Puppy Training Essentials - $2 Puppy Training Tricks - Professional Dog Training Tips


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we often talk, about, how important it, is ,  to give your puppy good information in ,  the first few weeks, that, you bring them ,  home and, as a new puppy owner can ,  sometimes seem like really challenging ,  task but today'm, gonna tell you about ,  this simple training, tool that costs ,  just, couple of buck sand, it's going to ,  take, you from being an exhausted new ,  puppy owner and, turn you into, puppy ,  training superhero, I'm Ken steep and ,  welcome, back to Maginot, now AIs, was ,  preparing, to, shoot this video, for, you I ,  popped down, to our local dollar, store ,  and, grabbed couple, of things, the ,  first is, just this, four, foot leash it's ,  a cheap nylon leash you, know I think it ,  cost maybe, a dollar fifty, I, also grabbed ,  this cheap nylon line and they both have ,  clips on them but these, things we refer ,  to as house, lines I'gonna, show, you how ,  we modify this, leash so that, it's a you ,  Knudsen't get caught, on anything but ,  these house lines are going, to be, an ,  invaluable tool to make sure, that you ,  keep your, puppy safe and you're, able to ,  give, your puppy good information at any ,  time, so with this nylon leash I'm ,  actually just going to cut the loop off ,  of the end of the leash so that, it ,  dozen't get caught on, anything we're ,  gonna actually, attach this line onto, our ,  puppy anytime, they're out of their, crate ,  and, because, we're, supervising, them% ,  of the time, when they're out of their ,  crate this is, going to give us an ,  opportunity, to really, make, sure that, our ,  puppy is safe and also we're gonna be ,  able to, redirect them or stop them if ,  they get, into, situation that, we don't ,  necessarily want, now as soon as, my puppy ,  comes out of their crate am immediately ,  gonna, put this house line on them and ,  this is, gonna, give me that, little bit, of ,  extra control if, I were to drop a pill ,  for example some medication and, my puppy ,  were to be in the same room, as me ,  now I'vie got an opportunity to stop them ,  from getting that, object before'vie ,  taught them, something like, I'll, leave it ,  command maybe, it's a sharp object on the ,  ground or maybe it's, some human food ,  that the puppy can't have or maybe ,  someone opens a door unexpectedly, and ,  that puppy makes a beeline, can quickly ,  step on this line or take, hold of the ,  line, and help the puppy avoid a really ,  dangerous situation maybe, you, have a ,  puppy who, loves to bite, your pant legs ,  or a puppy who loves to jump, up on you ,  well, the house line is the perfect ,  solution for that with your house, line ,  you can quickly redirect your puppy you ,  can guide them away from your pant leg ,  or you can guide, them down and away from ,  you off of, you if they're jumping up ,  with this, house line it gives you, a ,  really clear way to communicate with ,  your, puppy that, this behavior, USN't ,  acceptable now maybe, your puppy loves to ,  steal socks from the laundry hamper and ,  run underneath, the couch well your house ,  lines, a great way to, stop that behavior ,  actually the puppy probably finds it a ,  lot of fun, when they grab something of ,  value and, then run underneath the ,  kitchen, table, or they run in behind the ,  couch where you, can't get them, it turns ,  into game, of, chase well, with this ,  house line you turn into that, puppy ,  training superhero, you, can quickly, step ,  on that house line and get that sock ,  away from, your puppy or get that object ,  away from, them that they, think is so ,  much, fun to, play, keep-away with this ,  house line is going to, save you a lot of ,  frustration because no longer, will, your ,  puppy be able to do those, wild puppy ,  burns round, and round, the living room or ,  tuck themselves underneath the, couch ,  where you can't, reach them when you're ,  trying to, go, out to potty this, house ,  line is going to, allow, you to spend ,  quality time with your puppy when ,  they're out of their crate and quality ,  time, is so much more important than the ,  quantity of, time when you're able, to, put ,  a house line on your puppy and you're ,  able, to have a little bit more control ,  of them, when they're, out of, their kennel ,  it, allows you to, give them more, freedom ,  it, allows you to let them make, some ,  choices, and you're thereto, guide them ,  you're there to give them, information ,  whether, they'remaking, Good, choice or ,  a bad one, do you know how much time ,  you'vie, Giotto, give your puppy ,  information after they make a choice one ,  second you, have one second between, the ,  time they do something and, the time that ,  you, give them the, information whether ,  it's good or bad for them to be, able to ,  connect those two idea sand, using ,  something like a house line for your ,  puppy is really going to speed that ,  process up it's really going, to, allow ,  you to have, that, great timing, that all ,  good dog trainers need consistency, is so ,  important when, it comes to, puppy ,  training and, this house, line is what's ,  going to, give you some consistency more ,  important though is that this house line ,  is going to give you the opportunity to ,  give, your puppy a little bit more ,  freedom while, you're supervising them ,  and let them make some choices if they ,  make the wrong choice, you're, there to ,  help them, out to give, them good ,  information, and they can't get ,  themselves into, dangerous situation I ,  hope you enjoyed this video and I hope ,  you, found it helpful, I certainly enjoyed ,  having hippy shake is our demo puppy if ,  this is your first time on the, channel ,  and, you consider your, dog a member of ,  the family, then make sure you, hit that ,  subscribe, button we, publish new videos ,  every single week to help, you, to have ,  well-behaved four-legged, family member ,  do, you see, that playlist beside me ,  that'actually our puppy training tips ,  playlist, and I think you're gonna find ,  some of, those videos helpful on, that ,  note I'm Ken ,  the CP shake happy, training bye for now .

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