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so house-trained , dogs , and more , specifically usually puppies it's , not a , terribly difficult thing to do but it , does require , a lot of , consistency , otherwise , you're never going , to succeed , with this all right , so before , I get into , the two main ways , to , house train a dogie , want to , cover , some rules and some of , these are , more , aimed towards puppies the , first one is , and that's is that your puppy can , only , hold his bladder as , many hours roughly , as months old he , or she is so you'vie an , equal , puppy he can hold it roughly , two , two and , half hours max all , right , expecting him to do it any longer it's , it'just it's , not , realistic you're , setting yourself up , for failure for , having false expectations however , many , Atman-sol , we are that's , how many hours , they can , roughly hold their bladder okay , so that means , that , we need to , be , constantly , taking the puppy out , it , depending on how , old , data to Google , puppy every two to three hours , and , then , it continues from there on , the way that , we handle going , outside is , important we , want to make , sure that we reward , the , behavior of going to the bathroom , outside , so , every single time that we , take , the puppy outside we , need , to have , treats with us and very very high reward , treats , Teresa , we normally don't give , them usually , like use people food , chicken cheese , hot dogs something , a very , high , value okay , and when we take the puppy out to , go to , the bathroom we , take them and put them , in their spot we , tell them , whatever our , word ISP , Spoor and we wait the , second that they are done wait , until , they finish don't interact on , wall are , going but , the second that they finish , you , are going , to give them three treats , in , a row puppy , pees that's a good dog , one truth did you two treats to chew , three treats teaching every single time , we want , our puppies , see Wow going to the bathroom outside , is , a good thing , number one , never , get , chicken and , number two I never get , three , pieces of treats in a row for doing , anything except when I go to the , bathroom outside , so using the truth , the , three treat , method helps to , speed up , house training , okay another , thing that , if possibly , that you should do is try to , let your , dog go outside and make , the , bathroom , area the , same spot try , to keep , it the same , spot same surface , okay my , dog for example , only , go to the bathroom , on , gravel because that's where what I , have inside of my , house never , have never , will once has , he , gone to the bathroom on , cement% , of time , equals on gravel and , sometimes she'll go on grass from I got , a dog park or something but , never once , I , seen him goon , cement , and this helps , with consistency that , your dog knows , that this , feeling it , is the bathroom , area that this feeling is where I'm , supposed , to go to , the bathroom okay , how , do we handle , accidents because of course , there's going to be accidents nobody , can , ever have a puppy Ohio'm , no common , accident how you handle these is , critical okay if you walk into a room , there's a pile of pee there'absolutely , nothing you can , do you , find some poop , behind the couch there , is nothing , you , can do because , it is way past the , point , the only time , you can , do anything with , your dog or puppy is , if you catch them , in the , ac tall , right if you find a pile , of , poop and , you , take your puppy , and , you , put , their face nickel no , bad dog look , what you did they do not understand , you're mad that , they pooped in the , house , they just think you're mad at , the , pooped , and , now they go well these humans are , crazy , I got a poop but they get mad and they , see it so I better hide Ito'm , gonna go , try to , go behind , the table or go hide in , poop you know under the desk and , you , actually make , the problem worse all , right so , we have , accidents if , you don't , catch the min , the act nothing , you can do , if you do catch the min , the , app we want , to interrupt the behavior okay , so we're , walking along and , also we'll , play wit ha , puppy we , see our , puppy squad , down get ready to pee we're , going to go , we start with puppies , Nestle , gonna , stop , we're not doing do you mean we're out , doing , itself , to harm them , we're just doing it to startle , the , behavior the , second big stop we're gonna , grab , another call our harness , you can , even , pick them up , if you want , and , very , quickly we're going to , go outside to , our , spot we , put them down and then we're , going to , give them some , time righto , usually , go for about , give them give , about five minutes , just to , really see if , you , have to go right it's , very easy , to , put them out , there , a young goal , immediately and , we go oh , they don't , have , to goon , what , happens we bring them back , inside and they pee miles so , have some , patience when you bring them , out , they're , walking down , the hall puppy starts to , pewee interrupt them because we caught , it in , the , act we , rush them outside let's , go let's go we're not , Amy , we're not , bad , we don'Tet , we don't , we do nothing , except interrupt the behavior you can , clap we're just stopping the behavior , from peeing , inside we're , not angry we , take the puppy out we , go to their spot , we wait that you finally , go tithe , bathroom , good job Good , 2 , 3 we treat , them and absence are going to , happen , Have , never met somebody Wuhan't , been , able , to successfully have a puppy , with who's never had accent , I'm a , professional dog trainer doing this for , W years when , I got my dogie , had accents , with , hi mall , right , you're gonna have accident , that said , the , way you clean them up , is also , critical , all right soap and water , vinegar not , good enough you need to buy , Nature's , Miracle , product section , have , link , to it , on Amazon Nature's Miracle has , an , enzyme in , it that breaks down the , chemical , that breaks , down the enzymes , in , dog urine that attracts them to , go back , and pee , in , the same spot you'vie ever , been to like , ado , park or something , you'll see a dog goes over and pees on , one spot and , then , another dog over , in , pee on the same spot then , another go pee , on the same spot maybe even , you knows , your , own dog pees in the , same spots in , the backyard , there is a enzyme , the , dogs can smell , we human scan't , that , attracts them to go back to the same , places so , you're just , using paper towels , that , spot is still there , with Nature's , Miracle if , we , clean it , up correctly , we , get rid of , that that scent and it's , going to , help the , dog Tonto , go back to , the , same spot okay , so these are some , general rules , to keep in mind with , house-trained and they're , very very very , important , now , now the other rules we're , going to get , into the , two ways of really you know as , much , to sit ups around are , yes of , house-trained , the , first one is not my , favorite way but I'going , to , talk about , because , I know , people do like this , and , this is crate string , one , all , right , you'vie , probably heard this before and , crate training is basically locking your , dog in a crate any time , that , you are not , able to , supervise them okay now I don't , like crates , use it as an absolute last , resort because I feel that , they get , abused okay , there's a difference between , dogs liking , crates and us providing them , with a crate leaving it open and them , going in and out as they please and , us , locking a dog in a crate for eight , hours , at , atom , when we go to work or whatever , Otis , we do so I am NOT , a big fan of , crates with pals training and puppy , training , they can be useful but you , have , to really , be on top , of it , okay , what's going to happen , is anytime , that , you're not , able to supervise your dog , they , go in the crate right now , the , size , of the crate is very important when you , have , to get the appropriate size , and you , know super , large dog are going to be , buying multiple crates which is another , reason why , I , don'talkie , to do this the , right , size there should only the crate , should only , be you know long enough , that , they can stand up and , that , they can turn , around , once and , the height should only , be tall enough that they can just end up , without , it on top of there , it has to be small because the , idea , behind the crate is , that the dogs don't , ha veto , go to the bathroom in the same , place they sleep so , if we put them in a , small crate and it's , small it will help , them to , hold the bladder until we can , take , them out now the thing with the , crate training is that it , requires you , to constantly be taking them out every , two hours every , three hours every , four , hours all , right , if , they have accidents , in there , which they will which we want them not , to at , some point , they're , going to it's , very , messy , to , clean up because it , gets , on their bedding it , gets allover , them , so crate training it , dozen't , work , yeah if you work but it's it's a lot , more effort all , right on the humans to , constantly , remember to take the dogs out , there's , it's it's it's on you too , constant take that , out'll , go , if they , don't go to , the bathroom you , put them , back in the crate right I prefer to save , this as a last resort because like I , said , I just'm , not , a big fan of , crates , so , the second method is , what is what I , prefer to , do because , it gives our dogs , more freed omit , gives us humans more , freedom and , it makes housecleaning , easier on us all right yeah I'm not an , official , name for , this method , guess we , can call it the big gate method alright , and , what we're going to , do with this is , you're going to set up , apply pen or X , pen they're , called they're like the , metal , barrier's/2 , links for these but , they're , going to , set up a big pen right , and you can get different heights , which , is nice for people with , big , dogs too , buying multiple crates you , buy one pen , as big as it goes and the pens , can you , can set them up in you know , multiple , multiple angles because , they're if , they're flexible so the reason I like , the Pens , is because you can give your , dog more , freedom rather than confined to , as mall , crate , you put it Ina , pen , in the pen they , can have a water bowl , they , also have room for you , know some , toys all right , the important part , is they have room for , ape , pad now the pee pads are very , useful okay , it'SA , little , water up here the , pee pads , are very , useful because this allows us , to , leave a puppy in his in hi scamp , it , is , a gate to his , pen and , he has an , option to , go to the bathroom , on the , pee , pads when , you first start off you put , little pea , pods you , put one there , go , here you , put , lots , of them , you put six in his , little pen , and , he , starts peeing on there , send it to , attract him to goon , and the times that , you can take him out , to go to , the , bathroom , great , we take him out to go as much , as , we can the times that we got to leave , for , four hours or five hours we don't , have , to sweat it , because we , know he's , got , his pee pads to pee on he got all , this room he's , got access to water to , toys his , little bed is over here right , he , we don'thieve , to worry about him , being stuck in a crate , now , do it , does , use the pee pads forever absolutely not , we start off with , all six of these peep , at and what we start doing is we said we , need them away so we start off with , a , lot of them , and then after , maybe two , weeks we , pick one up and , now we only , leave five key , pads down and after , another week we start picking another , one up , and now we're down to four and , the next week we go down to three and , then pretty , soon we , go down to two and , then , eventually one alright , and , now , we're down to one , key , pad now the timing , to , get , rid of , that , last key , pad is going , to , vary , all right it varies on how well , you'Webern doing , with , health training , how , consistently your , dog goes outside , how much you take , them out generally , I , see around , three to four months , is the , time that , we're at one pee pad and we're , able , to well that'st hat's probably push , a little bit let's , say let'SSA , six , months okay , by , three to four months you , can be down to one , pad by six months , you , can , probably start testing out taking it , all together , analogous alcohol together the , only , other , place that , your dog knows to go to , the bathroom is outside , so we holds it , all , right now I'm going to , add a little , pad back in there just for now so we , have , Little , one key pad another , thing , you can do if you want , I , mentioned it's , one thing to give our dog a crate and , given the option the , cool thing with , these , X , pen sis , you can actually take , the crate and , attach the crate right , into the X pen okay so that's , the crate , there so , the crate opens into the pen so , then you could put their be din , there , instead gives , them more , room in myth , just , another option something , to think , about but , this method is the , Creighton , method , I , guess we can also say the , pee , pad method and this is , just what I , prefer to , for people to , use for dogs , think , it's better for , the dog sit , is , easier , for the humans you know anything , that , we can do that makes it easier to , train , our dogs why not do Ito , know for , myself , did't want to have to getup , every two to three hours , when my dog was , a puppy to take them , outside so , the pee , pads work very wellie , would say want to , have a much more you , know restful , nights , as as a puppy owner than a lot of , other , people who want to do the crate training , method this , this works and you know , W , percent , of people , that , I work with with , the , puppies this , is what we do there's , five percent where , we have to use , the , crate because not really , it'snot , really , the , dog's fault it's just that , it's it , really falls , on the humans for whatever , reason this is somebody's not doing , something right , and you know it's not , working so , we ha veto , use the crate , because the , crate it , does work as well , it's Justine , bit more dangerous , in my , opinion and not to them well , maybe not , dangerous but it'just , it's not as good , a quality of life , Iguassu , for dog I want , the puppies to be able , to , have more , freedom they , need to be able to , get up , and move around and especially if , you're , gone for long , of time'll , people get puppies and have , full-time jobs which , is fine but you , can't leave , puppy in a crate for eight , hours , it needs water needs to , be , able , to , move , he , needs to go tithe , bathroom so that's , why I like doing , Gage , method with , the pee , pads , little bit better okay so , that'show , strained climb , question how , no , quickly just should , my dog get this , one shot , my dog be fully house trained , depends , on a lot of things the , size of , the dog the , smaller the dogs or the , breed , of , dog the , more often , they need , to , go out , the shorter they can hold it it , depend son , the intelligence of the , dogs , there are certain breeds , dogs are much , more intelligent , than , other , breeds they , pick us , up faster it , depends number-one , on the humans , how consistent you , are , with following , all this information , would say on average how average we're , talking from you , know five counts away , to great game which is averaging all , dogs , would say around , six to eight , month sis , generally the , time you , should't , really behaving , anymore , accidents all , right , again that's a , very , broad , statement it's , going to vary for , different breeds different dog show , consistent you are , but generally should , be , goal , we should aim , for somewhere in , that net , range okay , house training , that , is the two methods crate , training using , the gate method remember all , the rules , go , slow , have consistency and you'll get , the house training theme , down really , easily so humping , a , can be kind of an , embarrassing behavior when your dog does , this but it really should'tube , humping , believe it or not most of , the time , it's , not ,