I'm I'm totally amazed that I can walk , with to them at the same time together , look at this can you believe this , my hands are down at my sides this is , worth its weight in gold , look right babies it's amazing amazing I , would recommend the safe calm colors to , anyone they are totally amazing they , work in less than five minutes they are , worth their weight in gold , how's your energy all right how'd your , energy I want you out of the bequest my , wife is on the way , how old a dog is it , notice that I'm stopping the tails this , is our language , our goal is to go down to downtown , maybe , I'm having a conversation with him right , now that conversation is a kind of a , community this is normal for dolls this , is a case where size submission is , necessary I very rarely use it okay this , is a size submission we have a high , anxiety dog we do not want to attempt , this without consulting a professional , this is normal in these cases I normally , don't like to size submit but sometimes , you have to do it and a good size , submission in this case is when we take , the dog down on the side we hold here , and here , he went down pretty easy okay and we , massage until dog calms down , this isn't calm we mean completely calm , there are three things that we're going , to really talk about today and that is , calm consistent correction and , follow-through , also never let your dog walk in front of , you if your dog is in front of you in , its language it means it's in charge , go right back to the neck area like a , fight almost yeah it's really pretty , easy most people get excited but you , just take your time like I did we'll do , it again so you know we do have the , sidesaddle as part of our chores or , exercises that you , side submission is crucial in these , cases but a lot of times humans don't , understand the side submission should be , done certain life and that is first of , all gentle you only use as much force as , needed to take the talk down and then , you're immediately let up your energy , has to be calm but most importantly the , dog must submit totally see how the tail , isn't wagging as much now he has to , submit totally most people let the dog , up too quick and their language in their , psychology that means that they want , you're probably wondering why we put the , muzzle on that's so we don't get bit , so good-sized submission always ends , when you remove your hands and the dog , still stays done he's still a little , chance now so I'm going to push his body , over another thing that we want to be , cognizant of is when we size submit we , should be in the back shoulders straight , as possible and our dog should be faced , this way , see the licking of the lips get that , watch his lips he's going to lick a lot , that's frustration you know Kai Yeti , stand down , he does that a lot as well as the shake , off when he licks his lips we want to , correct so the next time he licks his , lips watch what I do right here or right , here , [Music] , wanted to let him up that he kind of , jerked up a little bit too quick for me , so I correct and we start the process , again calm consistent correction and , follow-through is from the point I took , him down which in his language means I , want you calm and I want you to , acknowledge me as the leader when he , didn't adhere to that we had to correct , again which means that we automatically , enter into follow through this is how , dogs learn they learn through calm , consistent correction and follow through , in other words undesired behavior should , be anticipated ly corrected or , immediately corrected in this case we're , going to use more anticipated correction , why because all that dog behavior is a , process it starts with anxiety that , leads to frustration that leads to , dominance if we don't correct the , anxiety it goes to frustration if we , don't correct the frustration it goes to , dominance and from dominance you can go , to other levels okay but the good thing , about dogs when you correct the root , cause which is anxiety it all stops , they're not like humans I also saw him , try to mock bite you whenever he does , that he has to be taken down , he's still resisting a little bit , in his language this may look horrible , but in his language this is what they do , to establish dominance , you ever been to another country and , people look like they're arguing but , that's their normal way of talking same , thing here , look what I do I'm making sure that when , I go out notes that I touched and what , did he do I didn't talk I touch that's , his language touch sound and energy you , got a pretty good dog here he's not a , bad dog so now he's calm before he goes , out for a walk I step out first in his , language that means I'm responsible for , everything out here dogs cats and , animals , stay how you doing man I'm dog whisperer , big Chuck lacrosse nice to meet you dog , is supposed to respond to you you're , nervous about him jetting out he's not , going to get away from me he's going to , behave because he's a second lieutenant , he wants someone to be the pack leader , and we're going to do it today I just , thanked him for staying now we're gonna , walk out the door Shh notice that he's , looking but before we go out this door , to let him know that I'm responsible for , said I'm response look where he moved , now see how closest proximity was I , moved back proximity is key here he has , no business being right next to me , because we want to save this dog's life , and I can guarantee you right now if you , had not to call me out somewhere along , the line that they haven't done it , already they would have told you to put , the dog down another misdiagnosis , another case where you got they got dogs , on drugs drugs isn't going to fix this , dog talking to this dog in its own , language and its own psychology it's , what is going to fix this dog he's , messed up because he doesn't understand , English , he doesn't understand human language see , how he's trying to move right back under , me so stop every time he moves towards , me I correct now we're going to go for , our walk a nice walk I have a hard time , believing this guy walks nice I welcome , huh are you still walking when we first , got him I tried a few times if I can't , walk that's over with yeah I told you , over the phone we're gonna fix your dog , I meant it my walk , see what happened when he tried to move , out I gave a snap correction and what , did he do he stopped and I gave him a , double pack which means job well done , this is what I require from you I , require that you follow me because they , were born to follow they were not born , to lead very rare is a good pack leader , and dog pack that's very rare , whereas you can always find a leader in , a human society but it's very rare adult , very rare for dogs guys like this can , get themselves in trouble if not given , correction in human terms correction in , dog terms directions how to meet , visitors how to come through a gate how , to take a decent walk that's a good part , I love I love royal oh hey , now he's submitted , this is trusting your dog this is , communication system you know I came , prepared I came prepared to wrassle you , guys had me scared to death , why because I didn't get a clear concise , understanding and I was correct you , really didn't know how to read the dog , but now I'm gonna tell you this - your , crummy pack leaders , how that human came out of us dead one , but guess what don't worry about it cuz , when I leave this house today you're , going to be the best in your area so it , doesn't make a difference what you were , what makes a difference is what you , become I want to warn you right now to , think human and to be human is in this , particular case is not going to help , this dog and I'm going to pull a trick , on you in a little while to show you how , human we always think and we don't , realize it .