Train your Puppy - How to Leash


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today's video is sponsored by pet flow , having your dog on leash is an , imperative part of teaching them so that , they catch on even faster today I'm , gonna show you how to get your dog , loving leash training with glory that , rescued lab up.get flurry a thumbs up , make sure you subscribe to my channel , and pick up a copy of my book no this is , not a chew toy you can get it in written , or audio form I'm real excited to be , using Mari's back country real salmon , jerky treats in today's lesson these are , some of the best dog training treats , that you could use the number one , ingredient in salmon that definitely , smells like salmon if you want a high , value currency you can't go wrong with , these when using a really good-quality , treat you want to make sure that you're , using real small pieces of something , that's soft and tastes really good and , smells really good to your dog , just this one strip right here you could , do so much training you can also get , Mari's back country raw infused dog food , listen to these ingredients G bone and , beef lamb meal salmon meal then sweet , potatoes then I guess normal potatoes , boy he likes this stuff how many beds do , you know that actually have real pieces , of freeze-dried meat and that's what we , all need in the dog food itself it's a , really top-notch dog food this food is , so high-quality that I'm gonna use it , along with these salmon treats today in , our lesson they also have brain freeze , stews - you got green beans look at all , that meat I see some carrots in there so , much good stuff and you know Merritt's , got your cat covered too you can get , Mari's back country line on Pep low you , can set it up for auto-ship as usual I'm , gonna have a great discount and a link , in the description the leash is for far , more than just walking your dog , it is the absolute best way to control , where your dog can and can't go during , that first year of training even indoors , young dogs like flurry who are just a , few weeks old tend to stay really near , their people so many mistakenly try to , bypass leash training because they just , conclude hey my dog is pretty good off , leash and I don't really need a leash , but as your dog gets older bad habits , begin to emerge slowly at first and then , tend to get out of control now let's , make sure that flurry is doing well on , leash while in this easy setting first , and then we'll go outside and see how , things go sorry this is leash biting not , me , so many puppies love to bite on their , leash if your dog does that first make , sure you're using a good treat and we're , just simply gonna get his attention on , this tree instead of jinking the leash , out of his mouth look at that we just , taught him to think from the inside , outward without forcing him to do , something and just be real consistent , they're gonna do that for the first few , weeks of training come on let's go walk , let's walk here good come on yeah nice , work and I'm gonna reward really , liberally here and give them lots of , tiny treats , let's try one of those free strike it's , there that's good USN't it you loves , those let's walk here good job and look , you can see how he's paying attention to , me wherever I go he's going I'd like to , make sure that I can get Flurry's , attention on me as well hey a peer , flurry see that yes that's very good , traditionally least training has been , all about popping the leash and creating , an unpleasant consequence when your dog , dozen't behave ideally on leash that's , something we really need to get past , though and we really want to motivate , our dogs to want to do something rather , than correcting them for doing things we , don't like , that'll make training a lot more , enjoyable and your dog will progress a , lot faster I'm so proud of you so we're , gonna go into the real world now and see , if we can make this lesson a little bit , more challenging because hey if your dog , won't listen to you when they're , distracted well that means your training , USN't done yet of course if you'vie got a , young dog make sure your puppy is , appropriately vaccinated before taking , them in public there's a distinction , between a training walk and a real walk , see a training walk has no real , destination the entire objective is , simply to get your dog paying attention , to you what you're on the other end of , the leash when your leash training in a , new environment for a young puppy you , must be tolerant of them being , distracted it's just all part of being a , puppy I'm just gonna change directions , really often over here just to keep them , guessing and paying attention to me now , I'm gonna see if I can get him to look , up at me here here we go come on there's , those eyes I love it here you go buddy , flurry is freezing up a little bit he , dozen't want to walk with me but that , could mean a couple of things it could , mean hey there sincerely nervous or he , could be saying I want to go this way I , don't want to go back that way so I'm , gonna try and get peppier to get his , attention on me CZ you know dog looks , like it when we're fun and he's biting , on the leash I don't care about that , right now I'm just happy , he's walking more enthusiastically good , how about this way let's go on the grass , the beauty of training walks is that , when you see distractions like giant , exotic birds everywhere you can use that , as an opportunity to do some training , with them and get them to listen to you , around these distractions the last thing , you want to do is be on a normal walk , and encounter something that your dog , has never seen before when you're in a , hurry because you don't have time to , teach them in that situation so here we , have the benefit of having nutria we , have geese and all sorts of crazy birds , so I'm going to walk around right here , all right yeah that's a good dog come on , yes good job and so I'm just getting , them in the habit of paying attention to , me while around all these birds but of , course when you're walking with your dog , you can't just walk around in circles , all the time saying hey look at me look , at me , you eventually want them to walk on a , straight line like a civilized Labrador , we're walking in a straight line now I'm , gonna turn around I'm gonna try and make , a straight line this way , let's go flirty come on look at that I , mean hey this is starting to look like a , real walk right here it's not just about , giving your dog a treat every time they , do something good let them know , sincerely with heartfelt appreciation , how much you appreciate that they're , trying that's what you want out of a , leash training session with your dog , leash training is way trickier than a , lot of people realize see when you have , a young puppy like flurry they're gonna , grow so rapidly their legs are gonna get , longer their muscles are gonna get , stronger and their natural pace is just , gonna increase and they just have no , idea that they're walking faster than , you so you'll need to be very tolerant , and very vigilant throughout their first , many months of leash training if your , dog is particularly rambunctious when , you're trying to do a leash training , session that almost certainly means you , need to do some exercise with your dog , before leash training now I know it , might seem normal hey I'm taking my dog , on a walk to get their energy out but , with real high-energy dogs fetch is , generally the best way to exercise them , so if your dog dozen't yet know fetch , that time should be dedicated to , teaching them fetch if you'vie got a new , puppy and you want to continue to see , great dog training content consider , becoming a supporter on my patron , campaign that link will be in the , description oh now that's my currency , puppy kisses I love it click thumbs up , if you think flurries did a great job , today make sure you're subscribed to my , channel , Marduk flu delivery at Pep low - it'll , make your life way easier , the Merrick back country line is amazing , as you saw in today's video pick up a , copy of my book dog training revolution , those links will be in the description , good job where you did good .

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