How to stop Dog Anxiety, Aggression, Pulling on the leash! German Shepherd Training Full tutorial


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so this is a dog that as you can tell , he's very very crazy on the leas hand so , what I'modding is I'trying to create , post with myself to basically let him , know his crazy behavior can't advanced , his his movements out the door so I'm , doing the best I can to not reward him , for anything under this state of mind , I'm using a little bit of food to get , his attention and the boy but as you can , tell he he gets very nervous in the , lea shit's probably a genetic thing CZ , he's younger dog first time handling , the dog Icahn tell you that lack of , structure obviously the handler dozen't , matter we're gonna ran out the door no , matter what that's a problem so he has , no no idea that I'm actually the one , that turns everything on and off for him , which ISS concern for me and that'shy , I say it'Avery important guys when , you're at home with your dogs too like , look this dog has has no intentions of , taking any direction from the person , that actually feeds let them out , controls everything , oh boy and so that's a problem that's a , structure thing and that's what what I , find alto of people are having issues , with their dogs is because they don't , have a good relationship this USN't , really about training this is him , barreling out of the crate dragging me , out pumping his Briggs pumping his , brakes jumping up trying to slip to try , to slip the collar he's nervous he's , panting and so I have to gain control of , the situation in order to tell him that , things are okay , because you don't want a dog like this , to take the steering wheel that'slake , giving a neurotic ten-year-old hyper on , candy the steering wheel of the bu sit's , a really bad idea and so get the , anxiousness you get the pacing and what , this is to me is what I'm seeing is as a , dog that just has no direction , no structure no leadership he's just , alive , he's eating pooping he's peeing drinking , water but he has no job , he might be loved and he loves other , people maybe but he dozen't like other , dogs obviously for obvious reasons of , him just having no structure so imagine , him seeing another animal with the , confidence that he has in the handler , like myself and the confidence that he , has in himself and that'sphere a lot of , people have issues with German shepherds , is number one thing the number one thing , I personally believe is breeding but as , you can tell him puppy , as you can tell like he's a sweet dog , but he dozen't have he's almost like in , fighter flight so if I entered another , dog right now he'd probably lose his , mind because he's so insecure not only , in himself but in the person that has , him on the end of the leash he should be , hey man what do you want to do type type , of dog right no wand so what I want to , do is is comment try to give us , attention so obviously there's alto of , videos that I do with I'm a balanced dog , trainer so Use rewards right I'vie been , almost% positive with him so far I , haven't really given him any evasive , negative things except stopping him on , the leas hand not let anything go , outside but this is this is one of those , situations where when I Post video , when you guys see me working with a , German Shepherd and then you see the , after thing and I use prawn collar on , a dog there's a lot of people who will , say use treats use use a harness this is , none of these things are going to work , could get his attention with the food , sit but just as soon as as soon as the , food disappears so does he so II do , agree that would like to train dogs a , hundred percent positively but it , we're listening it's not fair to him to , have me run around the room with food , and try to get him to do things that I , want him to do and I know it's not going , to be quality really need is attention , an in structure this dog needs structure , more than anything can't tell you how , many dog shave been euthanized from this , behavior because on an ongoing point , this is an out-of-control dog but for a , professional or anybody that's familiar , with dogs or German Shepherds this is a , dog with lack of structure these just , came into her board and training program , sou'm going to do this not live but I'm , going to do this live right now which , try Tonto do any edits and bore you , guys with everything and just show you , the process of exactly how to fix this , behavior but before you go I want to go , outside and I want to see how he does , outside it's gonna go one way or the , other he's either gonna be worse or he's , gonna be a little bit better and have , his nose to the ground so interesting do , you see how he keeps coming back from me , for food that's good I like that , but I also good so watch how watch how , much he actually has with the food here , watch his intention so there so see how , each EX out really quick see checks out , boom if he was really driving and , pushing into me and doing all this stuff , I'd be off tithe races being able to , yeah he dozen'CARE about this that , much he's like so what he'siding is , he's coming up he's sniffing the food , he's licking it yeah yeah yeah great , okay I'm out here I'm out here so for , anybody out there that dozen'Tagore , with tools'm not thesis't the only , way to do things , I'm just going to show you your quickie , of some of the fish it goes people in a , way I don'twat a dog in this state of , mind for more than they ha veto be and , it's my job to get him out of that state , of mind to get his attention and to calm , him down and so I just want to be clear , that the food is present and he checks , out really quick as soon as the food , disappears he's done right there he's , no the's not in the food good so he , needs mental he dozen't need food he's , not he'snot a food driven dog every dog , is food driven but he's not going to , work for , he keeps checking out and yeah choking , himself he's really stressed don't , like any dog like that I think it's I , thin kit's inhumane to not immediately , help this do gout as soon as you , possibly can as a professional dog , trainer because every second and every , minute that you have this leash that , he'sun controlled and insecure and , nervous and reckless and hurting his , trachea and getting nervous and spinning , around is every minute is counting , towards negativity and don'twat any , of that so I'd go outside really quick , and see how he does see this is a lot of , nervous energy tear a lot up as you can , imagine you can see how this dog would , be a bull a bull in a china shop but he , has just if there's no just look at the , store he has no regard for me right he's , there's no petition , good so remember I was saying his nose , could be down which is good that means , he'snot crazy but he's sniffing a bunch , of people moving away from , may beer guys want to show you what's , happening right here he'getting into , fight or flight which is really , dangerous when you're dealing with the , dog was unfamiliar with this place which , he is he wants to run if I let him go , right now if he got away , there's cars passing he dozen't know , where he's at it could be very dangerous , I need to gain control over this , situation as soon as possible before to , watch here so you know he's trying to , slip his collar if he does that he could , die period so it's important that you , guys have to understand that this dog , yes he's nervous but he's nervously , uncontrolled and he has no idea that I'm , actually trying to help him and so I , don'twat to he's calmer now which I am , really surprised by can't buddy but boom , checks out so Taylor won't you turn , around get his video right here watch , guys nice I have food I'vie beef beef , liver he checked boom he's not , interest edit's not gonna work okay I , wish it would if I can whip outta piece , of food in this dog's behavior change , you'll be off tithe races I probably , would't have job because it'd be that , easy but it's not okay so see how he's , really trying again he dozen't know , where he wants Togo so I'm actually , gonna follow ,  ,  with the dog any dog puppy older dog , trouble dog I want them to have a , relationship with me that's what that's , why we have dogs , we don't have dogs to have them on the , end leash and be a pol eon Rollerblade's , that's not good boy that's not what what , we have dogs for or their to have a , relationship and when you're bored and , train is exercise it's mental , stimulation go back hour later pop them , out do it again and just having these , reps of work and play exercise and all , that stuff and that's really what I'm , looking for in any dog but right now , he'sin such a fight-or-flight mode and , I can't get his attention with anything , I could I'vie tried I could try a ball , but I doubt that that'gonna work but I , need his overall need him okay and I , don't have him right now obviously it's , very clear that this dog has no no no , regard tome , I put a harness on it would be a hundred , times worse if I put a slip collar on , he'd be choking himself out hesitation , he's still unsure so we're gonna just , put a prong collar I'm really quick see , if that helps , so just sit springier 2.with a , clip which means it buckles together so , it's really easy to put on an doff right , now guys this is live no editing this is , exactly what Would do in it with a dog , like this and I wan tit it may not work , it may work my gut tells me it's gonna , work because this dog is like what do i , do what do i do what do I do , who's in charge who's in charge was in , charge and the prong collar USN't , intended for the prong collar USN't , intended to to hurt a dog if they're not , spikes they're not sharp they're just , fully around this dog's neck so instead , before when he was choking himself out , now he'snot gonna do that so before he , was really like my way of the highway , pushy running through door she's gonna , argue with me for Little bit but then , I want to take that moment and that , breakthrough of him going oh and then , that relaxation that's what I'looking , for I'm gonna work him fora little bit , I don't know how long it's gonna take , but want to see I want to show you , guys exactly how would do this , situation to try to help you guy sat , home gonna fight for awhile ,  ,  that's important let's stop just made , where he'd lunge and he got corrected , for lunging at the end of the leash , that's really big he's never been , corrected in his whole life so that's , like coming in and saying hate hey I , keep running out of gas he keep running , out of gas and the automotive mechanic , say swell do you ever put gas Inuit well , no well then you haven't even started , and so for him to lunge at the end of , leas hand say I'm going that way and for , nobody to ever correct that telling it , that's bad come on it's Arno-brain er , here and that's what I'm doing with the , prong call it now guys it's been two , minutes , see how he's leaning against me and he's , like okay it's not that my cross to , bridge that the Dog Whisperer here he's , not fixed but I want you to watch his , behavior and how it changes after I give , him some sort of consequence for his , actions of fight or flight and he gets , all crazy , that's very unsafe because there's a , busy road right behind us he's I'm , actually giving him reprimand for his , his crazy behavior and you'll notice a , dog that has no structure and has no , idea what to do and who to do it for and , all of a sudden gets this hey quit the , crap they go thank you , right buddy well done minutes guys , minutes it'snot miracles it's , life-changing stuff to help you that's , like if we brought somebody back from , the time before power tool sand we told , them to take a part in this car and we , introduced them to to a power tool , they're gonna go oh my gosh this is , gonna make my life lot easier , oh okay I'm gonna keep working ,  ,  it's real deal stuff here you just , watched me take board and train that , we received again huh we're not out of , the wood she's not fixed he's not I'm , just saying now I can actually start , teaching him stuff because his state of , mind , look look at look at the difference in , the state of mind with this dog before , lunging jumping crying whining right , it's beautiful thing I'gonna keep , working him ,  ,  so Little bit of discipline it was a , very long way with an unsure dog , what I'm doing is I'going back and , forth and I'm kid became just the , tiniest little pops on his collar I say , hey buddy were gonna do this bu they , bodybuilding't go that way hey buddy and , I'm rewarding him positively yes yes , good good good good good you're doing it , you're doing it you're doing it like , riding a bike for the first time and , guys totally different totally different , the equipment helped me sculpt this , behavior to let him know that there's , consequences for his action snow I can , do obedience with him or other trainers , can do obedience with him but the , behavior of the dog has drastically , changed from holy crap what am i doing , what DI do hereto bat of course he's , I did a video my last video was oh look , at the dog he's stressed of course he's , stressed he's never been told no in his , entire life which is why hies the way , that he was and so during the process , he's gonna be stressed kid going to , school for the first time college high , school middle school elementary school , they're stressed they're nervous that's , a part of life we can't idea we can't , have an ideology of like the dog , stressed you ruined it no I did'Ti , helped him look at the look at the , difference in this dog's behavior versus , before it's drastic and we're again , we're no tout of the woods but now , before remember Is aid I can'Ti can't , work with a dog before stressed out the , door look at him now eyes are glazed , overlooking straight at me that's a dog , that I can put away and in half an hour , get him back out and start the , foundations of understanding that hey , buddy it's me and you not you versus the , world because that'SWAT stresses the , dog out is they think they have no , backup they have they have no help they , have no guidance imagine being a kid , growing up with no guidance nothing do , your homework here's your lunch money , nothing that's this dog and in minutes , the tool helped me I could have done it , without the tool but can also walk to , LA versus fly what route would you , rather take I'm gonna work him Little , bit longer we're gonna go inside and I , hope this video helps you guys , understand , that these tools and these types of dogs , at any moment this dog could have , changed the entire plan he could have , shut down he could have start getting , aggressive he could have start crying , and whining and flopping around would , have switched gears I would have , switched gears completely right but I , did'this was a dog that went down the , path that a lot of other dogs that I'vie , worked with have and now I have a more , balanced dog he's not% balanced he's , not fixed guys I'm not trying to do , hocks-pocks crap here I'm just trying to , let you know that there's a different , way of sculpting dogs behavior with , tools it's an easier more humane quicker , way to get this dog in a better state of , mind and if I can do it in those easy , steps shame a shame on you if you , don't .

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