The Best Homemade Dog Training Treats - Professional Dog Training Tips


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over, dogs we, come into, our training , facility for, dog obedience lessons if , you want a dog who's, super motivated and , focused and working for, food just, like , these guys, this, is the go-to, recipe'm , Ken steep and, welcome back to McCain , dogs, if this is your first time on, the , channel, and you, consider your dog a , family member then, you're gonna want, to , hit that, subscribe, button we, post new , videos, every, single week to, help you , spend some, quality time with your , four-legged family member so let's talk , with, the ingredients, in this dog treat , recipe, it's really simple just, a few , ingredients and they are, cup of flour , Can, of tuna one egg and a quarter cup , of cheese, and we're going to talk about , the cheese, in a minute because, then , there's something you, can do with the , cheese that'll make it even more , enticing, for your, dog but let's get , started, first, up let's add, our 1 cup of , flour to mix, and then we're going to, add , our, can of, tuna now truth be told, I , hate tuna, I hate the way tuna smells , hate the consistency of tuna however the , dogs love it, uh, we all know how keen , their sense of smell, is and, Think , that's, part of the, you know, the, allure , of these treats is the stinky smelling , tuna is, you know something that the dogs , really really like and something they , really enjoy but we're, just, gonna, break , up that, tuna we're actually gonna add , the water, as whelk, and in goes our egg , let's see if, I can do this without , leaving any of the shell inside the, next , note Actually, did a pretty good, job, I , think and, finally in goes our quarter , cup of, cheese now we're just, talking, a , moment ago about how you noway keen a , dogs sense of smell is, so choose , something like, a medium or this is , actually, old cheese, it's it's much , smellier, little bit stronger and, your , dog's, gonna like, it a little bit more , they're, at least gonna be a little bit , more, interested in the, treat especially , if you'vie goat, picky dog the smellier , the stuff the smelly or, the ingredients , of the better the more likely you are to , have, a dog who loves these, treat snow , some of like cheese grading was a, little , bit messy sou'm, gonna ha veto, cleanup , what's, Left, did't get all of, it in , the bowl but, next up we're gonna mix , this , together our, treats, are, now pretty , thoroughly mixed, and this is piper , we're, gonna put the treats into, a pan to , go in the oven now, if, you had annex, pan , this one's a little bit bigger, than that , but, if you had an X pan this is, this , recipe is gonna fit like exactly into , that size but generally if I go about , half the width, of this pan that's , usually, you know pretty close to, being , the, right amount but I'll show you , really quickly what we're, going, to do is , we're going, to take our ingredients so , take our mixture out, we're just, gonna , place, it into, the pan and we're gonna , flatten it out a little bit, I, think , that's, pretty good, NOW, don't, know , whether you guys, can see this at home , it'st he, I'vie spread it the, recipe until , it'sabot a, quarter-inch, thick maybe , just a little bit, thicker and, now we're , actually gonna, put it in the oven now , we're, actually gonna bake this twice but , the first time we, bake, this we're gonna , put, it in at W but it's only gonna, go , in for, about W minutes , , okay so our treat shave, spent minutes , in, the oven and, I'just taken them out , and the whole house smells like, to, the , net but, what we need to do now is , actually we're, going to, separate the , treats from the, pan and, we're just, gonna , turn the treats over, we're gonna turn , the beginning of this, these two the , treats over, and onto a baking sheet and , we're actually going to, cut them up into , the, appropriate, size appropriate sizes , of, treat the last thing you want to, do , is have great big treats that, you're , treating your, toy poodle with, for , example if, we were using hippie shake , or you're, a small breed, dog you don't , want to have great, big treat , maybe, half the size of your thumbnail , is sort of Good, rule of thumb we , actually, have a video about using treats , and moving away fro musing, food in your , training and, I'll post a, card, to it , above me here somewhere, so that you guys , can have, an idea of that you, arena't , gonna be dependent on using, food in your , training, or using food to train, a trick , but, it's a really great, way, to start so , let's get into cutting, these tree snow , it's really helpful to have, something , like, pizza cutter you, definitely, don't , need, to use one but it's going, to make , cutting your treats just, a little bit , easier and a little, bit more precise so , if you have a look at the size, that, I'm , going to, be making these, treats we're , gonna put our treats your clutter treats , back into the tray and, we're gonna put , these treats back into the oven, and this , time we're gonna put the treats in at , W for, to, minutes, and you're , gonna want to check, out, in, on them after , the W minute mark , now about, minutes, have elapsed since , we, put our treats back into the oven and , I'vie been checking, on, them frequently , since about, the W, minute mark, and they , look tome, like they're, just about, ready , to, go , yeah they look pretty, good, they look , like, they're ready to, go now, what we're , going, to do is pour these out and we're , going to, break them up, so that they're , just little tiny treats , it's a really great thing about these , treats is that once we'vie cooled them to , room temperature we can start using them , right, away but, there'll, last if we keep , them refrigerated they'll, last , approximately a week and we can use, them , anytime, something that I like to, do, is , separate them into training portions you , know so I might trip, you know put a , handful of, say of treats into, a Ziploc , bag and then I'vie put, it, in the oven or , put it, in the refrigerator and each time , Want, to train, my dog, Icahn, take that , little section, or that little, pouch of , treats out and I'begot, a perfect amount , if I'm waiting, for, my coffee to be ready , or you know in the afternoon if I'vie got , a couple of minutes, and, want to work , on, something with, my dog Icahn, use that , portion, of treats the, other great, thing , is if I want to train the, trick, can , take couple of those little bags, out , and teach my dog to do something really , cool like, you know how, to teach the, dog , to do, the best buds, trick like I'll post , slink, above but teach them, how to, do , that best, buds trick and these really , really, high value treats are, a great way , to make sure, that you're, successful with , that, so, I hope you, have fun making, these , treats and I know our little, border , collie-line, really really likes them , now if this is your, first time, on the , channel make, sure, you, hit that, subscribe , button we publish new videos, every , single week to, help, you, spend some , quality time with your, dog you, see, that , video, over there that's one of, our trick , training playlist sand you can use your , brand-new, treats recipe to teach your , dog a really cool trick on that note, I'm , Ken after, training.

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