How to Potty Train your Puppy EASILY! Everything you need to know!


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if you want to know the most efficient , way to house train, your new, puppy or dog , today's episode is for you house , training is, Little, bit more involved , than most people imagine but today I'm , going to, show you, the steps you, need, to , take, in, order to make the process as , smooth, as possible click, thumbs up if , you love puppy training video sand, if , you're new to, my channel, click, Subscribe , right now it's always, free now, one of , the easiest things, you can, do to set up , your new pup for house training success , is, to feed them Ina consistent, schedule , you should also be feeding your, puppy a , high quality, food as wellie, recommend , that, you get, your food, from pet, flow , comm, slash, AC, George why because you , never need to leave, the house to, get , your puppy's food and, it arrives at any , time interval you'd like just pick your , puppy's food and how often you want it , delivered, to, your house we want to , revolutionize the, way people teach, dogs , help us do that, by, changing the, way, you , buy dog food look, you're gonna get your , puppy's, food anyway, get it this way and , make, your life, lot easier'll, have a , special link and a coupon code in the , description that will give you a , fantastic discount on your first, order , now, what do you say, we go do some house , training with, BB-8 the Alaskan Klee KIA , it's, our, responsibility as, people to , show our dogs where they can, and can't , go, and house, training is, months-long , process but it's a good opportunity for , you, to become consistent and that is a , telltale sign, of a good teacher see, dogs , arena't born knowing where, they should , and should't relieve themselves house , training, success is, fastest achieved , when you get really good, at, controlling , your, dog's environment and supervising , them really well our overall goal, is to , teach, our dogs that our house is their , house see, instinctively dogs don't like , to do their business where, they live and , sleep but, it can take, a while for, them , to generalize an entire house as their , primary residence, let, me show you what I , mean if this is, your, house you, first , want your dog to, understand that this , area is, their living space, before , expecting them to generalize, the whole , living room the, kitchen, bathroom and, so , on until they'vie learned that the whole , house is their house you do, this, by , slowly giving, your dog access to, the , rest of, the, house under, heavy , supervision over, time, along with taking , them outside very often so, what are the , best, ways to control your, dog's , environment'vie, found that the best way , is by, actual , attaching, a leash to you this, way your , dog can't wander off into another room , and, you're in a better position to, kind , of take cues from, your dog that, they , might want, to go outside now if you need , help introducing a leash and, harness , to your, dog I'll have slink, in the , description baby gates are a great way , to control where your dog can and can't , go you, could also get a puppy playpen , like this one and this, will give your , dog a fair amount of, room when you want , to, break from heavy supervision from , time to time no, matter how, you, decide to , control, your dog's, environment make sure , you go out of your, way to ensure that , they're having, a great time in whatever , environment you choose a crate is a nice , way to give your, dog a cozy place to , hang out when you can't really supervise , them now, since a crate is pretty small , relative, Tao, big room your, dog is, less , likely to, do their business inside of , the crate and, they'll be more likely, to , accept, it as their primary living space , remember, dogs don'talkie, to do their , business where, they live and sleep , understand though the crate is not a dog , sitter it's just a way to, keep your dog , safe, and out of trouble, for, short , periods of time when you, absolutely , can't supervise them but you want to , introduce the crate delicately in order , to make sure, that your dog enjoys being , inside first we're gonna let BB, just , kind of, explore the crate I'm gonna open , it up let them, smell it, let them, check , it, out, not forcing them, in the crate at , all that's really good I like how, are , you reacted, there I'm just gonna give , him a treat again just to create a , positive association, while being in the , presence, of this, crane and, I'm gonna try , and, get him, to, go inside of, the, crate , voluntarily because I don't want to , force him, in the crate, want him to , want to go in the crate good, now you're , learning, I'm gonna set one right, there , awesome eat, that I mean that, is, terrific , that's, really good I'm gonna try and, put , the Treat, Ina, little bit farther now , okay, whoa, look at that did you, see, that , he went in all by himself again, keeping , the, store, open letting, him know he can , come, and goat, least at this, point, in , this training you can even treat him , from outside, of the, crate right here, and , really I'just, trying to achieve, giving , him comfortable with being in, here for a , little bit longer , I'm using tiny, pieces of real, chicken , now I'm gonna close the door like, this , and I'm gonna walk it but I'm not going , to, just walk, away and leave, them, alone , give, them another treat , it's good idea, to just kind of hang out , with your dog like this, for a little , while, especially those, first few , training sessions, you, might notice that , I have a divider panel in this , particular crate that's, because, I don't , want, it to be too big, for him, right off , the bat the crate should be, big enough , for your dog to, very comfortably move , around in but not necessarily, take , several steps, in, a row in this, is a very , temporary, step after, your, dog, is , starting to, make, the connection that , this is where they hang outta, lot you , can, then begin to enlarge the crate to , be, clear an oversized crate is , absolutely fine after your dog has gone , several, days without having an accident , in the crate in the, beginning place the , crate near your bed so that your, dog is , less, likely to have anxiety when, you go , to bed at night it's normal that your , puppy might, keep you, awake sometime sin , the middle, of the night and, yeah you'll , have, to get in the habit of getting up , and, taking, them outside hey that's just , part of having, puppy, it'll get better , though and later you can move the crate , into another, room if you want to now a , good rule of thumb for, how, long your dog , should be, in the crate is roughly one , hour per month of age however, you really , want, to avoid having, any dog stay Ina , crate for more than four or, five hours , at a ti meat, any age with the exception , of overnight see, this is why it's , important to have, additional, puppy , proofed areas available like, a puppy , proof laundry, room, or bathroom where, you , can tolerate potty accidents if they do , occur in, case, you do need to leave your , dog alone for a little while before , leaving, your, dog alone for many hours, at , atom, do your best to give them , age-appropriate exercise now since many , of, us have jobs, that require us to, be , away from the, house for, more than, eight , hour sat, a time , make arrangements to come, home at lunch , and let, them out and play, for, about , thirty, or forty-five, minutes, if possible , if, this USN'practical for you though , you might need to enlist, the help, of a , friend family, member dog walker or , doggier, daycare, oh, you're good so, how , often should, you let, your dog outside to , go on a potty break well, in general I , recommend about, once an hour make, sure , you take them outside immediately upon , arriving home or waking up be, prepared , to, stay outside for five, to ten, minutes , it's, okay, if they don't go each time, but , it's important that you continually give , them the opportunity Togo, now in cases , where, they'vie been left, alone for, two or , more hour , make sure you take them outside , immediately, upon, arriving home or waking , up why are you waiting for, your, dog to , relieve, himself be boring just, let him , check, out the environment, because, you , don't want to distract him now, when he , finishes, going that's, when you reward , him, big yes, good boy good boy, you, did , terrific wow, you went poop outside it's , as though going, potty outside unlocks , the most fun version of, you to, your dog , now you can reward, them, with a great , treat or even a short play session , creating, positive associations, in this , way will make your, dog actually want, to , go, outside to, do their business now, if , your dog does have an accident inside , don't, punish him, this is about, as , effective as, punishing an, infant for , going in their diaper your, dog USN'tot , blame, for this accident either, you , Warren't consistent enough, or you did't , control the environment, well enough just , do, a better job next, time so, what do you , do if you actually catch your dog in the , act of going inside, well, if possible , pick them up and rush them outside , otherwise, clean up the mess doing your , best, to eliminate, any odors and do a , better job of, following the, steps I'vie , outlined in this video, so far now, some , of you might be, wondering, about , submissive or excitement urination , that's where your dog pees when they get , Little, nervous or, extra excited now , typically most, dog swill, outgrow this, by , the time they're, W to W months of age , but, if you prioritize socializing, your , dog, they'll, probably get there sooner , rather than later , in, general'd, recommend against using , puppy, pads unless you have a unique , situation like maybe you live in, a , high-rise apartment, where it's , impractical, to get, your dog outside, very , often that's, because dogs generally , develop a preference to, whatever texture , they experience most often while , relieving themselves, so, if you want your , dog Togo, on grass full-time, well just , introduce them to, lots of grass and give , lots, of, praise when they do their , business in the right place most people , celebrate, house-training, success a , little, bit too, prematurely so, how will , you know, when your dog is, completely , house trained well, I'Day, that, once , they go one to two months, with , absolutely no accidents and can, go , several hours, between potty breaks , you're, probably out of, the, woods , regression, is likely especially, in the , first year or if, you move, or your dog , experiences another major change to , their, environment if, this, happens just , take, a step back, and, go back to, basics , whether, you have, puppy, or, an adult dog , remain vigilant for six straight, months , without, letting , are, down dogs, are relinquished all, of , the time because of, issues with house , training, and other problem behaviors , support content like this by , contributing in, the amount you'd like to , our patron campaign this, money goes , directly, to producing these videos so, go , check it, out, and consider, supporting the , cause don't, forget, to set up automatic , pet food delivery with pet flow comm , I'll, have a link and, an awesome coupon , code in the, description that'll, give you , a terrific deal, on your first auto-ship , order and, if you think BB-I's out of , this, world, click, thumbs up and, make sure , you're, subscribed to, the dog training , revolution see you guys next time , if, you thought BB-8 was BB, great then , you'll want to checkout, how to leash , train, your puppy I'vie got lots more , videos, withal, coming too, are, you , unsure on how to achieve, better , communication with your, dog then, check , out the art of communicating with your , dog , now if you have a hyperactive dog or dog , that begs, I'll, give you a great lesson , on, both of these topics, in, stop begging , and settle down with Jacob the rescue , dog thanks, for your support on, patron- , and hit that subscribe, button, if you , haven't, already we'll see you guys in , the next video , you .

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