Loose-Leash Walking Inside | Teacher's Pet With Victoria Stilwell


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hey'm victoriaStilwell and today I'm , going to teach you how to stop your dog , from pulling and get it to walk on a , nice loose leash one of the number-one , complaints that people have is that , their dog pulls on the leash they'vie , tried everything they'vie tried the choke , collars that prom collars even shock , collars to get their dogs to stop , pulling but all of those contraptions , can really do major damage to your dog's , throat lot of dogs especially a dog , like Candace here who's very young they , don'twat to be attached to the owner , with the leash they want to go run and , play and have fun but the thing is your , leash is canine life preserver you , need it when you're in public places so , I'm basically going to teach her you , know what I'going to take you where , you want Togo you're just going to have , Tonto pull mien order to get there I'm , starting this training first inside so , there are less distractions because , outside where there are more , distractions it's much harder for the , dog to learn'm also because she's a , young pup I'going to move it pretty , quickly because she has a very very , short attention span and she's going to , get bored very very quickly okay let's , go good girl , Candide let's go good girl yes I'm gonna , really motivate her when she's close to , me good girl'm gonna turn my body here , good girl if she jump sup I'm just gonna , ignore that , countess let's go good girl yes good , girl good girl good girl now you can see , hogans is following my body good girl , and I'turning around the more that you , turn the more your dog has to focus on , you because your body's becoming , unpredictable the dog is going Togo off , in one direction but all of a sudden you , call her name and you turn off in the , other direction so she's got to follow , you being unpredictable means that your , dog has to focus on you it has no choice , but when it does focus on you it gets , loads of praise in return you use , whatever motivates your dog to learn the , most , our Candace here is really motivated by , praise she's not too much into toys , she's not too much into food but she , really really likes that vocal , communication and that relationship that , I have with her so we're going to try , that again it's called the reverse , direction method if your dog pull sit , dozen't get to where it wants to go to , immediately you feel the pull on the , leash you immediately turn your body , around scroll your dog'surname say let's , go and go off in the other direction , okay Candace let's go good girl , all right good girl let's go good girl , good girl let's go count it , let's go yes good girl all right , good girl okay nice good this praise is , so important because it really motivates , the dog to learn the dog feels good , about learning now when you get her to a , place where she stops I also when I'm , teaching loose leash walking the dogs , got to really focus on what my body is , saying so for example if my body stops , the dog's body has also Giotto stop , sometimes when you do the stop you , actually don't even have to communicate , with your dog at all because your dog is , watching what your body does you can see , that she's getting little bit Win free , because again she just wants to go off , and run this kind of is annoying for her , but as a pup she's got to learn okay , Candace let's go good yes Candace lets , go good girl all right Candace yep good , girl okay good girl , I turned my body around Candace stop , good very good and I don't mind whether , she stands or she sits by my side stop , means just stop your movement now I'm , going to see if Candace has learned that , my body stopping means that she has to , stop herself without me saying anything , let's see if she can do it yeah good , good girl Candace good girl good girl , yeah Candace let's go good girl , all right good girl very nice all right , good girl oh yes good girl because she's , a pup again do very very short little , training spurt sand it always ends on a , great positive note lots of praise even , if your dogs't done very well , dozen't matter just give your dog lots , and lots of praise it's going to make , your dog feel good that's what this , training is all about you're making your , dog feel good being with you and , enjoying that walk so it's not such a , bad nightmare with your dog pulling as , the first stage is doing reverse , direction in an indoor area where there , are less distractions once your dog is , getting really good at following your , body and hearing your let's go cue and , stopping either when you give the stop , vocal cue when you stop your body it's , time to move the dog outside and forget , the old idea that if your dog pulls , ahead of you it's wanting to be boss , pack leader dominant over you or any of , that baloney that you might have heard , that'just not true , a dog pulls ahead of you because it's , got four leg sand you'vie got two and it , space is naturally faster it also pulls , you because it's excited to get to where , it wants Togo to and dozen't want to be , attached to you with the leash'm , Victoria Stairwell how pets .

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