Everything you Need to be Prepared for your New Puppy!


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so you'decided, to get, a new dog , congratulations that'SA, huge decision , today-8, and i are going to, make sure , that, you're prepared for, your new family , member, today's video is, sponsored by pet , flow click thumbs up, for, the galactic , super puppy himself , BB-8 while you're at it click, subscribe , to, so that you see all of my, past , present, and future videos today, I'm , gonna, show, you what you need to, do, and , have on hand before, your puppy comes , home I'm also gonna have, a playlist in , the, description that will show you how , to, teach, your, puppy all, of the basics in , order look, at you you're like a little , space, alien let's, talk about food first , chances are your dog came from a breeder , Ora, shelter find, out, what your dog has , been eating and get, a bag of that dog , food now, if you do opt to change, the , kind of, dog food that your, dog is eating , face it in over a period of, about two , weeks gradually, phasing in more of the , dog food of your choice that's because , if you, change your, puppy's food all at , one time you're likely to upset, their , stomach pet, flow is a sponsor of this , video, I, work with pet flow, because I , think, they really do offer, a way to make , your life, better and, easier, so, needless , to say, Think, you should, get your dog , food from pet, flow, the, great thing about , them, is that you can, go and you order , your dog food one time and then it's , just, automatically there whenever you , need it you just select how often you , want to, deliver they, save you the hassle , of having to drive, tithe store every , week, or two to get, your dog foodie, love , that they and you guys support content , like this because, I thin kit's, so , important now I'll have their link in , the description along, with a coupon code , that will, give you an awesome discount , on your first, order did you know that , the biggest mistake new puppy parents , make is giving, their puppy too much , freedom way, too early, on don't, make that , mistake, dog create, a puppy playpen and , baby gates are fantastic because they , help you control your dog's environment , an extremely important thing, with a new , dog and they're great, for, potty training , I'll, have a video in, the description , that will give you all, the details on , how straining having a safe place for , your dog to hang, out when you can't , supervise and having them on, lea share , the ideal ways to keep your dog out in , trouble get several nylon leashes if , possible so that you always have one , that's, convenient nylon leashes are , especially, nice because you can, wash , them pretty easily and, remember your dog , is going, to, need to, be leashed pretty , much full time , I, will supervise, you and you, will Bethe , perfect dog, help, you proof, your house , before your, dog comes home and, make sure , he dozen't have access to anything , potentially, dangerous like electrical , cords those, are a favorite chew toy of , many a puppy do, the obvious, things like , keeping garbage cans and houseplants , away, from, your dog and, where they don't , have, access to them , keep cleaners and chemicals secured , behind cabinets too, and generally do a , good once-over of your house make sure , there'snot hing, too small or, something , that, they could access that, would , potentially injure, them do your best to , see your house from your puppy's point , of view puppies are, very curious and , they'll, quickly, find anything that , you'missed, or that they, can possibly , put, in their, mouth, or play, with but , don'worry, in a minute'll, give you , some advice on, chewing training, rewards , and, more so, what about dog bowl swell, I , recommend that, you get, several dog, bowls , that way you can wash them and swap them , out, every single day and always have, a , clean bowl , I think stainless steel bowls are a , little bit, better than plastic because , they're easier to clean, and your dog is , also, lot less, likely to, chew these up , he'll need, a collar too, to put your , dog's ID tags and rabies tags on and be , sure to include your, phone, number, and , address on your dog's, ID tag it's a good , idea to, have, a harness as, well puppies , like this especially are, growing and , developing so, you want a way to easily , supervise them and, walk them, and the , harness is, probably the safest, way to do , that for a young dog this USN't a dumped , one we're gonna talk about toys, just , calm, no no there are two main types, of , toys that, you'll need to, get for your , dog especially, if, you have a puppy , there's, two toys like this which, include , things like, real bones and other toys , specifically designed, for dogs to chew , on and then, there's training toys like , this, which are things like balls , Frisbee's, toys and anything else, your , dog really loves most people don't , understand the difference, between these , two types of toys, bu tit's, actually very , simple, leaving, out shoe choice like this , is fine but don't, leave training toys , lying around for, your dog to just , investigate we, want to keep these, toys , really, special because when, I'm able to , just, bring these, out for, training I'm in , apposition, to keep, them really exciting , and really interesting, to a dog keep , away, is always, a nice way to ignite , interest in a new toy quick, let him win , every once in awhile, to make sure that , he dozen'Tet, too frustrated, toys, like , this are so important because you, can , really keep, their attention, and tug of , war is really sadist , most, dogs so, you can, use, that to , motivate, them likes it , ye skidding, like that food USN't the , only, thing, that, you need to, reward with , get a variety of different toys, so that , you can experiment and figure out, which , ones, your dog really loves playing with , he, likes a tennis ball that's my kind of , dog and it's normal for your, dog to, be , interested in one toy at one moment and , another toy at, a different moment for , example you, know a little while ago, he , could't, get enough, a Yoda over here and , now he's got a tennis ball and he's into , that, and in five minutes he'll probably , Benito, this don't, give up on toy , because, they're no tin, the mood, for, that , particular toy at that moment makes , sense toys, like this are really good, to , keep your, dog occupied because, you can , put kibble inside of it and, they can , move it around and interact with, it and , it, keeps their attention obviously , because, food keeps coming out, of it he's , using, his brain he's thinking here so , that's one of the things I really love , about the, toy like this, for some older , dogs and especially puppies it's , important to have, a lot of different, - , toys for example sometimes, the, dog is in , the mood for something, really hard, like , this or this bone over here and then , other times, they're interested in , something, a little bit, more kind, of, in , between like this, plastic, bone here and , then still other times they, prefer , something soft like this, I'm, a fan of , natural chew toys like this you know , like, real bones dogs, tend to really like , them pretty, much, instantly if you're , walking on, your, hind legs oh my gosh , it's a good idea for, chew, toys to be , pretty oversized, -, much better, to be, too , big rather, than too small, just make, sure , that, they don't splinter or, break and if , they do get rid, of them you want to have , cozy, place for, your dog to sleep and , hangout, but young puppies liken-8 and , insistent chores will likely destroy a , normal dog bed if you just give them , access to it, if they haven't been taught , properly yet, old, towels and a blanket , like this are, really good, alternatives , to a dog bed because they're cheaper , they're easier to clean, and usually less , tempting fora, dog to chew, up, though , you'll still want to supervise them, just , to make, sure, if you need to stickup, on , supplies'll, have links, to some of my , favorite products in the description , click, thumbs up if you guys found this , video helpful and, if, you think, BB-8 did , a good job also make sure, you're , subscribed, we have some awesome, videos , coming, up, help, me continue making , content, like this that will improve, the , lives of, puppies and , their parents by, making contribution , of any amount you'd, like, to, our patron , campaign setup, automatic pet, food , delivery withal I'll have a link in , the description as, well as, a coupon code , that'll, give you a terrific discount on , your first, order, see, you guys in the , next episode of, the dog training , revolution , good, job, BB-8, is awesome if you have, a , puppy, you'll definitely want to check , out these, videos, plus the training , playlist I mentioned earlier, that , playlist will, be in the description , thanks for subscribing and, thanks to all , of our, patron son, patron we'll see you , guys in the next video ,

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