How to train your PUPPY to walk on a loose leash!


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all , dogs must , learn how to , walk Ina , leash without , pulling this , is one of , the , most fundamental skills that puppies , need to begin learning , from a very young , age walking a dog that , pulls on the , leas his , not only stressful but can , also , cause strain and , injury to the dog's , neck to , help your dog overcome this , problem you , ha veto , first realize that , dogs are not , born knowing how , to walk on , a leas hand , must be taught using , patience , and positive reinforcement the , good news is that there , are a lot of , things , that you , can do to stop or , prevent your dog from pulling and , make , walking , much more enjoyable experience , for , both you and , your , dog , but first , let's take a look at , why dogs pull in , the first place there , are two main , reasons , the , first is , tardiness , are , interested in exploring their , environment their , sense of , smell , ISS , primary source , of information and , the , environment is full of things to , sniff , walking a young dog is also , very , stimulating experience and can trigger a , lot of , excitement combine , this with a , lack of self-control , and you get a , strong motivation to , pull the second , reason the dogs pull is because they are , so easily reinforced for pulling anytime , that , there is , tension on , the leas hand , the dog is sniffing they're , actually , learning to pull and will , do it More , lot of , the time this , happens , by accident , and , we might even reinforce and , teach , pulling behavior without , knowing , it or , wanting it this can become a vicious , cycle , that , may start small , but the , more , your dog pulls the more they learn that , pulling , is effective in meeting , their , need sand they will be more , likely , to , continue , or even increase the , amount of , pulling over time , dogs have an opposition reflux , which is , a natural tendency to , pull against , pressure that is applied , on the leash , by , reinforcing the , behavior of giving , in to , the leash you can establish , the , framework for , what , comes next , start , this , exercise with your dog on , a leash and a , low distraction environment begin , by , applying very gentle pressure on the , leash and the moment the dog gives into , it mark , the behavior , with a word or a , clicker and reinforce , yes instead , of , letting , the tension become negative , consequence we , are focused on teaching , the dog how to react attention so he , wants to keep , the , leash , loos eyes , practice , this a few times , until your dog , gets the idea , and also notice that I'm , not using any verbal , cues , at this point , yes , [Music] , yes , yes yes very good , yes yes , yes , yes the leas his , not meant to be , used , to , control or , direct your , dog at , this early , stage the goal , is to teach , the dog , to , want , to stay with you and pay attention , to your movement , [Music] , watch in , let's , go , it's important to , know your , dog and , use , what they find to be , distracting , remember that you can , always add or , remove distractions , based on how the dog , is , doing set , them up to be , successful , at , every stage take this exercise into , other environment sand , around more , distractions , if your dog fails to pay attention , go , back to working , on leash pressure or , lower the reward criteria this , is how , you can start building , the foundation , for , loose leash walking , for puppies it , is far more effective , to teach them what , you , want , them to do , instead of , punishing , them for not , understanding human , rules , as the dog gets better at this with , practice you can start , to lower the , amount , of food reinforcement and , begin , training for more advanced loose-leaf , walking , [Music] , if you found this video , useful and would , like to , learn , more , about this , topic make , sure that , you're subscribed , to the , channel and have notifications , turned on , so that , you will , know when the next , video , in , this series is , released if , you , would like to see , more content , like this , please consider supporting , us , through , patronages , for watching , and we'll , see you next time ,

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