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I'vie got the cutest French Bulldog today , and we're gonna have , at raining , session , with , him , who , designs a face like that , click thumbs up for , french bulldog , puppies subscribe to my channel for the , most comprehensive dog training videos , YouTube , today , and pick up a copy of my book dog , training revolution my YouTube videos , our features , brought the entire , book to , make the , whole training experience , as , easy , as possible for you this is Sawyer , Sawyer is four , month old French , Bulldog and we're gonna see how , he's , doing , on his , training so far today , we'll , see , what his energy is like how well he , knows his name we're , gonna play a really , fun , game that reinforces , come when , called and , we're gonna find out what , kind of tricks he knows so it should be , a , pretty action-packed training session , it , is the , ST , century , and , you , do not , need to deal with , outdated , inconveniences , like traffic , and lines , just , to get your dog food guys , you can , easily , save W plus hours , per year by , setting up automatic , pet food delivery , at pet boil , I , mean that is a , cross-country road , trip and , you , can , count on them having the right sized , bag , and the right formula you , need when you , need it something , you just can't , count , on with the stores choose , your food and , how often you want it delivered that's , it , also by changing , the way you buy dog , food you're , helping to change , the , way , people teach , dogs'll , have a special , link and a coupon code , in the , description of this video that will , give , you W% off your first , automatic , shipment let's do some training with , Sawyer now every new dog I work with I , learn something completely different I'm , committed to working , with lots , of , different , dogs as , every approach depends , on a dog's personality age , and , experience its natural to , assume , that , you should train a dog with their breed , in mind but , this is a distant , consideration from , their individual , personality , for example French bulldogs like Sawyer , they can be nervous sometimes , some , are excited some like to , do circus , tricks , and , some might just want to sleep , all day let's , find out what kind , of dog , Sawyer is what kind of dog are , you huh , let's , first determine what , Sawyer's , energy level is I wonder if he , likes , to , play , or if he's more mellow than that , that , can often tell , you a lot about , a , dog debate , you really want to play , tug-of-war and , fetch , or , do they just , want , to , kind of chili'd , say he likes , to play all , right look at this he's , right into the game of tug-of-war , so , he's not a mellow fellow now , I , personally love , a dog that plays , tug-of-war , like this and , dogs like this , usually , acquire a little bit mo retraining , in , time- , that's because they're , just , difficult , to , satisfy because they're , just , so , interested in , engaging the , world , and engaging stuff as evidenced by this , tug toy , whoa , boy dude , what is , up so this tells , me , he's a really energetic , guy this , means I should tailor my training , approach for a more energetic dog I'm , really satisfied , that Sawyer has a , really nice healthy , play Drive , about him , let's see how responsive he is to , his , name Sawyer , Sawyer Sawyer , okay so ah , there we go , fine he responded there so I'm , going , to , give him Little , tree right , here , just , to let , him know I like that but , I'm , ideally I'd rather not ha veto , call his , name three times , in order , to get , his , attention'm , gonna , make a little bit of , a , sound to try and get Sawyer's , attention on me rather , than , repeating , his name over , and over and , then I'm , gonna say his , name so that he dozen't , learn to tune out his name , Sawyer really , good did you see that , wan'that , cool all right , Sawyer good , job buddy so , he looks pretty , responsive to his name , Sawyer yes good job , and , right there I , avoided repeating his name , over and over , again the chance to think about it and , then when he did respond to Meir , gave , him treat , just to , let him know hey I , like it when , you respond to your name , Sawyer , is responding to his name really , well , he's got really , good , energy now , I'vie , heard from Sawyer's mom that he's , not exactly great , about coming when , called , so we're gonna do a fun game that , will , reinforce come when called not , all , of you can , do with your dogs , at home , now , let's see if Sawyer will , go and get , treat if I toss it over , there like that , sure enough he does , now , watch what , happens , right , hereafter , he , eats the , treat check this out ye she , look right , back at me and , he , came to , me you , see , that , did't even have , to call , him , right there , he took the initiative to , come , to me because , in this , case , obviously he , wants more , treats however , if you can get your dog coming , to you , voluntarily like , that it , dozen'matter , what you have , to do , to get him , to do it , because you , want them coming to you , on , their own accord even , if it's to get , more treat sin , the beginning nothing , wrong , with that , that , gets to have it , established so toss , the treat , and now he's wandering but , I'vie got him , on , leash let's see if he thinks about it , fora , little bit , this is , a , really fun , easy game and it's are ally , good , exercise , in patience yes good see , just , waiting out like that don't , be in , a , hurry to teach , everything super , quick , all at one time sorry , look at that this , time I encouraged him , to , come back to , me , he , responded to , his , name now , I'vie heard that this four , month , old french bulldog puppy Sawyer knows , a , couple of , cool tricks , let's , see how he , looks sit good no case it's good how , about chicken sheep look at that you , see , that that's so cute can you shake again , always , going , into his , lie down that's , fine too , even though I asked for shake and he , lied , down'm , gonna be , very liberal with , rewards especially at this age the fact , that he's complying and trying means , everything so it'soak , to reward for , things like that , in the beginning , all , rightist , shake , good oh that's , fantastic his , eye contact is so good , guys alright , now , how about , high five , yes , that's it that was awesome oh , my , gosh he's , only four months , old can you , believe it , we'vie been posting alto , more videos , lately and , I want to add even more you , can , help me do that by , contributing as , little A's , bucks a month to our , patron , campaign , I'll , have a link in the , description and , for those of , you , who are , already contributing thank you so much , click , thumbs up if , you think sorta , did a , great job today , subscribe to , my channel , make , sure , that you pick up , a copy of , my , book Dog Training Revolution , and set up , automatic pet food delivery at pet flow , all the details , will be in , the , description get , that scarecrow you , kidding , that's a good boy ,  you .

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