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all right today , we're going , to be , talking about the difficult and , dreaded , finish , command all right the finish , command when done well is , one of the , most beautiful things , to watch in , obedience , training but , it'salsa , without , question one of , the most , difficult , exercises and skills to teach a dog most , people don't even really , teach that , skill or trainers , to their own dogs , because , of the , difficulty of , trying to , teach that , skill so , most people who do , that really , our competition trainers , because she's in competition you , ha veto , have that skill now when teaching the , finish , command there's , a difference , between , a dog doing , the , finish and a dog , doing , it with speed and enthusiasm dish , there's a big difference in the skill , level and how its taught so if a dog , just goes there that's fine he's doing , it but there's , a big difference , to teach , it quickly and it gets there really , fast , so when we start teaching this , to people , they suffer even when I start teaching , other trainers how to teach dogs to do , this it'serially , difficult for , them to , catch , the technique sand , get the dog to , drive in there , really well so without , question the most difficult , skill of all , to teach so now this young , puppy we're , going to show you we are teaching , her , all her basics that you'll see here , we are teaching her , to bark on command , because she , is going to be , a protection , dog , later so we want her on cue to bark , when we tell her to start barking at , somebody , good alright , so , we were teaching the , little , puppy how , to get to that , leg now , when , teaching this , for , me , this is the one skill that , pound and , I , make the owners , go like this really , hard , and make this skill a priority in the , beginning , while teaching , all those other , commands all the other ones area , piece , of , cake , compared to this skill so I , really emphasize in the beginning when , starting really really pound this one , because this is the one that's , going to , take , the dog , a lot of precision how , to , find the side , how to spin its button turn in there and , get in the exact position , let's see the way she's gonna butter up , the circle , so here there's a lot of , technique to , this so Ire ally , make sure , that the owners are at it and add it , and , add it then , even with , my own dogs , I , do everything , but Ire ally , pound this , one constantly more than any other , because this one has , to be , done right , from the , beginning , lot to get it , really really imprinted , so here you're gonna see , we're just , standing around and we're talking and , she's just thrown , herself into that , leg , because we were impounding it , so much , well because right now , that'SA , very , difficult skill look at that she's , trying to , throw , herself there draw her , fault now the moment let's , put the leash , please links so she goes , and , does it in , there you just , make , sure your , hand snot , lingering too low because she's , fixed it , so now , the trick here not using again , and , I let her know love that spot love , that spot so empower empowered know so , much , news goes with the finish we're , finished with the finish with the grip , she becomes a psychopath because , that's , the hardest , one so , we make , psycho psycho , psycho everything , else becomes easy and , they're in AA , cycle imprint all the , other stuff but , that'snot , all this , one , and he's gonna back up yes , stay there , alright , and here you're gonna , see , Chris's's throws herself off the box , comes back around USN't , in , the right , position on me and I just hold , off and , she just gets , frustrated whining why , am , Into getting the reward and , I just wait , for her , herself , to fix it and do it , without help , and then once she gets it perfectly , right , she , gets the , reward , Arden , here after making her get , frustrated and , find the positions , continuously she does it perfectly here , what perfect , exactly so if you want to , challenge yourself , with your , own dog and , you want to , try something very , complicated try the , finish , command , because we call this command no , joke and , remember you're looking , for in the end , like the adult dogs that we have , the , beginning as much speed and , precision , when , they're told to do it as possible , finish , making it much more difficult so hope , you enjoyed until , next time , Miami Dog Whisperer ,