Antler Dog Training and Shed Hunting


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hey guys, want to take, a minute to ,  introduce you, to Belle, my 8 year old ,  female lab Belle, is a shed antler dog ,  trained by, Roger and Sharon Sharon ,  Ziegler, at antler ridge kennels in ,  Kansas City Missouri ,  they were featured, in North American ,  whitetail the year before, bought her I ,  read their article and was just, really ,  intrigued, by their, their training ,  program and, their success of producing ,  really good quality antler dogs ,  I ordered Belle as a puppy and picked ,  her up when she was about, three, months ,  old, and, they laid a fantastic foundation ,  through, the reward-based, training that, I ,  basically just built on and just ,  exercised her over the you know the ,  years following, that and just developed ,  her into a really awesome shed dog not ,  to mention, she's just the best ,  sweetheart, we'vie ever had of a pet some ,  of the early training, things that they ,  start these, puppies at, a really young ,  age four to six weeks of age the very ,  first thing they do is is take tennis ,  ball and put a small piece of, antler ,  through it and roll it across, the ground ,  and the puppies get excited because, the ,  ball moves around alto, and they, still ,  kind, of get the texture and the, smell of ,  the antler and, then they they soon ,  graduate, to a small piece of, antler like ,  a four pointer or a small six-point, off ,  of, a year and a half ER, and you know ,  short tosses and the, puppy brings it ,  back but, what I wanted to, sort, of build ,  on is the fact that they use the reward ,  based, program when, the puppy brings the ,  antler back or the ball back and, gives ,  it to you and, you're, pleased and the ,  dogs, done Good, job, they they make a ,  sound with, either a clicker or, you use a ,  word that, that's going to, be very ,  unusual, that the, dog won't hear all the ,  time and I actually Use, the word ,  excellent when I was training Belle ,  because that's, just, word that, you ,  don't use, on, a day-to-day basis, you know ,  when you're talking to, your dog, good ,  girl ,  excellent good, job, good job see, she put ,  it in the hand and, she heard that word ,  Hey, look at, her eyes like, health intent ,  go get it again ,  good girl good, girl ,  excellent way, to, go that's my girl how ,  about that, hmm good, girl ,  way to go yeah, well it is Saturday March ,  the fifth, and, we are down in, New Haven ,  Illinois which is the about as far ,  southeast, in the, bottom of Illinois is ,  you can get down, herein, the, river ,  bottoms of the convergence, of, the little ,  and big Wabash Rive rat, a good friend of ,  mine Matt Duffy'country, Lodge ,  he runs an outfitting business here, for ,  her, obviously, for deer hunters, I, met ,  Matt years ago through, thew DMA at the ,  national conventions that we'vie been ,  very good friends ever, since and, this is ,  really, a great tradition coming down ,  here every yea rand, bringing Belle, you ,  know she kind of ISS, big reason that ,  lot of people are, interested, in, joining ,  in on the shed hunt just, to watch the ,  dog work and we tried to, do this hunt ,  every year last year was, the exception ,  because, the riv ergot, up so high most, of ,  his ground that heat controls and hunts ,  on was underwater, on, some places you ,  know four or, five feet of, water and, this ,  year Old Man, River tried to do the same ,  thing as you can, kind, of see there, over ,  over my back shoulder that that, water ,  out there, is that's normally dry dry ,  ground we're probably at least, a ,  quarter, mile from, the river, here and the ,  water is up in these bottoms now the ,  interesting thing about, that is, the deer ,  obviously you're, going to seek, the, high ,  ground once, that, water starts, to come in ,  here and, if the river times this height ,  with the with the shed of, the antlers ,  all, those deer are packed in really ,  small pockets, to cover up here on this ,  on these high ridges just off the river ,  I don't remember seeing a big ,  universality, look at that, good, one ,  so we'Webern, covering this, cornfield ,  that, Matthias, been seeing, a lot of the ,  deer wintering here and feeding in, this ,  cornfield how many of the night ,  sometimes, out here W deer up, in this ,  field, that, we, just covered so, we're just ,  coming down, this, draw on these little ,  heartwood, humps inhere, these little ,  high ridges that are, nice and, dry and ,  the sun shining, in here on a you know on ,  the, afternoon, these deer just laying in ,  this, these warm leaves and soaking up ,  that sunshine, no need to go far from the ,  food if they don't ha veto ,  so we'vie already found this is the third ,  antler right here on this little fifth ,  of an acre, little knob, so very cool ,  it's, just what you would, expect, and ,  since all the water is up behind Matt's ,  camp and, the river bottoms, there, a lot ,  of these deer up, here, on this high ,  ground, right now, still, work we're unable ,  to get into some of, the areas that, we ,  want, to, but nonetheless the deer are ,  concentrated on these, high spots so that ,  helps us out too ,  smells it here, we do good girl, good girl ,  Belle ,  no here it is middle of March and this ,  is something we try to schedule in ,  Matt's area down here, in Southern ,  Illinois about that same time every year ,  but, alto, of guys get started, in, my ,  opinion too soon when, they're out ,  thinking about walking their properties ,  and going into, their bedding, areas and ,  some of their sanctuaries that, they ,  don't go int oat, other times of the, year ,  some guys are in, there as early as ,  January and, this is a matter of opinion ,  bu tin, the Midwest ,  I really don't start till, after ,  Valentine's, Day February the Th and ,  the reason, is I'm sure you guy shave ,  seen, a lot of Bucks, carrying antlers ,  beyond that time and, if you're in there ,  walking through your sanctuaries and ,  some, of those spots that, you reserve and ,  wait for sheds, season to go into you ,  know those mature bucks don't take very ,  many intrusions, before they'll vacate ,  and possibly not come, back the worst ,  thing in the world is, that you can, do ,  was get in there and, push those bucks ,  off your property, and have, them drop on ,  your neighbors, sou, know you're anxious ,  and wanting to get, started but, a little ,  bit, of patience, at that time of the, year ,  can, really go a long way for you so ,  you're setting up hopefully from, a ,  distance or through your trail cameras ,  you're watching your deer feeding in, the ,  areas that you, know that they're in ,  those late season food, sources they're ,  not going to be, far from those, bedding ,  areas unless they're, being, bumped around ,  so think about south-facing, slopes thick ,  areas of course up above wet areas they ,  want to, have some elevation, where they ,  can see smell and, hear and have it ,  escape routes but typically those spots ,  are on south-facing slopes where they ,  can absorb, that late season Sun, coming ,  in warming them up and, a short track, to ,  the food sources the exception is if ,  there are none, nearby and they'vie got to ,  go a long way well then you just know ,  those travel routes and those corridors ,  the next couple days, here, at Matt's ,  we're, gonna, be, concentrating on, cut ,  cornfields cut bean fields where he's ,  been seeing, these large herds of deer ,  basically Harding up in big numbers, and ,  again we'vie talked about, the floodwaters ,  pushing them up here, on the, higher ,  ground this, cover that, we're talking ,  about, covering here for as far as ,  walking, is not, big blocks timber, we're ,  talking about draws and ravines ,  that are basically fingers that work ,  their way out into the end of these crop ,  fields and really there'seagoing to be, a ,  lot of, deer packed into as mall, area ,  this may not Bethe, case for, your, at, but ,  here in the Midwest especially here ,  we're at at Matt's property we're, gonna ,  be walking these, narrow draws and these ,  fringe areas this, little warm season ,  grass field right here, there's deer ,  bedding in here it's, high and, dry it's ,  warm they're, getting the Sun this, is, a ,  great spot to, cover for fresh, sheds but ,  once again, those thickets south-facing ,  slopes areas, close to, food of, course ,  where you're seeing the, deer and the ,  food, plots if you're not seeing any, deer ,  feeding in, those areas probably, not ,  gonna, have much luck looking, for sheds ,  on, those adjoining cover areas so keep ,  that in, mind, when you're, making your ,  plans, forgetting, out and going, after ,  him, okay, so obviously, got the duffer ,  bag out of the, backpack and, she knows ,  it'stymie, to hunt but, watch this ,  wait what watch what she sees this Hey ,  well, you want to find a shed, you, want to ,  find a shed oh, yeah hey, you want Togo ,  get, this huh ,  yes girl Atwood, girl ,  excellent good job good job see she, put ,  it in the, hand and, she heard that word ,  Hey, look at, her eyes look, how intense ,  she, is on that, you want to go get it ,  again ,  good girl good, girl ,  excellent way to go that's my girl ,  Oh take, what you need, and pass, it on ,  down ,  sacred ,  your own sacred, ground.

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