Is Punishment Necessary in Dog Training


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hey what's going on folks liar impact , masters dog training here want to talk , about Correction sand Punishment and dog , training okay and I'gonna use the dog , I have here right now the female , Rottweiler Hiked give you a very , specific example of how sometimes , punishment is used in dog training and , the reason wanted to make this is I'm , working with several of you now trainer , friends of mine throughout the country , that are struggling with different cases , but all similar situations where there's , a there's a really bad behavior that , your you guys are having hard time , fixing you know getting through to the , dog so I'm gonna give you an example of , exactly what I did with this dog here , and and maybe it'll help some of you , alright now you guys know I'vie been , really outspoken against uh against a , lot of trainers out there that that use , techniques that I'm not really big fans , of okay and the reason being you know , listen guys Corrections and Punishment , are% necessary in dog training , period don't don't let anyone ever tell , you differently you know I'm a pretty , light handed trainer most people know , that you know and I don't have to use a , lot of punishment Corrections and dog , training but there has to be there is no , such thing as turning dogs around and , dog training without some type of , punishment it's non-existent you know , I'vie watched the video the other day and , Informally won't look at his videos but , it popped up on my feet so Watched it , it was Apache Jorge video and had , something to do with excessive barking , at the door some of the stuff and I , watched the video with an open mind , really did and I literally commented on , the video which I don't do very often , but it was so awful and so misleading to , people that it really hit me on the side , of the head like because of information , that this guy puts out you know he's , probably the most popular dog trainer on , the plane tat least through YouTube you , know he's really harming lot of dogs , by putting out this these fraudulent , claims that you know these dogs can all , be helped with , some type of consequences there has to , be consequences for doing good that's , mostly what we do right but there has to , be consequences for doing bad also there , just has to be that's that's a fact of , life , you know unfortunately lot of times we , see there's a lot of trainers out there , that it's just all Corrections , Corrections Corrections we call those , guys you know correction cowboy sand , they don't have the skill and ability to , do it properly and you know bring out , the best of the dog let's just put it , that way all right but let'Sgt right , into two Hike the female Rottweiler and , hopefully this will ring bell and help , someone all right sou made a few videos , with hero talked about some of her , issues won't go through all that again , but we'll try to do it really quickly so , one of her issues was she's had some , really really bad experiences with the , underground fence okay that actually did , make the e-collar training very , difficult her response was absolutely , awful not because her owners use an , underground fence but because she's gone , through his several times so she has had , very bad experiences with it so for her , to come around and accept the e-collar , and the way Alike all the dogs I work , with- it was very difficult now someone , commented the other day on one of the , video sand said then why use the , e-collar why not just you know not use , it at all very simple it is my job to , bring out the absolute be stand every , dog I work with and the fact that just , having thee-collar on puts her in such , a bad place it's my responsibility to , fix that can't accept that can'Tet , her fail can'Tet her fail mentally , can't let her imagine that bad things , are gonna happen when they're not , that's dog training that's my job is to , fix all that so I'm not gonna just avoid , something because she has a hard time , with it I'm gonna make her accept it and , make her see that it's never going to be , a bad thing plain and simple and so you , guys can watch the other videos I , explain exactly what I do did with that , to turn that around , okay one of the more serious issues she , has is Micah has good ball drive she has , really good ball drive not Lula kind of , ball drive but she has very good ball , drive so the first thing I had to do was , with the e-collar training of course all , that drive goes away I had to bring that , back okay which I did she's doing great , there but one of her more serious issues , guys is the ball drive is accelerated , and much higher when there's other dogs , involved or children okay so in other , words if Intake out a ball to play with , hike in train she'Sgt great ball drive , we have good time and now I'm using , that as part of the training but if , there'skids playing ball or if there's , another dog chasing a ball she becomes , very predatory okay so she becomes , extremely Adrenaline's the drive becomes , much higher and she's no longer , she's just a predatory animal and that , can be very dangerous so she has she has , the ability to go after in nip kid sand , their other dog they have another dog , and so what she does was she bites the , dog she'll bite his legs chase him she , becomes very rough because she's no , longer that same dog that you know no , longer Hike now she'just predatory , animal that's a very serious behavior , and it's a very dangerous behavior okay , so I have to fix that , so I'vie spoke about it many times before , when a dog comes inhere with a serious , issue I don't address the issue upfront , never okay I'm not going to put that dog , in that situation and try to punish her , correctly behavior because it will not , produce the results that I want , period plain and simple okay so in other , words guys if I started right from the , start if I got my kids to play ball , around her and then punished that , unwanted behavior very harshly let's say , let'SSA if it even worked if it , stopped her becoming so Adrenaline's , like that what I'm going to do at the , same time is I'going to crush the , drive and crush the personality and I , never want to do that it's my job to , bring out the best in the dog , that means stopping the unwanted , behaviors while not crushing the drive , and bringing out the best in her , personality , that's dog training so when you see , these videos where you know they show , the dogs you know let's say the same , type of situation where the dogs just , confined to a place bored and looks like , a frig gin zombie and no longer wants to , you know produce those behaviors that's , not dog training not in my world , okay he's very very important to me that , I bring out the best in her plain and , simple so I don't address those , behavior sup front so what I did was I , spent a little overs week building the , trust building the relationship and , training going about training like I , normally do did a lot of the collar work , she's completely fine wit hit now a lot , of training without the e-collar , you know probably% of the training we , did is all toy based and food based and , positive reinforcement and all the , basics the down the safe to come to , leave it the out the place all those , things little over a week so now that , trust in that bond is very strong in her , obedience is very very good I'Avery , happy wit hit all right so my kids are , playing soccer out in the driveway it's , a little over a wee know that she's been , here she trusts me she trusts me we are , completely in love that'Sm girl okay , I'm her man she's my girl she trusts me , my kids are playing soccer in the , driveway and I tell Sophie I say okay , Sophie I'm gonna bring hike out here and , I'm gonna do Little training need , you guys to keep playing she'soak , so I went and Gothic she's on she's on , the I just have a slip collar to leather , slip collar you know just Always want , to have something on the dog that they , can't slip out of that that's the only , reason that's on there there's no , specific purpose Fri just don't want , her to slip out of a regular collar flat , buckle collar so I come outwith Hike , she's got her collar on now Hike is very , very sensitive to the e-collar , okay works on extremely low levels a , five and as ix all right , very very low levels even though she's a , big strong Rottweiler very low levels , Minnie educator five and a six that's , where she's always at I don't go any , higher on her Id on't , ha veto so when I come out here to , address the behaviors I know she's going , to have a problem and she's gonna show , me those behaviors that the owners want , fixed and with a lot of dogs the level , of the e-collar , to address that would be be higher than , high cos so with Hike went up to a , twenty on the mini educator which is , still very low guys can't feel that if , you put that on me I can't feel a level , twenty on a mini educator II call her , but for Hash will feel that now with , that being said when we come out here , and put her in that situation there's no , way she's going to feel five a-six , a-seven at en or twelve in that , situation when she becomes that , predatory creature she's no longer , when she gets that adrenaline you know , plain and simple so Iowans't I was in , somewhere in the S's to W I don't , know I don'remember the numbers not , that important but was still on a very , low level but I thought that it would be , able to dress her so I come outside with , Hike the kids are playing soccer and I'm , I'm reduce I want the timing to be , very good at the correction okay and so , when came out with her the kids are , playing and no I'sorry they Warren't , played I had them standing here I wanted , them to wait so when I came out with her , she saw them with the ball and she did , perk up Little bit and I got myself , ready had her sitting next to me okay , I asked her to sit and I was ready and I , told the kids okay kids start playing , and they started playing and she showed , me exactly what the owners were talking , about she became really adrenaline and , really went after the ball and she was a , completely different dog than I'vie seen , okay as soon as she started doing that , and to be honest with you I don't even , remember if I gave any kind of verbal , commander side I honestly don't remember , it's not that important corrected it , with the e-collar , set somewhere don'TKO like I said , fro ma W to a W and she did have a , reaction to it you know and what she , tried to do was go away back to the , first things that she did when she felt , the e-collar at all eve non super , levels her first her first thought was , to you know retreat and go away get back , in the house at that time I used the , leash not to allow her to she can't take , off she'seagoing to stay with me okay , when Tap that-collar , you know I always have the e collar on , continues I'm not holding it down I'm , not doing this bullshit holding you down , for a long time it's Avery quick and , and direct correction just a tap boom , tap and she had a bad reaction tried to , retreat and I don'Tet her know you're , gonna stay with me okay and then she she , shook that off and she got focused and , she attempted to do it again I did the , same thin gall right same thing this , time her intensity was a little lower we , went through the same process and then , the kids stopped and I had them come , over now we made a little tougher on her , now I made them start bouncing the ball , in front of her which at first she tried , to avoid and then it kicked in and she , went after the ball I correct her one , more time same level she had much less , of a reaction it wan't a big dramatic , thing now okay and then I took the ball , and started downing and playing with it , around her and she was okay she just sat , there she was not she had no negative , effect guys or she wan'down in the , dumps you know shewing't wan't trying , to run away anymore , now that ball drive was there she was , interested which is good that'SWAT I , want , but she wan't becoming insane at that , moment rewarded her and we stopped and , I went in the yard and we just played a , little bit and she was fine went right , back to playing and then I put her away , and let her rest so the rest of the , day we went about our normal routine , okay , I did't address that anymore we went , about our normal training and everything , was normal , the next day it might have been even , been two days later I'm not sure but , thin kit was the next day the kids were , playing soccer the driveway again so I , said okay I need to do this again let's , see how she reacts this time It old the , kid sand this time I told them just just , be playing when I come out there you , don't have to wait and I come outside , expecting the same reaction , and we went outside walked up real , close to they were playing and she just , sat at my side and she was like a normal , dog you know at one point she looked up , at Meir marked it and I rewarded and I , was like oh man this is fantastic I was , really happy with that very happy and I , was surprised to be honest with you so , we just sat there and watched them play , for awhile and when she was just fine I , just end edit and we went back in the , yard in the fenced-in area and I threw a , ball and we played very very good , reaction so then about an hour later , this is what surprised me this was very , very good I was very happy about this so , about an hour later what I did was I , told Reno's was gone , I said Reno I need you to go outside , have your soccer ball and just wait to , do what I tell you to do he'soak so I , took my kit in the yard now she's off , leash she's no longer under my control , with the leash but she's in the , fenced-in area with me and Reno is in , the driveway on the outside of the fence , okay so to completely protect him and to , get a true reaction from her I wanted to , see what would happen and so I'm in the , yard and we're just doing our thing , we're playing I have her collar on it's , on her normal levels back to normal , level's OR whatever it was on and , we're in the yard and she sees Rezoned , I said Reno I want you to come over by , the fence when I tell you to and Is aid , I want you to start jumping up and down , acting real silly and bouncing your ball , I said I want you to hike up worked up , he Sudoku and so I was in the middle of , my fenced in area and when Hike saw him , coming over she walked over to the fence , buy hi mice OK Reno do it now , and what happened was he started jumping , around and bouncing and dribbling his , ball and this is what blew me away guys , I was my what I was going to do my plan , was was to Cahokia to me away from the , ball , OK so what I would say at that point is , I Saudi would say Hike come and if she , did't respond immediately that's where , I would tap the e-collar , immediately after the verbal command if , she did't respond immediately I was , gonna give her that opportunity but what , happened is what really blew me away , guy sis the secondaries started acting , crazy and bouncing , of all on her own before I can call her , she turned around ran to me and laid , down right at my side and looked very , good , like was hit very upbeat ears up and , looked up at me and Mani rewarded that , big-time and I was I was blown away by , that was really surprised and I sent , all that information to the owners- I , always tell everyone and even with the , correction sand stuff always tell the , owners everything I do if we have a bad , day they know Ito let him know and we , have a good day they know it I let him , know keep them I keep them informed , about everything you know including if , the dog has a really bad reaction to , anything like she did I let them know , that and I was really surprised I was , really surprised but here's why guys , here's why that happened and I'vie said , iota million times before if I would , have addressed that bad behavior up , front there's no way I get that reaction , from her no way in hell that I can , guarantee W%but because Is pent a , little overs week training her to the , highest level I can in that period of , time and building that trust and , building that bond and then all those , little things that people ignore you , know while we're interacting with her , while she's staying with us while she's , living with us , all the little things okay example in , the beginning if my dogs ran past her , pet and she went crazy , you know that's nothing to her now she , has no reaction I never corrected that , it never did anything it's all the , little things that added up to that , moment where I had to punish that , unwanted behavior is what created that , that's why I don'tad dress these , behaviors upfront I address them once , that relationship is there because at , that time when a correction comes from , me guy sit has a lot more meaning to the , dog okay there's no confusion there's no , chaos they get it they understand it and , that's why it's so important to have , that relationship to have that trust you , don'Tet that , okay so I'll show you more videos before , she leaves , you won't see a dog confined to a place , bored looking like a zombie you won't , see that it's Fatah matter of fact what , I plan on doing is have Reno or Sophia , or both in the yard with the ball I want , to see her reaction with her off leash , but in a free dog state she's free to do , as she wants because having her confined , Tao Down or a play sport in that , situation USN'productive , it's not want areal life situation so , I want her to be able to be herself , while the kids are playing ball like , that if that makes sense okay if she's , able to do that then having he rand her , down or in a place is a lot more , effective when need Beau lot more , effective and it allows them to be in , their true natural state of mind okay , very very important and that's that'Sm , goal there and I'll attempt to get some , video of that hopefully but let me touch , on one more subject here guys , in reference to thee-collar the remote , collar whatever you guys want to call it , anyone who tells you that I could have , fixed that situation without any tools , is lying to you or not being hundred , percent truthful , here's the thing could I have addressed , and fixed that problem with the ball and , the the predatory state of mind without , any tools , I don't maybe maybe but it would take me , a while probably not maybe probably yes , but it'seagoing that dogs gonna have to , stay with me for along time a very long , time but when she goes back to her , owners would they be able to continue it , hell no hell no not Chance in hell , they would be able to continue that and , have that kind of success the only tool , there is on planet earth is thee-collar , not only is that the only tool and the , best tool for that situation it is also , the most gentle and most humane tool to , use in that situation let me repeat that , the e-collar , is the most gentle and most , humane tool to use in that situation any , other type of collar or tool that you , would use in that situation either would , not be effective or it would create a , lot of physical conflict coming directly , from you any other type of collar of , anything attached to the leash would , either be completely ineffective or , there'd be a lot of physical conflict , okay if there was something better I , would use it believe Meir would do it I , would do it so would all the things , going on all over the world about , e-commerce right now with this specific , dog and she's not a difficult dog okay , so even though she'snot specifically , dog she ISS Rottweiler that makes , everything Little more complicated pit , bulls and Rottweilers put that get put , down long before any other breed if they , show any type of aggression anything , okay if Ottawas't for that tool one of , two things happens either that dog has , to be confined any time kids are out , playing or you want to play with the , other dog sit has to be confined and if , it's not something bad will eventually , happen and the dog lose sits life , guarantee guarantee it'seagoing to happen , okay my ability to train dogs combined , with that tool makes dogs like that very , easy to save guy sand without the proper , use of that tool a lot more dogs will , die that's just a fact okay I can't do , anything about the people that misuse , the tool there's people that misuse a , lot of tools there's people that don't , have the ability to do alto of things , in dog training okay it's our job to , educate people and get more and more , people using the tool properly if we're , going to save the tool and save more , dogs it is that simple so , something very specific the way , punishment was used Ina specific dog , so hopefully several of you all the , folks all the trainers out there across , the country that I'talking to over the , phone right now that are struggling with , similar behaviors hopefully that gives , you an idea okay I spent over a week of , training the dog tithe best of my , ability , building the bond and the trust and the , relationship before I ever addressed it , that dog loves me that dog is crazy , about me , that dog trust me and that's why I was , able to effectively stop that behavior , so fast my ability my love with the you , know combined with that tool the , e-collar , made it much easier to do away with the , situation that normally can lead to a , dog being put down hope this helps if , this helps just one person or one , trainer and saves one dog out there then , it's well worth it , I told my wife and kids I'gonna make a , video'll be less than five minutes you , know Sophia said oh so you'll be a , half-hour and said no five minutes and , it'S's-something minutes later so sorry , it's long bu tit's important and Hope , you kind of take something out of this , all right peace .

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