The MOST IMPORTANT dog training command you could EVER, EVER teach your dog is how to......


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all right today I'm going to talk about , the most important subject that'vie , probably ever don ea , video on when it , comes to , obedience training , your dog , there is nothing , more important or , critical in , obedience training than , being able to stop your dog , in motion- , come here , sit , good boy , come sit there's , it come sit down that , way okay I just , come boy think right good no , this is a , forgotten thing , in , the dog training , world , it , really , does not exist in most , training schools so when you go for , obedience training , it's a rare obedience training company , that is going to , teach your dog this , it'just , not , thought about it's , not , part of , the dog training culture in , general so , and unfortunately , it's for , the most , important thing by far that , you , could teach your , dog now there's , many , reasons , why you , don't , hear about this , you , don'see , it done rarely and it's , because it's so difficult and , complicated to do well and'm going to , say this and this is nothing most , dog , trainers really can't do it with , their , own , dogs well so to have this them , transfer to the public and , offer it , that's why it's so uncommon it's , a lot , of , work for a trainer to , to teach , somebody to , train their own , dog at home how , to do this well now , imagine , most people to , get their dogs to , sit , in front of them every time they , tell them without fail is generally a , chore that's why when , go to , new , clients of mine and , they come not he , sits pretty , well but it's never going , to , be to , my standard my stand is ever , sit , is , when I say sit they go bowl , no matter , if I have foo din , my hand , yeah , I , should't have to have food in my , hand , I , should'thieve , to have a toy in my hand , I , should'thieve , to us ea , hand signal , for that and most importantly the , dog , should , be able to , sit anywhere , I tell , him behind , [Music] , everywhere and from distance away from , me , that's , it , good boy , which you never see , in the , public even , when they'vie come from dog , training , classes already it's very rare , I have personally seen only , a few times , in my , whole , career , that a dog going through any training , process can sit Little bit away , from , an aura I'm talking a little , bit nothing , great so myself , will do it , with some , clients when , they have everything , done , well first so to be able to , do this sit , in motion it are stopping your , dog in , motion one your , dog has , to sit , really , well first , close then from a good , distance , away from you when you , say , sit , they should just , sit , then you have to have a great stay , and you have to have a great common , command you , call pleas ego , come , good very good , so those things first , sit sit a distance stays , and comes have , to be done first before you can , achieve , a great sit , in motion good that was good , because , I would he was going pretty fast , to , there , that'perfect , now to get those , feet to stop when the dogs , in motion is , probably the hardest thing to , Dion , dog , training when they'Reno , the move like , that it's very difficult and it , takes , skill it takes some time good technique , now why is this exercise so , important if , your dog is out there somewhere , and he's , running , around especially , if , he's across , the , street , and you cannot call , him , because , you might put him in danger of , being hit , by the , car , but , you , can't , stop , him at that distance , and you , know he , would't do it your , dog is , at , a huge , risk because now you're just , praying , that he just runs around out there , and , does not head towards the street , direction because you , know , there's , nothing you , can do about it , right now , because , you cannot stop , him in motion , come , so that's why this is so , important with , this golden retriever now I'm going to , show this an extreme version it's , but , she's almost like are mote-control , car , so , when you see me tell her go back down , they , sit back down please come sit back , down , she scurries back immediately while , she's going backwards , tell her to come , she comes forward when I tell her to , stop immediately , when , she's coming , forward she sits automatically did you , come sit down back , so , I can send , her , away , can bring her uni , can stop her , immediately on a word with no hesitation , so , with this dog I can film come here , stop , back stop right that's the ultimate , in , obedience control , it does not get any , better , than that there is , no such thing , as better than that , so comfortably , know I can do anything , I want with , this , dog if there was any sort of , danger ever , I can just go what , do I want and , it's , done , can save this dog's life , immediately , that's why the , sitting , motion is so important and the most , important thing in my , eyes that , you can , ever do with a dog come , sit so , this is very complex , high-level , obedience training but to me , absolutely , necessary if , you really want , this is what we , call aw ell-trained dog , when , you can do these things , with your , dog right and , they listen the first time , you tell them and , that quickly Oh , hope , you enjoyed the video , hope you , take Otto , heart if , you love your dog , it's really something you need to think , about and that's why I take dog training , so seriously because it really can save , dogs lives so , until next time Miami Dog , Whisperer ,

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