How to Stop Puppy Biting and Don’t Do These 5 Things When Training Your Puppy


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this episode of the , dog , training  ,revolution is crowd funded , by you and ,sponsored Midwest Alton's for pets ,because , life , goes better with pets if ,you , notice that we'vie had a lot of ,puppies , on the , dog training revolution ,lately you're right ,central to our mission is , making sure ,that new , puppy parents have all the ,tools , and know-how they need in order to ,set their puppy on the , right pat hand ,boy , do we have dog that , is , a W out of ,W , on the , cuteness scale today Remington ,the Nova Scotia Duck , Tolling Retriever ,and , I are going to , show you some of , the ,most common , mistakes that , new puppy ,parents make and how to easily , avoid ,them , if you want to help back the ,evolution of , modern dog training see the ,description for details on , how to , help ,us with that , lot of , people make these ,mistakes so no , judgment , tell , me in the ,comments below if , you , happen to be ,making any of these mistakes , click ,thumbs up for , another video like me on ,Facebook , , slash these AC ,door snow , let's go get , acquainted with ,Remington the , Nova Scotia Duck , Tolling ,Retrieve rand his dad James James , what ,is the , story with Remington , I'vie , wanted ,a dog for , as long as , I , can , remember but ,I did't have everything together , it ,would have allowed me to have one you ,know with school , and traveling for work ,once everything kind of , came together I ,immediately started looking , for , one , and ,got lucky , to find Remington it's just ,the right time , you work from home you ,have I do yep , I could spend all day with ,him the only time he's really , in the ,crate or way to go running them , an ,errand or if I get , lucky , enough to , get ,if I do a happy hour , or , something like ,that , but otherwise he's pretty much out ,and roaming around the house my favorite ,thing about the Duck Tolling Retriever ,czar that they were basically bred to ,play fetch honestly their job is , to , well ,I , know you , want to , tell us , what their ,job is and , I'm not sure he's , gonna , be ,much of , a hunter but his job is , Togo ,out and , play in the , water , and , the sound ,of somebody playing , in the water , it ,tracks the Ducks and , so the Ducks kind ,of fly down and , then the hunters get ,their chance to , take advantage and , then ,he goes and retrieved , them , after they're ,done as far as training goes how would ,you describe your , progress so , far ,because , you'vie only had them what two or ,three weeks or , something yeah , it'been ,Little , bit , less than , month we're ,starting slow and simple we're , getting ,down just the nose , and trying to get the ,potty training and , really focusing on ,that sometimes , we have , to be , like no , I ,don'talkie , that but , I do like this , and ,we want the , emphasis , to be in , what , we do ,like wherever , possible that , takes a ,little practice though ,yeah for both of us my hope today , James ,is , to go over the top five biggest ,mistakes that most new , puppy parents ,make we can start , with number five , year ,which is getting , frustrated particularly ,with play biting early , on this is ,probably , the original point of ,frustration no , yeah it's very ,frustrating , it's a normal emotion we all ,have to deal with the , play biting , is so ,natural , it takes many weeks , two , months ,to , really get a , handle , on play biting so ,it'something , we ha veto , prepare ,ourselves , for Think , the most important ,thing to understand about about ,frustration , is progress cannot , be ,achieved when , either you , or your dog is ,Ina frustrated mindset a couple other ,things , in this category are , unwanted ,chewing and , potty training those also ,take a long time so , we , ha veto , keep our ,expectations very realistic on those ,things play biting is , some of the most ,predictable behavior , there is , you know ,when it's going to occur oh , yeah you ,want to see it in his face you , can't ,exactly exactly so , it's , more important ,to , show , our dogs what we do like rather ,than what , we don't like , so , in the ,instance of , play biting the way to ,address it , is when you go up to , them and ,you know they're likely to , bite , you come ,prepared with , a treat you , put them into ,a sit and , you reward them , for , sitting in ,other words what we'retrying , to ,communicate to them is look when I come ,up , to you this is , what I want you , to , do ,not bite me and , before you , know it he's ,gonna take you off the list of things ,that , he's allowed to , bite , there's a fine ,line , between , rewarding your dog for ,biting , on you and giving them a treat ,immediately and , asking them to do ,something , before , giving them the tree ,come on very good the other , thing you ,can , do is get something , like this ,encourage them to chew on this but ,understand they're still , gonna miss you ,they're still , gonna get , your hand even ,though , you , have this that's , part of the ,training , process when , you do choose the ,second option here , and you opt to , have ,them bite , on , a toy like this you're ,still encouraging them to , bite and ,they're still gonna be , in , that vigorous ,mood and they may even accelerate so ,you'll need to make , this a training ,session , on how , to , play with the , right ,thing you , can't be as passive as you can ,when you're using food does that make ,sense ,treating , them open-palm like this will ,save your skin sincerely and ,enthusiastically let your dog know , when ,you like the way , they're behaving , dogs ,detect sincerity well , the more ,consistent you , are , the faster this will ,get , done you , need to , allow two to three ,to four , months to really , get , sear ,handle on the play biting let's , talk ,about the fourth most common , mistake ,that , see and that is , lack of ,supervision with a young puppy now , I ,believe that everyone , starts off with ,good intentions on this you know the ,first few days we get , a , young puppy like ,this they're still relatively , small and ,relatively , slow compared to , what they ,will , be in a few weeks , so we tend to get ,kind , of content on how easy they are to ,get to , dogs are famous for their ,curiosity so as their physical and ,cognitive ability start , to accelerate ,and , believe me they do so exponentially ,you're , gonna be caught off guard if ,you're not prepared for , it you'll , want ,to , keep , them in the , same room , with you ,as much as possible , and , another , thing ,you , can do to really guarantee , success ,is , to have , them on a leash even , in the ,house with you that , way when they run ,under furniture , you can easily , get them ,keep them from , running into , another , room ,of , course they're , gonna be times when we ,cannot supervise , our dogs which is why ,we want to , make sure , we have something ,like , crate or an exercise pen , for our ,dog these , are made by Midwest homes for ,pets , and while they're sponsoring this ,video , I , want to remind you , that it was ,me who , approached them because Ire ally ,enjoy their products I think they , make ,the best , product sin , this category , my ,favorite feature of Midwest crates is ,that they come fully , assembled so , you ,don't ha veto , worry about , taking , them ,apart every time you want to move , them ,some wherewith , the exception of their ,very large crate , so this crate happens ,to have two , doors , check , this out look at ,that USN't that neat what do you think ,about , that , Remington what , I love about ,this store did you see what happened ,here it actually comes over the top so ,that you , can , put it in a corner to save ,space this , ISS , cool safety feature , on ,this , particular , crate that will keep it ,from , falling down on your puppy , as well ,which is , really neat , and , think ,Remington is super comfortable with the ,crate already by the way , when you ,introduce a crate to , your dog that's ,exactly what you want to happen leave ,the doors open let him go in and out ,maybe , throw some chicken in there to ,encourage , them to just , be , comfortable ,with it I'll , have avid , in the ,description , that will , show you more ,about how to , introduce your , dog to a ,crate as well as potty training your dog ,now , if you do have , to leave your dog ,alone for many hours at a , time , you might ,want , to consider something like doggy ,daycare having a friend come over , to , let ,them out during , the day play a little ,bit of fetch , with , them or , coming home , on ,your lunch break , giving , them tired ,before you leave these are all things ,that , you can do , that'll , make , the ,transition a little bit easier ,until you can leave them alone ,unattended you could even puppy-proof , a ,certain room in the house in other words ,Walden't , want to keep , ado , in a ,crate like this for too many hours but ,these are fantastic for , potty training ,for , sleeping at night and for , containing ,them safely for , short periods of time ,and , I'll have links , in the , description ,that will , tell you how to , get , these ,product sand , how to learn more about ,Midwest homes for pets really , there , we ,go all , right I'm gonna give them , a ,little , rest let , them , walk around ,little bit ,thing to avoid number three is not ,socializing , your dog , enough when they're ,young , it's so important to make sure , you ,bring your dog , around a lot of different ,people , lot of , different dog sand , in ,lots of , environments'll , have slink , in ,the , description that , will , give you a ,more detailed , lesson on , how to socialize ,your dog mistake to avoid number two is ,under estimating the amount of , exercise ,your , dog is going to , need now a dog if ,Remington's age can be pretty , satisfied ,playing , fetch indoors and get , pretty ,tired ,however in just a few short , weeks from ,now , he's gonna need , an entire field to ,run up and down , for maybe an hour , at a ,time before he's , satisfied mentally and ,physically those , muscles , get big fast ,and , their curiosity really intensifies ,the single biggest , mistake to avoid is ,giving to , content with , how willing your ,puppy is to stay with you when , they're ,under five , months of , age ,they're extremely clinging they like to ,be near , you in , fact that would go , as far ,as to say , that with , most three or four ,month old puppies you , could take them to ,a crowded park with squirrels with birds ,with other dogs with other people take ,the leash off they'll probably stay with ,you and when a person sees , this ,oftentimes , they'll make the assumption ,gosh I guess I got lucky and got a dog ,that , wants to , be near me all the time I ,really don't need a leash but , once your ,dog , hits about , months , of age watch , out ,because that's when they start getting ,really , really curious and discover that ,there's a lot in this world they're ,interested Ina's , tempting as it , might be ,to , take a leash off of your do gin , an ,uncontrolled setting like a park don't ,do , this don't , let the habit get started ,to , begin with control their , environment ,for that first year of training , you're ,gonna be well ahead of , mo stone-year-old ,dogs that's , not , to say , you can never ,ever have your dog off leash you , can ,have them off leash but , you just want to ,make sure it's , an offense area , where you ,can supervise them , and where they can't ,get , away you , could also put them on a ,long ,if you don't have easy access to a ,fenced area so if you are new to ,teaching , dogs I'm gonna have a playlist ,in , the , description that will , give you a ,step , by step guide to teaching , your ,puppy or dog that's absolutely ,completely free as all of my video ,content is , make sure you , subscribe so ,you , see all of my future videos too ,again that'salsa , free click , thumbs up ,if , you enjoyed the , video like me on ,Facebook , , slash these , act ,George , and if you want to help promote ,ethical positive dog training around the ,world consider contributing to our ,patron , , slash is ,act George I'll have , all , the details , in ,the description , once again thank you for ,supporting our , sponsor Midwest , homes for ,pets good , job yes , go get that , Bali ,hope you guys , enjoyed the video ,Remington really is especial , dog now , if ,you guys have a puppy first make sure ,you're subscribed to my YouTube channel ,and , then watch this playlist I made it ,specifically for , those , who are new to ,training or those who want to , train more ,positively take , the next week or two , to ,go through the videos to get , really ,good idea as to your , next steps in ,training oh , and by the way my , next video ,is going to be , awesome it'll , likely be ,the , most , thorough video I have ever made ,on the topic of , how to teach your dog ,fetch ,you ,   

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