what , some of the most common puppy issues you , were dealing with and a number of you , said things like potty training which we , did'tad dress in this video I'll have a , link in the description for that as well , as a more detailed video on puppy biting , jumping and barking another important , thing to remember too with young puppies , is to socialize them to get them around , as many dog sand people as you possibly , can create positive scenarios around all , those situations to consider subscribing , so you get notifications for all of my , future videos consider being patron on , patron comm slash's George you can , contribute as little or as much as you'd , like that will help us spread the word , more with positive training allow us to , get out in the field to do more videos , just like this one click thumbs up if , you enjoyed the video and tell me is , your dog good when you leave the house , check on our sponsor as well Midwest , homes for pets we'll see you guys in the , next video .

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