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today's ask me, I think goes, out to Don a , full wood, who says my, question how do , you go, from long line to no line when , working on recon walking with no leash , great question so the way we do that is , we keep the, line on the dog until the , dog finds that he'almost W% , bulletproof, so, the line should be, very , transparent, about some, of the old-school , trainers, used to use a heavier line than , a lighter line and then a really thin , thin line like a little hiking line , webbing line or something, like that but , you'll, start to see when, the dog is , really, successful and, is doing it, a , hundred, percent, of the time you can run , the dogs not paying attenuation, the , line do a couple quick recalls, put the , line back on have, the line going on, and , off the dog so the dog dozen'TKO, when , he's on line and when, he'snot, and , hopefully, when he, screws up is going to , be a time when he think she's, off line , he's actually on line and, you, can still , give him, that correction you, want to , avoid, chasing the, dog or doing anything , like, that because, that'seagoing, to have , the dog, to learn some really, bad , behaviors that you can't reinforce so , long line wait, a longtime, keep, training , make, sure that, was completely , bulletproof build a bullet, bulletproof , before you ever unhook the line that's , going to be really really, important and , I, said on and off on and, off of, the line , and, they'll help you, a lot , got question asked me anything and hey , if you like this, video, give it a thumbs , up and, hit the, subscribe, button .