Meet The Puppies Training To Be Service Dogs


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across the country more than, half, a ,  million people, rel yon, a service dog in ,  their everyday life these, elite dogs are ,  the product of, months of schooling and ,  not all puppies that begin training, have ,  what it takes to become a service dog if ,  a pup dozen'live, up to, the strict ,  standards required they, will fail, out ,  which puppies have the brains and ,  behavior to, make, it through the rigors ,  of training we, find out in puppy prep ,  , on the California coastline about ,  halfway, between, Los Angeles and, San ,  Francisco sits a royal, grandee a small ,  community, of beaches, mountains, and ,  wineries just outside, of town is, doggier ,  Door, good ,  a, training and, obedience school ,  specializing, in the education of service ,  dogs depending on the dog ,  the journey from carefree puppy to hero ,  can, take anywhere from six, months, to ,  more, than a year not all dogs, make it ,  through the process, if a dog flunks out ,  its, put up for adoption, at, any given ,  time ,  there are, dozens of service dog sin ,  training at dogged-good, the abilities ,  they learn range from retrieval to ,  stability pressure, therapy medical ,  alerts simply kisses and, much more what ,  they learn depends upon what each ,  individual dog is predisposed to for ,  instance yellow lab, Deacon, specializes ,  in retrieval and stability good steady ,  at almost, two, years old he's, older than ,  many, of the dogs that, have already ,  graduated, he, was a stubborn pup and ,  though he had, come close to, flunking out ,  he, is now only weeks from potential ,  graduation still he can't coast until ,  the, minute, before graduating trainers ,  are watching the dogs for any sign that ,  they won't be able to, cut it right, now ,  Deacon, and, his classmates are, working on ,  basic come, drills the pups run around ,  the, lawn and, play and one by one, the ,  trainer's call out to them the most ,  important thing a dog needs to learn is ,  the, difference between playtime, and work ,  time ,  while, it'alright, for the, dogs to act ,  like puppies as, soon as, the trainer ,  calls them they, need to snap into work ,  mode these, drills help, solidify that ,  skill for veteran like Deacon, this, is ,  simple if Deacon, ISS, senior in service ,  dog hi one, of the incoming freshmen, is ,  kayak an 8, month old, golden retriever ,  kayos, beautiful and I love, her, if, she ,  fails out of school during training ,  will be, trying to adopt her and right ,  off, the bat she's having a problem see ,  kayak, enjoys the company of people, over ,  other dogs while it's good to be ,  comfortable, around, people she, can't ,  remain nervous around other, dogs if ,  she's going to pass training, kayak's half ,  sister, Rem my, is also starting, class ,  though they sh area, dad an dare almost ,  the same, agree, Haas, completely ,  different, personality, loves to play ,  with, other dogs, and, often, tries to pull ,  her half sister out of her doggy shell ,  for the especially, young pups like ,  six-month-old, chocolate, labelling ,  learning, the come command, begins, on a ,  long, leap, a, trainer calls Brilliant ,  gives a gentle tug this one little, pole ,  is, all the puppy needs, to come the, rest ,  of, the way until, she recognizes, the ,  command the, leash helps Bernoulli ,  understand what English-speaking ,  humans are trying to, communicate to her ,  doggy ears, so far she'siding, an all ,  Clio, stop, getting everyone into trouble ,  keep it up finale, and, you'll be off that ,  leash in no time after this, morning ,  exercise it's, time to, try something more ,  subdued, most of, a service dogs time ,  USN't, spent running, around or actively ,  working, instead being, calm an don-call ,  ready at a moment's notice to, help the ,  puppies must lay down, and not get ,  distracted, for long stretches of, time ,  trainers tossed, toys around to, make sure ,  the, dogs will choose their jobs over ,  pure playtime ,  whenever a dog breaks from, their ,  downstate ,  it USN't enough for the, dog to simply ,  lay back down the, trainer needs, to take ,  the dog back to the position, where they ,  were otherwise, puppy won't understand ,  the gravity of getting up if a dog is ,  always, distracted and can'learn, to ,  focus that's, the quickest way to fail ,  puppy prep, Cause, brother Luke is, late to ,  class ,  he spent the morning off-site with a ,  trainer and, without having, had the ,  morning to run around like the rest of ,  his classmates Luke, may be too bored to ,  sit still ,  Bernoulli all you have to do is literally ,  stay still if Bernoulli can't stay when ,  the ball is tossed over her head she, may ,  become, too distracted when taken out in ,  public ,  Re mi, come, on you pups just, need to relax ,  these two have just, started so, their ,  behavior, USN'ta, huge problem yet Kay ,  however, is just as, new and already too ,  pro, and down-stay, that's, why you're my ,  favorite, with, most of the dogs, being ,  unfazed by the toys it's time for some ,  livelier distractions oh, my Godot's, Mr., , pip, Mr. pip is beyond being absolutely ,  undeniable also, a service dog in ,  training smaller, dog scan, comfort people ,  with anxiety, as, well as, help alert ,  people with, diseases like, diabetes when ,  they need to take their medicine now ,  however his only job is to distract his ,  classmates most, of the dogs don't, fall ,  for the enchanting dance of Mr. pip ,  except, for tank the German Shepherd one ,  thing that, tank needs, to work on is his ,  prey Drive ,  small animals, like, cats and Mr. pip can ,  distract larger dogs when they're with ,  their, future owners, tank must fight, his ,  most basic instincts in order to pass ,  puppy prep now, as, former., pip he USN't ,  scared he, is, a, job to, do and he performs ,  it admirably god, bless you Mr. pip by ,  the end of the down-stay, lesson it, looks ,  like everyone's made progress ,  but, there's one more test mercy, a ,  Malians with almost, unlimited, energy ,  mercy, belongs to sandy the owner of ,  doggy Door good immaculately schooled ,  mercy acts as, a four-legged trainer ,  squeaking, the toy just, as the people ,  trainers would Mercy's, claimed a victim ,  with only, a month from his planned ,  crowdfunding, should know better ,  than, to break from, downstate, if, he ,  continues to lose focus he, may have, to ,  stay in school, for extra months or worse ,  flunk, out as for the other dogs they'vie ,  taken their lessons well for mos tit's ,  still earl yin, their service dog ,  training as, long as they can keep making ,  progress ,  the, puppies show good promise, of ,  graduating, in particular shows a ,  lot of potential especially for her ,  young age and, upbringing unlike her ,  brother Luke who, was raised, since birth ,  by trainer sat, doggier door good kayak, went ,  off to a puppy raiser family many, of the ,  dog sat doggier, do, good and live with a ,  foster family, for the, first few months ,  of their life there, they learned, the ,  most basic behaviors like potty training ,  when pups reached, six, to eight, months ,  they returned to doggy door good to, begin ,  service dog school ,  kayak's, family dropped her off a few ,  weeks ago and, she's seen them, only once ,  since today however they're, back for, a ,  visit ,  when trainer Paul, brings, outside ,  she thinks she's going fora, walk what ,  she dozen't know is that, the family that ,  raised, her is waiting around the corner ,   ,  during their training sit's, easy to ,  forget, how young, the dogs are when ,  allowed to roll around with their, former ,  family, is, all puppy ,  even if, foster father array, wants to ,  make sure she, still behaves puppy ,  raisers are, a crucial part of the ,  service dog process and often one, of the ,  bottlenecks, to training service dogs ,  newborn, puppies, need near constant ,  attention, to, learn the basics of ,  obedience ,  good, girl and while it's fun for, the ,  family to raise a puppy knowing, they ,  have to say goodbye, in a few short ,  month scan be difficult ,  kayak's family is proud of the, job she'll ,  someday have and while they still miss ,  Kathie, family thinks that, soon they'll ,  be ready to, take another, puppy to, help ,  begin its journey to, becoming, service ,  dog at the end of, the day the, good boys ,  and good, girls at doggy do, good, have ,  taken another step toward, becoming fully ,  trained service dogs ,  but tomorrow is another day filled, with ,  new, challenges, and distractions that ,  could ruin, dog's career which puppies ,  have what it takes Mr.pip .  

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