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if your dog is super, pushy begs, for food , won'give, you your, personal space, or , listen, to, you without, treats today, I'm , going to show you, how to, fix that, once , and for, all , click thumbs up for, anthrax, video , guys he's doing terrific in, his new, home , and he's, starting to make rapid progress , on, his training there, are, times when we , want our dogs to just chill, out and give , us, some space, maybe you'vie got company , over or maybe, you just, want, to eat, your , dinner without, your dog begging, for food , hit, subscribe right, now too, so you have , all, of the, information to teach your dog , anything, in, today's video we're, gonna , show, Jacob, how to stop begging and in , the process of doing that show, him how , we want him to generally behave, when, we , want our space in, the case of, unwanted , begging it might be a good idea, to make , sure your, dog is not, a full stomach , before, training but, I know what you're , thinking's, I'm, tired of running, to , the, store every few, weeks, to, get another , bag of dog, food, why can't it just be , there when, need, it, believe Meir, feel , your pain and fortunately, there is, a , better way in, all seriousness though , Pep low, will change your life by freeing , up, lots of time now I'vie done the, math , and, for me setting up automatic pet food , delivery saves me about, hours, year , in unnecessary, driving and it helps the , dog training revolution- , you're gonna , get your, dog food, anyway get, it this way , and make your life easier just choose , the, brand of, dog food, you want, from , hundreds and how often, you, wan tit , delivered , enter code Bach W when you checkout , and you'll receive W%off of your, first , order now, let's go find out what's going , on with, Jacob and see, if we can help , hey buddy what's up how, are you there he , is , look at this no this is not for, you no , no this this, is for me you, can't have , this as, you can see Jacobs being pretty , insistent right, now for, some food his , begging behavior appears to be well , established at, some point in the past , Jacob was probably reinforced with this , begging behavior, by people feeding him , from the table, that's the cheap way that , dogs become beggars, in the first, place , I'm gonna ask him, to, sit just to get his , attention, off of this food it's much , harder to reverse an established bad , habit than it is to prevent the begging , behavior from becoming, a habit in, the , first place ideally if you, never feed , your dog while you're, eating, you should , never have this problem, of, unwanted , begging to begin with there's a couple , of prerequisites to resolving, pushy , behavior like this the first is that you , have a really reliable down-stay from , your dog however without rewarding them , with food and you, can see how it might , send mixed messages to your dog, if your , rewarding with, food when you're trying , to, get, them to, stop begging for, food so , let'review, how, to, get to the point , where our dog does listen, to us without , treats so, you might remember the way to , teach your dog it down is to first, get , them, into a sit just like, this sit , please , that's right and lure them and do it , down just like that , down, luring, them, with the nose not the , eyes and do it down down good boy, the , next step is teaching, your dog to follow , a hand signal and, then reward them, let's , see where he, is down, good let, me see if , I can get him to lie, down while, I stand , completely straight, up like this, get up , good, lie down hey, that's pretty , impressive, good, boy but, you might notice , I'm, still rewarding with food we want to , get him past treats it's, important to , reward, lot when you'reteaching, a dog , something new, in the beginning but, as , they start, to get, it you want to, start , to wean them off, of food rewards like , this once, you're pretty confident, that , your dog is, likely to lie, down for a , treat then you, can start to ask them to , lie down without, a treat but, we want to , be random in, our rewards we don't want , to reward, every time now for, some crazy , reason this, make sour, training more , effective when we're random good , excellent get, up good, lie down , yes good boy, get up lie, down give, me one , more lie, down, starting to lose him but , see I'gonna, reward, there, and let him , know look Is till, pay now if you're not , at this point yet I'll have a video, in , the description that, will, get you there , don't, be discouraged, if your dog dozen't , reliably listen to you without, treat , at first this, can take many weeks of , consistency no, big deal though the, goal , here is to work on, down, stay until it's , really, reliable and, your dog seems to , understand that it's, not just, a, trick , and that they'vie, really generalized it , and we'll, do it without, treats that , means they're lying down, herein, your , yard and, other places so, down stay , without treat sis a prerequisite, our , next prerequisite well, we're gonna work , on that next, time, think we'll, let, all , that settle in for right, now, after , mastering, down, stay without treats most , of the time you're ready to move on, to, a , similar but more advanced concept called , settle, teaching your dog to, settle is , key to stopping begging, behavior and , other pushy, behavior essentially what we , want to, do is show our dogs what they , should do instead of, begging so, what is , settle settle is where your dog just , kind of, is in an, indefinite downscale , where they're just kind of relaxing, and , taking, a nap rather, than being in a , what's next state, of mind like a, more , traditional lie down , stick Jacob, USN'exactly, into naps , though teaching, your dog to settle, is , less about, having your, dog achieve a , specific, position and, more of how , teaching your, dog to, achieve a certain , state, of mind, a, relaxed calm state of , mind, not, this so, in order to make your , job a lot easier, with high-energy dog , like Jacob it's a good idea to exercise , them right before introducing this , foreign concept of settle or relax so I , think we're gonna go exercise, him , that'll get us , so the teacher, dog to settle you want to , start by asking them, to lie, down and , we're, gonna try and, encourage him to be , calm and that, should, be a little bit , easier, since he's Hadar, little bit, of , exercise lie, down, little lie down over , here, that's why we want to, encourage him , to be calm naturally by petting him , softly by, talking to him softly, like , this and, you can kind of tell that he's , more relaxed right, now, his hips are kind , of, shift and, he's definitely in, a more , of Achilles-out, mood than he was before , but see that's, why this is a more , advanced concept to teach, dog's you , have, to have, really good, existing , communication with them already and, you , kind of want, to have, mutual , understanding with, each other before, you , can, teach a dog to be in a relaxed frame , of min don, cue but, this is what it takes , to, get there we're, gonna introduce the , term settle, now if you want to become , the, settle training champion you'll , become a master at capturing, calm , relaxed behavior, from your, dog capturing , is where your dog does something , naturally and you tell them what, they're , doing, as they're doing it, for example , you, might catch your dog about to, relax , in their bed in the, room Orin, a crate , in your, bedroom that's, a good time to , say settle I'm going to tell him to , settle since he's doing what I like , right, now so, he understands what, he's , doing settled, be authentic, to say settle , it, has a soft voice when your dog , appears to, be relaxing now over time , he'll learn, what this, word means this is , a good example, of what it means, to, be , purposeful when you'reteaching, your dog , and your friends, or your, work you, don't , need, to reward in the traditional sense , that you would when you're, teaching , settle, perhaps give them, a treat or, an , extra ten, minutes, play after they'vie , reasonably settled down for, several , minutes that's, because we want, them to , ninny out not paying, attention we're , trying to communicate to our dogs, and, if , they relax and calm, down, that they'll so , get everything they, want in life , but, they're gonna get it on, my terms, now , if Get, up and, go, over, hereto, the , couch thinking, you might get up of , course I'd like for, him to remain, in , this calm settled state but you know , there co mesa, time to, test, every once in , a while so let's see what happens , okay , all right and, that as I thought he came , over, here and came to me so what do you , do in this case well, we have to go back , and escort him, tithe, position, where we , want him, to hang, out sometimes they get , Little, hyper like this but, we want to , encourage, them to be, calm , lie down you, may have to get, up several , times to get, your dog back in, position , and, in that relaxed calm state of mind , settle down it's just like, putting, a , baby to sleep understand that it might , take, several days, to weeks, to really get , your dog to understand, that, this, concept , means don't wait till you have, a dinner , party, to introduce the, concept of settle , down to your dog as your dog starts to , settle for, 2, 5 W W minute sat, a time , you'll know you'Reno, the right, track , progress with, settle is gradual , right here , the real test will come, when we put food , on the table , and, see if he'll remain in, this calm , down, state too , Jacob, settle , now I did it, reluctantly, but I think , he'siding, a really really, good job, I'm , so proud of Jacob give him a big thumbs , up we're doing, terrific job today , thanks, to, you guys we're, able to, put a , lot of, time and effort into, these videos , join our patron, community, and help us , revolutionize dog training and show , people, that harsh primitive dog training , methods belong to yesterday not tomorrow , you, can also set up your, pet food , delivery with pet food, calm I'll have , all the details, in the description , subscribe and give Jacob, a thumbs up , he's doing a really nice job, hope you , guys enjoyed the video here are a few , more, to check out eat your dog, the , surprise stay it's probably the one , training, exercise you're missing if your , dog doe snot, reliably stay now if your , dog begs then I'guessing, there's a , good chance they'd, probably steal, food , when you're, not paying attention then , watch how to teach your dog, to stop , stealing food for those of, you a little , bit, farther, along in your training, learn , what you need, to do to teach your dog to , listen off leash, alright, guys thank you , so, much for your, support here, on, YouTube , and patron'll, see you guys in the , next week ,  

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