The Game of Tug - Robert Cabral Dog Training #11


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in this short video Want to teach you , how to have a little bit more fun with , your dog how to play tug with your dog , and Think that's pretty much the most , fun you're going to ever have with you , dog is toys playing and him to , understand that so I'm going to go , through a real quick session and show , you what I'm doing after so good yeah , good and I'm going to take the line off , of just for demonstration purposes here , since we're playing and he understands , these exercises really well so first , things first first thing is this is my , toy , I bring the toy out when I want to play , with them and then Input away when I'm , done playing with them so very very , first thing toy comes out and I can tell , in this watch yeah good good oh good , and then obedience it good down yes and , he gets to play , right I give him the toy immediately why , does he bring it back to me because'm , going to play with him what he bring sit , back tome the mistake people make on , toys is they dog brings the toy back and , the people take the toy away once once , you do that with your dog down it breaks , the cycle so if a dog brings a toy to , you you play with it and if you have a , hard time getting your dog to bring the , toy back there's two ways you can fix , that problem one start with two toys , that means if your dog goes over there , with a toy bring out the second toy , engage your dog with that toy it's more , fun because you have it and then when he , brings you the other toy let him have , this toy called- ball- exact same , color ball size balls you take them out , you throw one he goes and grab sit he , sits there and search chewing on it you , grab the other ball and go hey come on , and as soon Ashe goes back for this one , take the other one throw this one play , that back and fort hand then you'll , teach your dog how to out the toys well , because he's going to start to learn , that once he lets goof that toy he gets , the second toy and gets to continue the , game dogs don't want the game toned and , humans always end the game so by doing , that you're making the biggest mistake , with your dog so again even if I tell , him to out good the toy it's going to , start the game so right now he knows , right we're about ready to start , so here yep good good good don'TKO , don't good so you'll see he'seagoing to , skid into doing what he what we want him , to do yep good yeah good boy here good , yep good boy good boy , and then again the game starts so , playing tug with your digit's real , simple when he grabs on to the toy you , start pulling but be aware the tug game , is two-sided game if Just drag my , dog around the yard like this dragging , him everywhere this game USN't fun for , my dog because he's losing so when my , dog starts pulling Meir start letting , him went oh good boy and what does that , do , it makes him want to play more God good , boy so he brings the toy to me we play , he dozen't know when I'm gonna stop , playing all he think sis when I bring , the game starts so good yeah go boy , good boy good oh good good , don't out and it's simple time to , teach your dog to out the toy when he , goes down his missing position so if I , want to teach him to follow the toy like , I taught him with it with the treat same , thing good come on , good he comes around good now if I want , Togo through my legs good simple action , a simple movement because he were luring , and shaping the behaviors good boy based , on his actions every time he brings that , toy to me we play and you'll see that if , I see here out yep the game starts again , out no outgo ahead check good boy , the game goes on as long as he continues , to bring the toy back tome he take sit , away then the game is over , he can't play the same game with himself , that he plays with me , so when teach you the difference between , playing with your dog with a tug or a , ball and it's real sim plea toy such as , a tug is an engagement in other words I , engage the toy activate the toy make , the toy have fun and I can do that with , a tug because the more he pulls on it I , pull on it the more we go back and forth , a ball dozen't have that same effect a , ball on the other hand kind of , disengages the dog from me so if I have , him there and you'll see when I bring , this ball it he loves the ball and the , tug but you'll see the difference now , the ball is something he'seagoing to get , and he's going to kind of veer off and , lay over the rebut what he's wanting me , to do from here goofy bring here come on , good down out the action of the ball no , down out the action of the ball here is , for him to chase it right he keeps , jumping up onto play with it and take , it so the action of the ball is quite , different than the action of the toy the , ball is something he's going to chase , and then come back with I take a boy now , by putting string on a ball it makes , it Little bit more like a tug so you , can actually engage the dog a little bit , more and play somewhat of game of tug , but that's not the real idea of ball I , won't play ball unless I have you either , have two balls or have a ball on a , st ringlike the one that just broke so , out so now I'll explain to you that if I , just have the ball here he's going to , just go chase the ball and I can't , really engage the ball now without a , string so he bring sit back good out , watch the difference in the interaction , between the dog and me with a Bali , take the Bali throw the ball the dog , chases the ball the dog brings the back , ball the dog brings the ball back here , down and you can see that this is Good , game for some dogs but it dozen't really , cement that relationship between you and , the dog it's kind of surreal similar to , Frisbee I take the Bali throw the ball , over here here , yeah okay so once you figured outwith , the ball there it goes but now watch the , difference between that game and a game , a tug , so now out good out so now that game , compared to a game of tug which is going , to as soon as he engages the toy it , starts the game between him and me yeah , good boy so now the starting of the game , is him connecting with the ball me , releasing him on the ball the game is , over then because he's going to go free , and chase the ball on hi sown oh good , boy good boy good boy yeah I want to , show you real important part of playing , tug , most people think tug is just this war , they call Aug-of-war game I'vie never , considered even naming that when the dog , grabs this tug that's when we start , engaging and building relationship , back and forth so when my dog comes here , good and I give him this tug yep , good right here this is him pulling me , and the very very first part of tug is , the dog pulling me and the dog knowing , he can winos that when I asked the dog , to come back come on come on he wants to , play again because he keeps winning this , game and it dozen'build Do minus , dozen't build aggression it just builds , a really nice strong balance on the dog , that he can plays game and win with his , owner good boy good and in a lot of , protection dog sports or or or obedience , sports we teach the dog that he can win , because we want the dog to win we want , the dog to have a very well balanced , relationship with us if the dog always , thinks he'seagoing to lose and I'm the , dominant one I'mt he stronger one I'm , going to throw him on his back and flip , him around and hurt him and do these , things that's not a solid relationship , with your dog solid relationship with , your dog is a balanced relationship in , which he wants to engage with you he , wants to train with you and he wants to , have fun with you that all is based on , the structure that he understands that , you are in control you feed him you walk , him you play with them you start and , stop the game sand if you have that kind , of relationship most dogs in the world , don't , need any more dominance than , understanding some basic structure right , come on good boy , so if I want him to out the toy here , good boy , out good out yep good boy good and if I , want to build some more drives into him , because right now he'getting Little , tired'm going to build some misses , into it good down out good so now built , enough this is going to build , frustration for him yep good check good , boy , Oh good boy good oh good good good good , the dog has to win more than you so that , means he has to know I'm going to go for , this toy'm going to get that toy and , the more he gets that toy the more funny , has getting the toy and the more funny , has getting that toy the more is going , to do for you in order to get that toy , and whether that's going to be obedience , heeling sitting staying coming or , whatever that's the way you're going to , engage your dog , you  

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