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hi there doggy Dan here from the online , dog trainer this video is all about , helping you get to grips with walking , your dog on the leash this is content , consultation this is Mr.Kane he's A , year old , mixed breed dog and you can see before , he even leaves the property he's already , pulling he's already taking control of , the walk and it's very subtle and it's , something which happens in a lot of , situations that your dog is actually , running the show they'rein charge , inside the house and when you pickup , the lead they simply carry on taking , control making decisions , remember the pack leader leads from the , front so if your dog thinks they'rein , charge then that's what they're going to , do now if you see how hies now and , you'll see in a second you're going to , see me walking. Kane in exactly the , same place look at the difference in , energy his tail is down it's not under , he's not fearful he's not scared I , haven't corrected him compared to here , he's far more confident Andalusia , headstrong pulling he's making all the , decisions and taking no notice of his , owner so that's where being the pack , leader has this very subtle effect it , calms the dog down and calming your dog , down on the walk before you even start , is something I'm going to touch on right , here so before you even get outside of , your property you need to be kind of in , control of your dog and that'SWAT I'm , doing with dear Mr.Kane here he's , trying to pull me down the step sand I'm , saying no hang on boy'm in charge'm , just gonna wait there until he calms , down and there are 2 options basically , you either wait or you can decide it's , not going to happen and just take the , lead off put your dog inside and sort of , postpone the walk but Mr.Kane's , responding Welland all I'm going to do , is walk down the step she tries to drag , me tithe gate and say nope'm in , charge you follow me and it'sit's easy , to do this in your own garden in a calm , environment that's where you should , start it rather than trying the , straightaway on the street once Mr.Kane , is walking nicely in that area we , progress to the garden and she's good at , the garden we more when we move towards , the gate and then we open the gates and , we walk in and out of the gates you can , see I'vie moved my car because my dogs , are in the back of the car it was just , too much distraction and it's just this , calm repeating keeping your dog in that , calm state saying to them follow me , follow me but you can see if you rush , this bit then you end up with that far , more excited headstrong , who's making decisions whereas when I , stop dear Mr.Kane stop sit's beautiful , the crazy thing is it'actually not , rocket science it's not tricky it's not , complicated anybody could do this you do , ha veto be the pack leader inside the , house though for it to sort of have the , effect that I'Mohave it's having on Mr. , Kane here you can see there it's not , about yanking on that lead there's a , couple of little touches and and that's , all it need snow what I'vie decided is to , help Mr. Kane'sown er we're going to put , on a slightly different device because , that collar is not the easiest thing to , train ado on so we'vie put especial , harness on him where the harness , actually clips on underneath his chin , it's not clipping on his back and here's , the first time he's walked on his new , harness you can see the effect it's , having now yes Mr.Kane's tails under , but it will come out very very quickly , he's just not me it's just new this , feeling on his body it's a it's a case , of choosing the right device for every , dog every dog is different but what I'd , suggest is that this device is a pretty , good fit for deer Mr. Kane he's calmed , down and once he gets the hang of it , you'll see his tail come up and you'll , be very happy walking on his new harness , so there you have it here's Mr. Kane , just few minutes earlier pulling his , owner down the street pulling her , shoulder out of its joint absolute , nightmare dear boy though few minutes , later with me happy as can be you see , dogs can change whatever your situation , it's just understanding what you'vie got , to change and then they'll walk nicely , on the leash , of course becoming the pack leader is , all part of that so go to my website the , online dog trainer calm .