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in today'Soviet, I'm, gonna show you, how , to, teach your, dog this, sit how to lie , down maybe, even, a little bit, of play , dead an droll over, now, we're gonna do , all this with a concept of, training , called lure, training if you have a new , dog this is, especially valuable to you , because it's the fastest most humane and , effective, way to, teach your dog how to , do these basic things lure training is , where we encourage, our dog to get, into a , certain, position by, encouraging, them to , move, into that position, with like a , treat or, a toy or, something that they're , willing to, follow voluntarily contrary , to, what, most people think, you, can , actually teach your dog how to, do lots , of, things, at the same time , in fact I encourage it, it keeps the , brain active and it's, really good, to , keep our dogs really happy and , enthusiastic about, what they're learning , the reason lure, training is fantastic is , because it teaches our, dog, to think , rather than, making them do something, and , when our, dogs are thinking about, how to , do something that, is real dog training , making them, physically do something , that's not training'vie, got Indiana , Jones out here with me today and, we're , gonna, go over, at lower, training he rebut , I want you to, kind of, watch how we work , together on lower, training because , remember it's, not just, about, the tree , it's about the relationship with, our dog , one, of my biggest pet peeves of watching , war training is, that people just throw , the treat at their dog rather, than , acknowledging, that bond and, relationship , you, can do both and Want, you to watch , how we, doing here right now, I'begot , this piece of, cheese that'SWAT, I'm , using, very small, piece of, cheese and , look at Indy I mean she's totally , focused on, Ito, can lure up here she's , coming over, here , most dogs really, love food by the way , don't, use dog food even, dog treats are a , bit questionable, pieces of, lunch meat , like, turkey or, chicken look, at this, all , that'Good sit very good did you see , how we, lured her into a scent we, simply , put the treat had her nos ewe, go back , here nice works, it's beautiful you're , doing, wonderful Wow , we're gonna try and go into, a lie down , again nice, and, slowly now, right there , I'm gonna reward, her why, do you think , I'm gonna reward, her there because, she , was on the right track if our dog is, on , the right track let, him know that you , like that , don't insist on, a hundred percent , success, right off the top I mean to , accomplish anything great, it's , accomplished in step slots, of baby steps , so again check it, out here we go , yes good what you are doing so wonderful , indeed I really appreciate it , be sincere guys when you're working with , your dogs, it's very important nice quiet , voice here, we, go , lie down lie, yes, that's called lie down , see'm, saying lie down when she goes , into the down in other words I'm not , saying, lie down lie down lie, down lie , down, mean make, sure you wait, hundred , times of them lying down like this , before, you, say lie down in other words , if we just, simply say commands over and , over at them it, dozen'make, much sense , let, them know what they're doing as , they'redoing it when teaching anything , new, does that make sense so, watch this , stand sit good very good , watch, this ah, almost, there, and did, you , see what I did there she, did't do it , perfectly, what did I do , I, said app, you could say no and'm , without, the reward that'sit , she's no tin trouble we're, not being , harsh but we're letting her know that's , not what we, want , lie, down very, good and, let's see if we , can get a play dead here play dead'll , take that it's a good beginning, play , dead very, very good that's how you would , teach your dog to roll over as well you , would just, keep going, with it, we'll, try , but I don'TKO, if Indy's, comfortable , with that, just yet, all roll over she, did , it did you see it I, can't believe it , Indiana Jones, he rolled it over'm , gonna, give her a jackpot reward that's , where we give her a whole bunch of , treat sat, one time to let her know we , love that house roll over nah you did so , well with that, if, you liked, this video , make, sure you click thumbs, up it's right , there under, the video leave, comment , tell, your friends about, this dog , training Channel remember guys if we're , going to, change, the mindset of, dog , training in our culture today we'vie, got , to let, people, know that this, information , is, out there slash sch , George that is, YouTube, address also , like, me on, Facebook Otis, the best dog , training page on Facebook, , slash, these act, George and Twitter of , course Twitter, comm flash Bach, George by , the way she, check out my video blog , channel while we're at it, breeze, say hi , come on , all right Hanna's, on, my video blogs a , lot - she helps me she's been helping, me , film these special, thank you, to, her as , well, guys, Ire ally appreciate, your , support and, we'll see you in, the next , video ,you .