( it looks like this) When too much force is used in Dog Training


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all right in today's video I'm gonna , show you here what it looks like when a , dog ha shad too much force in their , training too early and for too long so , in this first example I'm gonna show you , here it's Shepherd and this is my , train the trainer Academy so this dog , has be enforced trained for four years , and has never learned how to play in , training and on my other videos I'vie , just put up recently I'vie spoken a lot , about this on why to start young and , teach your dog how to play in training , so we're gonna use food here we're gonna , use chicken this is going to be the , first time that this dog has ever really , had food involved and to get a playful , attitude during her training instead of , being forced constantly into positions , that the owner wants the dog to do so , you're gonna see here what happens now , the objective that we're trying to do , here so this is the dogs first day , really trying to learn and using food , and clicker want to do something , simple so we have a little briefcase on , the ground and we just want her to learn , to put her feet on it and touch Otto , get are ward now normally this is a very , easy you know exercise to get a dog to , do right off the bat but I want you to , see what struggle this dog goes through , in trying to learn and learn something , simple how difficult this became and , you're going to see , while we're here working with Hershey , just completely checks out and just , wants nothing to do with the training , because even though there's chicken , involved for four years she'singly , learned one-way obedience is not fun for , her it's been forced right so for her , even though there's chicken involved the , reason she's not really willing to play , is because if she makes mistake , usually in forced training when a dog , tries things on their own they get , yanked with collar sand we're trying to , teach a completely opposite thing right , now to the dog and her owner here we go , I go backwards to doing , she'slake all finder , now sitting there on the box Lister , place place food lore please please , that's it yeah AC bike done , goo fer right do we fare after you do , that , tell her dad plots just wanna see , something , you can start but here so you see her , attention goes yeah because she Hans't , learned how to play she dozen't know , what really she goes checks out she goes , and does stuff she's getting bored so , she's got to learn how to stay in rhythm , so that might not be the right thing , right now for this yeah so Frank might , just ha veto go chase it cook treat , change the clique treat take the clique , treat click treat sick and I might , just start going right because then , she'll start getting more active the dog , is unwilling and wants no participation , at all in this game even though we're , feeding her chicken and trying to teach , her something Ina very positive playful , way so this is what happens when you , don't start young like another video I , just did on how important it is to teach , your dogs from a very young age how to , play and stay positive now again if it's , just a pet dog dozen'matter because , the public the majority just once when , tell this thing I want them to sit when , I tell them to stay I want to say when I , want to tell them to calm I want to come , they don't care about how beautiful it , look show happy and playful the dog is , they just want things to be done right , now and I tell him he does it period , okay so there's a big difference in the , goals for the regular public and , somebody who's trying to create Avery , high level game of dog training OK so , you see this dog struggling , she was willing to eat off the briefcase , when the chicken was out of his hand not , when it was in his hand here trying to , lure her around please because she's , afraid to make mistake if she moves , wrong to the hand so when the chicken , dropped by accident onto the briefcase , she would eat it off the briefcase but , then just left the game and flopped and , that was it because she is afraid to , make mistakes so here you're gonna see , an 8 to W month old puppy fresh , straight very little force training up , until this point and here just look at , the difference of the first dog with the , force training and the second one , without the force training and you're , gonna hear the owner of the force train , shepherd hold he's holding the camera , and he's the one filming now with this , other dog and you're gonna hear him in , the camera his frustration seeing the , difference between the do dogs now , starting in a different manner , man oh that's ridicule that's bull you , don't even need that that'sit that's it , you're a single Frank for years prong , collar pressure so you hear clearly the , frustration of the owner of the , struggling Shepherd because you wish as , a trainer or an owner of a dog if you're , again looking for high performance and , you want a spirited dog that you would , have done things differently at earlier , stage snow it's never too late but there , can be performance differences the dog , has to be very very very high level food , driven to get the fancy and all that but , here just shortly after teaching her , finally she started putting her feet on , and getting food and here we changed it , to bucket and you'll see here her , getting a little playful with the owner , now that he's got food and she's , loosened up and how to play so you're , gonna do right there just start doing , your , and now start to do your turns , [Applause] , good and and do this right oh yeah do , whatever you're doing with your hands at , your sides or yeah outside of her head , [Applause] , and I feed again , yeah and just feed her straight on like , that perfect because that exercise to , that would have been what it would have , looked like , in the beginning when we first started , just to get them to spin and turn like , that that was the purpose of that to get , that behavior she and now she stay son , the box and does her exercise , beautifully while getting a little , playful wagging her tail and then here , just to show you an example of a few , dogs that I have that I show in many of , my videos so the people have seen my , videos and really watch my videos hang , in there because this here'm gonna , duplicate some things here with some , dogs showing things'vie showed in other , videos but a lot of people I hear from , have never seen a lot of the videos with , the puppy starting with the clicker sand , my glowing retriever sand hemlines , puppy all that stuff sou'm gonna show , it again here because I do hear from , people that they they personally haven't , seen Somalians puppy or my own , golden puppies so here Have another , video out saying you should start as , young as possible and teach puppies how , to learn make them enthusiastic about , training so here I'gonna just show you , first , this Sinhalese Malians puppy I think , he or she was maybe five or six months , old and we were teaching her how to , touch this little stick here and her , touch it with her nos eon cue and get a , treat so this is what we call learning , how to learn so you see here this was , our first day doing it and very quickly , she picked up how to touch this thing , with her nose on cue to get reward , [Music] , [Music] , [Music] , and then backtracking a little bit , this is Hales and my Gloria puppies , when they were younger , getting treat trained and clicker , trained to teach them motivation and how , to learn how to learn and be , enthusiastic about the learning process , good , good , yeah , good good great sit and then again for , those people who have seen my videos , before'm sorry to repeat this but , there have been a lot of people who , haven'seen these things that I'vie been , hearing from so this is the after of , these Golden Retriever puppies that were , taught how to play in training now later , so you have the Golden's and thermal WA , puppy that I just showed you her eat , this young age learning how to learn and , here they are later in their lives , finish , Oh No , sit , [Applause] , and then the most difficult thing is , here putting everything together one , time told when you start to pair , exercises which I'm gonna be putting out , instructional video son how to build , these behaviors positively and then , connect them all and link the mall to , get fluid behavior sand performances , that they'll do W W things in a row , for you fast in one shot without , hesitation but here this was putting it , all together and making them put the , pieces together once they'vie learned , behaviors , don't they sit back down please come sit , dude back down , there's it come sit down , so again I'vie done other videos on this , not particularly exactly like this but , in the same you know concept of if you , want a performance dog if you want a dog , that really gets high speared you're , gonna compete if you're a trainer you , know you should be learning these , methods because it just ups your game of , making you a better trainer knowing all , methods and all techniques if you're a , pet dog person it dozen'matter , and again for years I'vie and , thousands of dogs a year for the public , and I'm telling you that maybe one , person the whole year cares if they have , all the fanciness and that to put the , time and dedication and effort into that , for the public it rallying't they just , want functional dog so this route for , the general public is not really the , route that they will take but if you , want a high performers dog you want to , have fun with your dog and you're not , demanding right now to have your dog , listen to everything you tell them , because this then this is how you go , about that so I just wanted to give , people Little look into what happens , if you try to pressure dog too much in , training too early now this dog has , great potential fantastic dog has great , Drive if she would have been started , very young this dog would be phenomenal , and it's not that she can't be not she's , fantastic , I have protection videos of her upon my , YouTube channel mean she's a fantastic , performing dog there's just things she , has to work out a little bit to make her , more , our upbeat in her obedience game but she , listens she does all her stuff so now , it'just a matter of choice where the , owner cares about that or not , so just want to give you a look and the , difference is in what things look like , if you go about things in certain ways , because there's many different routes , and dog training and different methods , how to get to different places so I hope , you enjoyed the video until next time , Miami Dog Whisperer .

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