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hey what'seagoing on folks it's Larry , pack masters dog training here's our , little friend Dexter , Reno get Dexter in the picture here , show everybody Dexter okay alright back , to me buddy , I have Reno behind the camera now , because Sophie is not here and Reno is , getting old enough to where you can help , out now so Little backstory of Dexter , Dexter is about four month sold I was , asked to do a board and train for him , but don't take dogs this Young like , to wait till they're Little older , don't think it'financially beneficial , for people to blow a ton of money Ina , board and train when the dog is this , young because it's so simple to teach at , this age there's so much you can do at , home to get the dog started okay the one , issue that the owners had with Dexter is , he poops in his crate lot all right a , lot and so the owner could take him out , they could have him out fora long time , he does nothing or sometime she does , poop comes back in he poops in the crate , a lot so for the past couple of weeks I , worked with the owners over the phone , and they'vie done a really good job at , making that happen lot less frequent , okay so he's doing really well so the , owners were going away and I did't want , them to board him because if they , boarded him what was going to happen was , he's probably gonna go right back to , pooping in the crate all the time , so I said bring him here I'll just puppy , sit him for you and that's it this way , and keep an eye on him and see what the , deal is all right , he's ha done accident since he was here , for a week and so what happens alto of , times this is for every one with new , puppies out there lot of times when , you have puppy that poops in their , crate on a regular basis guys there , could be several reasons okay one a lot , of puppies come from puppy mill sand , that's normal that's what they do from , day one that's not the case here okay , but that is something you have to think , of you better know where your puppy is , coming from when you get it the other , thing is a lot of times people tend to , feed their puppies way too much food , than they're supposed to eat , that can cause issues another thing that , can happen is sometimes you don't spend , enough time outside letting the dog go , and puppies get so distracted sometimes , they'll stop in the middle of a poop , just that you know chase a butterfly and , then they forget what they were doing , and you bring them in they think that , done and then it happens , another thing that you ha veto realize , that alto of people don'think about , puppies and dogs they pattern everything , they learn patterns very fast they make , associations very fast so what happens , if you take your dog out several times a , day , and every time as soon as your dog pees , or poops you bring them back in and put , them in the crate they learn to , associate that with going back inside , playtime's over so a lot of times , puppies will hold as long as they can , same thing with dogs they don'twat , their playtime to end so they just won't , go alright another thing with Dexter he , was getting a lot of anxiety a lot of , separation anxiety at way too young of , an age so as soon as his owner would put , him in there he would freak out lose his , mind and as soon as she left the house , he pooped in the crate these are all , problem sand I wanted to see just what , the issue was with him while he was here , and in reality he dozen't have any , issues he's a normal puppy okay he's a , totally normal puppy the one accident he , had here was because had him out he , did't go I gave him plenty of time but , we had to go out for a couple of hours , and we came back he had pooped in his , crate and hoedowns't like to poop in his , crate he was not happy believe me so , it'snot a thing to wear you know some , dogs don't mind being dirty not in , Dexter's case alright so that's where , we're on that all right now the training , this is for the owners or anyone who has , a young puppy but I'm making this so I , can give to the owners and say guys for , the next two or three months practice , real simple things and then this way if , you do decide to do a board and train , with me he's so far ahead of the game , we're not fixing problems we're just , adding to his education all right so , there's a couple of things that we work , on that we start at this age we work on , the doorway manners we start teaching in , the way to doorways we start teaching a , release command okay you see when I , bring the , dogs to the grass then I'm training and , go to the bathroom always make them , stop before we get the end of the , driveway and I tell them free dog right , that means you are free to be a dog so , many people have dogs that don't have a , release command and here's the problem , with that guys if your dog dozen't know , when it's free to be a dog if he dozen't , have a command to be out of command it's , very hard to understand when he's , supposed to be in command so very simple , and so often overlooked so make sure you , start teaching your dog a release , commando use free dog free dog means go , do whatever you want I don't need your , attention go pee poop sniff play do , whatever you want but very important , teach your puppies or release command , okay the other thing the only thing we , care about at this moment with him is I , want to start building engagement okay , getting the puppy to look at me and make , eye contact and when he makes good eye , contact'm gonna tell him yes that's , his reward marker or you could use a , clicker I use verbal markers in other , words when he does what Ask as soon as , he does it I mark it with the yes and , then I give a piece of food I reward him , when you saw the two previous videos , with Dexter that made the first video , i lured him on to a place board a couple , of times wanted to see if he had any , fear he did it so after a couple of , times then I waited and I waited awhile , the first time Just wanted him to , figure out what makes me active what , makes me go into that pouch and give him , a piece of food and he thought about it , for a while and then he went up on the , play sport said yes and I rewarded and , now the second time Awaited and very , quickly all on his own he went on there , because he knows that makes me active he , becomes very powerful how does he get , that food so very simple things like , that okay very simple things and I'm , gonna show you right now this is what I , need the owners to do when they take him , home now super simple but anyone with a , puppy can start doing this okay all , right so we have Dexter right here you , can see Dexedrine's okay let's say I , want to start working on the sit with , him and I'm gonna head I'gonna add , hand signals so I'm gonna tell him , Dexter'm gonna use his name and I'm , gonna say sit and then I'm gonna give , him the hand signal as soon as he sits , if he does I'gonna , market with the ye sand reward if he , dozen't I'll help him with the leas hand , maybe a little tap from behind but let's , see what he does okay all right good man , Dexter yes good one more time , Dexter sit yes good boy Dexter good job , now if you notice I said Dexter sit and , then I gave the hand signal okay and , then I pause for a second before , reaching into my pouch and giving him , foodie don't want people holding a piece , of food in their hand and bribing the , dog that's not dog training guys that's , just bribery and you're never gonna get , the dog to where you want to be so , Dexter sit bend the hand signal okay , when he does it yes and then reach in , and give a piece of food the reason we , do the hand signal after is if we do it , at the same time if we say sit with the , hand signal he's never going to learn , the verbal command real well because , they'll always learn the physical cue , first so what you can do is sit and then , the hand signal but then switch it , around then give the hand signal sit so , he learns it both ways you understand , let's do it that way it's done yes so , see this way he's learning both ways , guys hand signal and verbal commands , very quickly let's do the same thing , with the play sport here NOW'll give , him the command show him over and reward , once he gets up there , pay attention's watch us here you , can turn your body if you have two runs , out you can move on there okay so it , looks like this , Dexter place , yes good texture good job good job but , you see the speed there he loves to work , this dog really likes to work so now , this is the third time I'm doing , anything with him and you'vie seen every , time on film that I do something with , them let's do it again , Dexter place good very very nice but you , see the enthusiasm see there guys , there's belief out there by a segment , of dog training that are against all dog , training tools you know specifically , collars there's a belief that these , collars are used to force dog how to , do things or to teach behaviors most , good trainers teach things just like , this through motivation through food , everything I tea chis done just like , this whether it's a dog or a puppy okay , over here and one that's Little higher , Dexter place very nice good job again , this is for the owners anybody with a , puppy can start doing this stuff okay , because Dexter had zero training and I , did't really train him when I was here , you saw everything I did on film okay so , right from here Dexter place that's , beautiful that do you see the enthusiasm , there this dog loves to work good now , let's ask fora little eye contact make , sure you see us both okay Reno all , right so come here Dexter so I got food , Ian't leave that buddy so I got foo din , my hands I'm gonna let him see all right , [Music] , so I'm holding food in the hand she's , gonna want to look at the hands the , second he looks away from the hand sand , he makes eye contact say yes and then , I reward make sure you reward your dog , with both hands don't always use the , same hand guys because then they'll just , start anticipating that hand let's do it , again , all right ready Dexter all right , let'Sgt a couple of pieces of food , here okay so I'm gonna let him I'm gonna , let him see that have some food here , right yeah yeah good boy good job this , dog loves to work but you see you use , both hands so again he's looking at the , hands , he knows the food's there right when he , look sat you and makes eye contact yes , and reward that's how he learns that , looking at you is good that's what , creates good things very very simple , stuff all right , so with the walking he's a puppy , my dogs arena't on leash much at this age , they're off leash a lot but most people , are so we're gonna star ton want the , walking I just want to start making a , lot of turns with him sort of like this , we just want him following really simple , okay that's it paying attention to us , come here boy okay , another thing leash pressure all right , we want him to start learning leash , pressure now make sure you could see him , lines okay relax , so with him right here he's getting , worked UPI'm gonna put the leash , straight right there there yes good good , boy Dexter very very subtle movements , guys very subtle he's just learning to , go with the pressure and gets rewarded , so again straight line pressure he's , alright buddy , yeah good job good job good boy , now what I did there guy she sat and , looked at me like this did't ask for , that but that'st he kind of behavior we , want to create so when he does that'm , going to market and reward and again , remember guys this USN't a video like , for you two purposes or a show look how , awesome this video is I did't train , this dog he's here for one week did , something with him this is the third , time you guys saw all three times this , is so when the owner takes him home they , know what to do to prepare him to learn , for his future board and train if they , decide to do so let's do iota little bit , again come here Dexter come here boy , good boy all right good Dexter good job , now remember yes is also a released word , that mean she's free to go once we , reward that behavior Dexter come yeah , notice when I put the food down there , there I had him go to it , don't keep shoving in his face make him , go get to it okay Dexter come yeah good , job good job buddy , good job pal dude Dexter place , Dexter please okay now let's see if he , doe sit on his own again okay , DEC let's see if he figures out to go on , they're all on his own , yes good boy Dexter so you see guys'm , not telling him to do that now he's , learning to think and to create activity , from me which provides the food let's , say you can do it again good job that's , a good boy ye snow I'm just marking and , rewarding eye contact guys that's it , remember guys keep that phone straight , Reno come on do your job brother you're , getting paid for this , okay guys this is any puppy anyone want , puppy this simple okay marker words , yes reward contact , release command doorway stuffed turning , directions okay place hand signals all , simple stuff all simple stuff okay so , there you go real simple guys lot of , fun for me a lot of fun for the puppy , but this is going to go to the owner so , I could say guys watch that video today , go out there and do that stuff , and I'measure I forgot something because , when you try to put everything out there , it's very hard to remember everything , but now you saw with no training , how he takes tithe place command with , energy without and on his own so a lot , of times you see videos you know people , do a two three four five week boarding , train and at the end of them their dog , goes to apply sport with the trainer's , standing behind the place board you , gotta you gotta up your ante guys you , have to have higher expectations , these dogs are sponge sand can learn so , much if you know how to teach and how to , motivate and if you build relationship , to where they think you're the greatest , thing since sliced bread they will love , to work with you they will love it and , so at four months old right here in a , month time we can have him doing , everything that he'll ever need to know , with tons of desire and love peace.