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hi and thanks for tuning in today we are , taking a look at dog aggression , now of course dog aggression is a huge , topic and there's a whole range of , things that can cause them to overreact , so what I'vie done today is I'wept , together some simple technique sand , exercises that you'll find useful , regardless of whether your dog is , aggressive to bikes , cats cars or other dogs but the main , thing that I really want to portray in , this video is a concept and it can be , summed up in this famous saying it's not , what you doubt it's the way that you do , it so see if you can get what I mean and , enjoy the video , so in this consultation I'm working with , Tarn he's an eighteen month old Staff , Cross Mastiff and his owners asked me to , come and assess him around other dogs , because when he was about eight months , old something like that it'd be started , becoming a little bit dominant and , aggressive his owner kept him away from , other dogs because he did't want any , trouble and it's just sort of that , period of time that he'been away from , other dogs has got bigger and bigger and , now he releasing't been around dogs , for a long longtime so I'm not taking , any chances with him we'vie goat muzzle , on him we'begot him on our harness , there and I'm going to ask his owner to , walk out onto the grass and then I'll , bring one or more of my dogs out of it , and I want to show you how I work this , sort of situation so the first thing we , need to do is really keep control of the , situation so you can see I'vie got two of , my dogs they're on leashes that's the , two boys they're very good but the last , thing I want is them jogging over to say , hello so I'll keep control of them with , a short leash you could use along line , ink they're in the foreground she's not , going anywhere so she's free to wander , around and of course tarn is on elite , so you need that control to start with , the next thing to look at is the energy , of the dog so clearly my dogs are very , calm and relaxed which is brilliant on a , scale of 1 to W I'd probably put a , moaner down at a two or three bittern , here you can see his energy level is , much more what I'd say is as even almost , an eight eight out of ten his tail is , upright he's stiff and strong and he's , pulling towards my dogs not really what , you're looking for so when ado's , feeling like this confident strong and , almost looking for a bit of trouble and , sort of wanting to man up the best thing , to do is give them some time just move , them away they're not ready , yet and times on your side you'll see , tarn will calm down but you don't want , to bring them over to meet the dogs in , question when he's in that sort of state , now what I'going to do here is Avery , simple technique but it'Avery powerful , it's something call stop start change , direction you basically put lead on your , dog you walk them round and round doing , anything except for focusing on the , other dog in other words I'm going to , focus my dogs on the grass tithe right , and the grass to the left come on guys , it'seagoing to smell the flower star , Nadine is doing the same and you're , going to see that just a few minutes of , this is going to calm his dog right down , it's actually truly amazing I'll show , you a shot of before and after but is it , what he's doing now as well is he's , going to get in front of his dog and I'm , saying to a calm free something of AI is , a lot you crouch down put your hand , under his collar and if we have a look , at his dog now you'll actually see this , is just a few minutes later his dog's , Energy's gone right down if you look at , that tail we'll zoom in and have a look , but the body language of this dog is so , completely different to the body , language and energy of the dog that we , saw just before here is just ten minutes , earlier confident dominant tail erect , challenging you know is not that in this , state you don't want to be taking him , over and introducing him to other dogs , it's only going to go pear-shaped so you , want to do a little bit of work with , them and you know ten minutes later here , is tails incompletely the other , opposite direction hanging down he's , relaxed he's very inquisitive he's a , he's interested he's calmed right down , totally different dog he'll have form , far more success with them in this sort , of a state so now that Tanisha's calmed , down somewhat I'm going to apply a , technique that call the parallel walk , and it's quite fascinating'll just let , all of this Rolland talk you through it , the parallel walk is exactly as it , sounds it's where you walk parallel to , the other dog sand as you can see we'vie , started off quite far apart from each , other walking parallel but we're going , to move close rand closer together now , the idea behind this is it's the exact , opposite of sort of a predatory attack , from the front if you think about it all , animals are used to the sort of , predatory locking on and running , straight at another animal to attack , them so if you're coming straight at an , anime , dog they can feel very threatened it's , why when you meet a dog on the pathway , who's coming towards you it can be quite , threatening , however dogs when they walk parallel , like this it's far more like they're , part of a pack if you think of a pack of , wolves , they all walk in the same direction and , here we'vie moved much much closer , together and tar neighs you know he's , throwing his head around he's actually , wanting to get towards my dog Jack so we , just move away apart little bit there , but he's doing really Welland these , techniques are really what Tania is owner , and I put in place for maybe W W , minutes until tonight come right down , and then we're able to put him on a line , and they able to meet my dogs now the , purpose of this video is really just to , give you a couple of ideas of how you , can do that how to calm a dog down but I , do want to show you couple of clips of , this video where Tony has a line on him , so so here's just couple of snippets , of that stage and you can see I'm , actually playing with my dogs so the , first stage really is putting along the , line on Tarn a so we can sort of let him , go free but we still got that sort of , control this is actually a horse lunge , line he's such a big boy and then the , next stage is actually letting my dog go , so I'vie decided jack is calm enough he's , just going to run off I can just tell , he's not going Togo over to this dog , he's going to wander off and play which , is great so here I used the long line to , keep control of Tania and just gauge what , he's like around all the dogs and it , just gives you the ability to keep , control of the situation , if it starts to go pear-shaped and , interestingly enough its littleness , who's generally very fearful little , female dog who goes over and says , understand you look at those little , tails waggling so they're communicating , communicating really beautifully there , she runs off there she'snot too sure , and this is when I know we'redone it , that Jack comes over he's the dominant , dog herein is just letting him sniff , first so Jack's in charge like jacks , tails right Upton is just a little bit , more submissive and I'll let you hear , the noise because Tania's going to check , Jack out here he's sort of gaining , confidence and it could go pear-shaped , here but I get the feeling it won'Ti , think you sort of playing there thank , you thank you wanna play , a little bit now saying things what , applies and what you witnessed there was , too confident male dogs deciding who's , in charge to want to play and say yeah , it's time to drop the long line on the , floor and just let him have a good run , I'm very confident that they're going to , get on really well the next stage was to , take the long line off him and then when , we were completely confident that he was , gonna be fine and it had a good play we , took the muzzle off and he just had a , great old time here hies playing around , within who's telling him to go away , at this point , and he had a great fun play with the , jack as well you can see here they got , on like a house on fire so there you , have it in my opinionated is a good dog , he's a lovely boy he's sociable but he , is he has got a tendency to be Little , bit dominant so you do want to , understand how to be the pack leader at , home that'll keep his dominance right , down and he'll be far more tolerant , around other dog sand some of the key , stages in getting them off leash first , of all we kept control of them at the , very beginning using those leashes and , the long line secondly we were , constantly reading the energy the , situation every situation was different , and if Ottawas't right then we just , moved them away so just walk away focus , on something else and just remember , there's no rush take your time because , time is on your side so there you Goa's , you can see we turned a potentially , volatile situation into are ally , successful day and we gave tonight some , much-deserved freedom and socializing , off leash and we gave his owner some , hope back at today's home also went , through with his owner the importance of , leadership because this will actually be , the foundation on which the relationship , is built now let me clarify the key , concept referred to at the start that , it's not what you doubt it'st he way , that you do iota concept which flows , through all of that training in the , video and all that I do basically you'vie , Giotto keep control of the situation , you'vie got to stay calm and take your , time that's all for today see you , tomorrow and until then have an awesome , day