Puppy First Day Home Tips - Professional Dog Training Tips


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do you think you can handle , this much , cuteness well , today we're gonna talk , about your first day at , home , with your , new puppy and , I'vie got this adorable , Little , week old puppy named Levi we're , gonna talk to instructor Kim who is , one , of our , head instructors of our Head , Start for , puppies program and she'just , brought Levi , home just a couple of days , ago and , we're gonna talk to her about , her first couple , days , home with , this , adorable four-legged family , member'm , Ken , Steve , and welcome , back to McCain , dogs so Levi USN't actually my puppy , Levi , belongs to instructor Kim he is an , eight-week-old , border , collie and she , just brought him home the other day , now , instructor Kim is one of our head , instructors for her Head Start , for , puppies program so she , knows a thing or , two above puppy behavior puppy , training , so , I thought this would be a great , opportunity to , help , you guys in our , YouTube audience to , learn Little , bit , about , what , a professional dog , trainer , would do when preparing to , bring , puppy , home Kim , you have another border collie , at home Charlie , and it's been a while , since you , had , a puppy so what did you , have , to get to prepare , for bringing a , little Levi , home yeah , it's actually been , about nine , years , did'thieve , a lot of , my , regular stuff at home for example , I , had to purchase a small collar , that , would fit the , puppy I , lucky enough , found , two , W , inch , crates , that , can use on other very , kennels the , plastic crates , it'perfect on you TV yeah so I found , those at a great price and I already had , them so I had one for , my house and , then , one for the , ca rand , they , both have , blankets inside I bought smooched , bones ones that are appropriate for a , puppy of this , age so the softer less , opaque ones that they Nylon make some , that was just a brand name yeah , they're , great bones and puppies will love them , yeah , they're really good , and they have , flavoring to them , Southey're kind of , enticing , also bough ta , bag of our the , food that , I want to transition him over , to so when I picked him up the breeder , provided a small bag , of what , she had , been feeding , you and , [Music] , just because I have great success with , the , product that , I'm using on my older , dogie , want to , stick with , that that , name-brand and , use my puppy version so I , bought a small bag of , that , so I can , transition slowly you never want to , just , introduce new food to a puppy right , away , because that'll upset there , there are a , sensitive stomach , yeah bringing a new , puppy home can be stressful , for , both the , puppy and for the puppy owner so talk a , little bit about how you , prepared for , that , you , know the first night , for , example they believe I came home , so the , night before , made sure Igor , done , some , of my housework then , I wanted to , do my , laundry just , sort of organized , everything so everything was set up and , ready , to gonad , I went to , bed early , that's , really , important and don't , overlook , that you know having , all those , all of those chores and things , done , had to bring the , puppy home , because I'm , sure when the puppy comes home for those , first , days you're really busy yeah , there's a lot alto to , think , about , I mean puppies require constant , supervision so , whenever the puppy is not , in his crate'm , always there within you , know eyes , eyes distance away from him , literally so that I can , make sure that , he dozen'Tet into anything you , should't , keep them safe now , it's likely , that , your puppy's , going , to have an , accident , in the , house whether you're , supervising , them or not sometimes , they just they'vie , got to go their bladders are , small you , know they haven'learned , to hold , it , since they'vie , come , home from the litter , so you know talk tell us a little bit , you , mention edit , had , an accident before , you came to , the , hall here so tell USA , little , bit about , how you manage that , situation , and , what to do if your puppy , does , have an accident in the , house yeah , I was finding , him , I , knew that I should have been , supervising , him and I I made the mistake , of , supervising him by knowing where he , was not , actually seeing , him and that's , the opportune time when accidents do , happen or , it can happen to anyone , absolutely and it'generally , when you , ha veto , be somewhere so , for the most , Patti'm , as I mentioned earlier I am , always supervising'm always watching , him , but , also keep , a lot of , very tight , schedule so as , soon as , he , comes out of , his , crate we get our leash on we go , outside I live in a condo so , I'm lucky , that I'm on the first , floor and I'm , close to , an exit door but , I still make , sure that , I take him outside right , away , as soon , as he comes out of , his crate and , I'm , you know , I try and get , him a chance , to , do everything that he needs to do , while he's out there , so if he gets a , little bit distracted well you know try , and take , him Tao , new place and , go again , if he dozen't go feed if there's nothing , that , he's done and , I would put , him right , back , into his , crate and , try him , again , and , you know maybe , few five or so , minutes , and and take him , back out again , sometimes , the world , can be a little bit , distracting for these little guys who , you haven'seen a whole lot , from , for , sure , they were now being a professional , dog , trainer some of , our viewers , might , think that the , training , starts , as soon , as , the puppy gets , home but we know , that's not really the case so tell us , what you do for the first , day and , the , first , couple of , days , that Levi , comes , home it's extremely stressful for a , puppy imagine the , have just spent the last eight or so , weeks with their litter mates , and , in , their home environment it's , the , first , place that , they'vie , ever known and yet , taken , away from , their litter mates and , brought to a strange environment where , there could be , a wide variety of , things , that are kind of , frightening , for them , potentially other other to , other dogs , or , other , animals , cats I have cats at home , just , even , the sounds of the house could , be different than what they , would what , they were used to , in their kennel , environment perhaps , sou , really take the , time to , allow them just to adjust , to his , surroundings , to , investigate and check , things , out but in a Safeway , so he's again always supervised , and I , prevent you know , I put things away , making , sure that you can'really get , into any , too much , trouble while , hies , investigating and , just taking , his time , and also I'm being , very , respectful for , the animals that , have at home , my , cats , and my and , my , other dog and I'm giving , them the , space that they need , so keeping , them a little bit separated doing shifts , so to speak I'll have him in a , crate , for , a , little bit and the , rest , of the animals , can have their run around the house and , and I might put those , guys away and just , let , him out and take turns alternating a , little bit here and there , trying I'm , trying , not to overwhelm them too much , you , know really keeping an , eye on on , what , he's able to , actually , manage and , then get , him not quiet time- , one , of the , things , noticed that especially , border collie but a lot of , puppies , are , like this they , they don'thieve , a self , moderator so , they will continue to play , themselves , too , too hard and , they really , do need that , sleep time we don't , need to , be doing a whole lot with , them all the , time the first , few , weeks so , I might have , them , out and I might mean , it , don't play , play with some toys let , him investigate , a , little bit and then you know maybe , after , an hour so I put them back , in and , it's great for couple of , boys and , you , know bring , it back it's great , way to , install like an off switch , yeah so that he , knows , when he goes , into , his , craters channel , that it's time that , he , can relax and , you know recuperate and , recovery , think that's really important , and that's , something , the mistake one , mistake , that , I made with , my lab puppy , before , I was a dog trainer before , it , really , understood it's , I gave her , freedom and she , was , harassing , our older , lab and it was just a really it , was an , unfair scenario for the other animals in , the , house I Think , that's a really , important , point when instructor Kim , talks about her puppy being out of , his , kennel and , supervising him sheds't , just , trust it'll make good choices , we , know that puppies will explore the , world with their , mouths and and , get into , all sorts , of things so even in the first , day or , the first couple , days home , instructor , Kim got a house line for a , Levi , and , if you haven't , seen , the video , where talk , about , the , house line I'll , link it above it tell us a , little bit , how you'vie used the house language Levi , yeah , it's a it'SA great tool , it , allows , him to free them but , also mind , control , so that he , can'Tet into too , much , trouble if , he , were to , let's say take , off , with my shoe and run underneath , the bed , I say that's , because , this is actually , almost , happened um with , with the house , line was actually , able , to step on it , stop them from , getting too , far and just , redirect , that so , so any of that I want , to behavior , can just it just stop it , right , away and , it's also great too , because , II , don'twat , him and being a , hurting read , specifically but I really , don'twat him getting in the habit , of , chasing , my cats , want them to live , very , completely , in the house and respectful , of each other and so you , know , if they , decide that they'vie , had enough , they , don't want him in his space the the , white line is really great tool because , I , can actually stop , him from getting to , a point where he's , really upset my , kosher , I want to thank instructor Kim , for helping us out today and certainly , want , to thank , a , little Levi , if this is , your first time , on , the channel make sure , you , hit , that subscribe , button we publish , new , videos every single week to help , you , to have , aw ell-behaved , for , like a family , member , you , seen , that video , beside me , that , video , is all about , using , house , line and what a powerful training , tool , it , can be so if you enjoyed this puppy , training video , you're definitely going , to want , to , watch that on , that I'm Ken , this is an , instructor , Kim and this is , Levi , happy training  ,   

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