What I teach my puppies first / puppy training


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hey what'seagoing, on folks, flare pack , masters, dog training here yesterday, I , mad ea, comment, on Facebook, that , basically, said that by, time my own , personal dogs are four, month sold, they , know just, about everything, they will , ever need to, know and that's the, truth , okay, I put in alto, of work earl yon, and , several of you asked what does, that , include , you know, what is the checklist what, do , you teach the first four, months, and so , I'm, Avery, slow fat finger one finger , type, ER, so I'll just give you, quick , rundown see, if I can cover most of what , I do okay and then several, you, asked , well when, do you start, to training well , it's easy the, training starts today take , the, dog home everything, we do from, there , that's such a vital period guys eight , week sold, to W week sold, it's such a , vital period in the dog's life and the , beautiful thing is, they suck everything , up that you give them, okay, they're just , a sponge for learning so, take advantage , of it because, if you bust your ass a , little bit, in, those first couple, of , months you're, gonna, have a dog that , really is set off to succeed right, from , the start , alright, so the first two, things I teach , now, most people always think when you , talk about training, a dog that, we think , about commands okay obedience , I usually don't think that, way but, I'll , give you the, first two things, I teach or , leave it and out every single, one of my , dogs now I know a lot, of, people arena't a , big fan of leave it they don't teach it , for instance if, a dog is, going to , something, they don't want, to, touch , they'll use a recall Ora, down, don't , do that , I'm very literal with my dogs, I, tell , them what I want and what, I, have found , over the, years through, experience and , have shown this so, Id on't, just talk , about, it, like, lot of, these homeboys, do , I show it , dogs get it for some reason the, leave it , command, is very very strong in, dogs and , that's why I teach, it, to my clients dog , it's incredibly effective so, for example , what I have realized over the, years, that , the average, dog will come off of, a chase , say of a cat or rabbit, a deer an, animal , with the, leave it command much, quicker , than, they will offer recall I'vie seen it , over and over and over it's, a very , powerful command than dogs just get it , so, leave it, means just , don't touch it that is it and I'vie , demonstrated that many time sand, then , out means drop whatever, you have in your , mouth so everything I teach my dogs is , very literal that, that's, it then, of , course we start working on the recall , okay, a dog has to, have a strong recall , when they're off leas hand, listen if you , have an adult dog , that will come to you when you call him , under all circumstances leave, which, you , don't want him, to, touch and drop what he , has in his, mouth how, much more do you , really need you, understand what I'm , saying that, that really, is the , foundation, of, a really well behaved dog , as, far as obedience wise then, of course , in those first, few months you, know, I , start the luring, I, teach everything, with , luring with food okay, everything luring , is a is a tremendous thing, you're , showing the dog you're guiding him into , the positions that you want to teach , very simple very, basic but, what other , ways is faster for, a dog to learn than , you by showing him so, I start luring him , into the, basics you know the sit the , down the place, command and the place , command guys too, many people think , that's dog training, teaching the dog a , place command, a dog learns a place , command, in about W seconds okay , learns the foundation of the place , command, W seconds that's that's a very , small part of dog training, all, right , let's, get back to the down, command, if, a , dog doe snot, go down with, louring, I , don't force Ito, don't force it okay , because for me that means, that dogs , mindset is not, ready for, me to , manipulate, him into, that position and, if , he's gonna fight Ito, don'thieve, a , problem, with, that that's, with my own , dog sand, and with clients dogs I wait to , have that, bond in that relationship to , where, the dog's, going to, go down with me , luring him into Down plain, and simple , so that's, not something I, care, too much , about all right, I'm not gonna create , that conflict from that start so , everything in those first couple, months , it, is happy-go-lucky good times a lot of , play, have the dog chase a lot of toys , and bring it back, I start that, right , from the start okay when, I potluck, I , threw a little mini, whoopee, I think , they're called the, dubbers, threw that , thing you know, times, a day for him , and and and that, was, a big foundation, if , hi strain , so as far as obedience for, those first , couple, of months that's, pretty much all , I focus on now with that being, said you , know how If eel about obedience, not , incredibly necessary, to have a , well-behaved dog okay it just, really , USN'talkie, I'visaed before that's maybe , W%of the equation at most, W% , is how , you live with, your dog how, you're , designing the, behavior you want, what , kind of, dog are, you creating, inside the , home so, during those first, several , months, if, that dog is Ina, leash, mean , I'm sorry if, he, is in the house with me , as a puppy he's not gonna be running , free around the house because if they , are they're, going to, chew, things they're , going topee, they're going to poop so , everything is under my control, if , they're hanging with, USA's, a puppy in , the living room he's on a long line okay , he's Ina, long leash so I can control , his, whereabouts you, know W foot long , line gives him plenty room to, roam , around and explore and do things but I , have full, control, okay so I want to , create the behavior I want instead of , fixing the bad behavior when, it's all , said, and, done, don'twat, to do that, so , with my own dogs I'm never really fixing , bad behavior because, don't allow it, to , begin, the crate is used a lo tin, the , beginning'vie, talked about it before , they, sleep in, their crate no matter how , well trained till, they're one-year-old , they're not left loose in the house when , no, one's home until, they're two, years , old and when you put this work in, the , beginning, by time the dogs, about, two , years old you're going to have a , self-sufficient, dog okay so, as far, as , the checklist first couple of months , that's, it, if you can get your dog out , too, many different, places, great that , just makes it even better, but again, when , people, think of, socialization they, think , your dog has to, meet bunch, of , different dog sand, a bunch of different , people mind, don't they just, don'ti'll , take them places with, me but, I, want them , to, be, neutral to, dogs and people, I, don't , want them to care about the, lady walking , down the aisle in, the Kroger, you know , wanting to come over, and say hello, Tommy , puppy and the puppy wants to, run over to , her, no I want to be everything for my , dog and, you guys see I am my, family is , my dogs, don'really, care too much about , other, people other dogs, they're, exactly , how I want them to be pretty, neutral so , put the time in those first couple, of , month sand you know maybe you'll put, all , the, dog trainers out, of business now , that's never gonna happen , dog trainers don't, be scared there's , millions of, dogs out, there we'll, never , go broke we'll, never be hurting, for , business because, very few, people, are , gonna take, this advice the average , dog owner does everything wrong, not on , purpose, they have good, intentions, they , just don't understand they don't, know , and, with so much information on the , internet I feel bad for young dog , trainer sand, dog owners because, you , don't know who to, believe and, that'shy , Try to, show, as much, as Icahn I show , the work, show the Good, show the bad , I show the ugly I show the pretty you , have to that's how people learn and , that's what I really, care, about and, one , thing no one can, argue no, one in the dog , world, can argue is my dogs are really , well, behaved, they have an extremely, high , level, of obedience but you got to , understand I work with my dogs very , little very very little, I do in the , beginning, I, put the time in those first , few months but, then I don'thieve time to , work on my, own, dogs, just don't and so , anyone is capable, of that but, you have , to build that, base that, foundation those , first couple of, months where, that dog is , going to retain everything you, do so , whether it's good or it's bad everything , you'redoing those first couple, of , month sis, going to, impact that dog's , life so, for the, guys who asked, the , checklist, hope this helps a little bit , leave, it and, out first two things , teach, and then of course, we start , working on the, recall and everything , else, is just icing, on, the cake after , that all right folks , hope everyone has a great week, a great , weekend, let's get ready for, Christmas, a , lot of, puppies, coming dog trainers , you're, gonna make a lot of money, right , now okay, peace .

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