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hello Dan from Green Acres Sportsman's , Club and DT systems dog training , equipment here today to give you some , useful points and exercises to work with , your pointing dog from the time you get , them as a puppy usually people acquire , their dog when they're 7 to weeks old , and at this point it's imperative that , we start training our dog so the time , you come in contact with your dog you're , training them whether you want to or not , so we're going to show you how to gain a , lot of good from short simple exercises , that you can do at home let's start out , with handling our dog it's very , important that we begin socializing our , dog immediately when we get them home , the socialization is one of the three , important elements of puppy training and , it involves getting our dog used to , things that it's going to see it as an , adult while it'still a pup in part of , socialization is the dog learning to be , handled so when you get your puppy home , it's important that you handle them , physically a lot but let'stalk about , one of the most important elements of , handling usually when we pick our dog up , they're going to want to get down it's a , certain point when they want to get down , they're probably going to wiggle and try , to get away fro mus it's very important , that we set precedent at this time that , they're never going to receive positive , reinforcement when they do the wrong , thin gas positive reinforcement is the , most important element of dog training , never give positive when the dogs doing , the wrong thing so we don't want to , promote the dog wiggling and fighting to , get their way so we use physical , pressure which is a form of negative , reinforcement negative reinforcement , is something we're to use for the rest , of the dog's life we us ea little bit of , pressure by the use of squeezing the dog , a little bit until they relax and when , they relaxed wheel it relax , once they relax we let them go handling , your dog at home handle them in many , different configurations you notice that , I'begot Doles here a little female , Visual upside down and the dogs not , going to feel comfortable like that but , you notice she's laying there just fine , because I taught her with the way I , handled her that she's not allowed to , wiggle of when I'handling her or I'll , put a little physical pressure on when , the dog relaxes I'll relax and soon the , dog realizes all they have , do is relax and everything will be just , it's important that your dog learns to , be handled like this when they're a , little puppy when they're easy to , physically manage as this dog gets older , they're going to become more difficult , to manage , okay everybody that gets a puppy most , likely has a dog crate it's important , that you pica crate that's small , enough so the dog dozen'thieve liberal , room to run around but big enough so , they can just about stand up Inuit right , now let's just talk about putting our , dog and getting into the crate and , getting the mused to it when you first , get your puppy put the min the crate for , short periods of time that way you will , not create separation anxiety , don't come back to get the puppy out , until the puppy is calm if the puppies , barking just let them bark until for one , reason or another they stop barking then , come get your puppy out so short periods , of time in the kennel so we don't create , any separation anxiety the kennel we're , going to use positive reinforcements , for cement in the form of treats to help , the dog understand that the kennel is a , good place and help them in , understanding how to get into the kennel , with outfighting some treats here and , I'm going to use the treats to coax the , dog into the kennel first make sure the , puppy takes the treat out of our hand , good so he knows what we'vie got and then , I'just going to put my hand in the , kennel with with the treats and use the , other one with Little pressure on the , on the strap collar in order to get the , dog in then I'll shut the door and leave , a few treat snow it's going to take a , while for this puppy to understand it's , going to take our puppy awhile to , understand that when they get in they're , going to get treat snow this is one of , the most important parts of puppy , training teaching the dog to wait at , gates doors or passageways for our , sign alto be released so we'vie got a , great opportunity here the dogs in the , crate we have physical control of the , scenario which is one of the critical , elements of dog training , we'begot physical control of the , scenario and we have the dog wanting , something , we have appositive reinforcement to be , able to give the dog so we're not just , going to give that positive , reinforcement away we're going to wait , until the dog does what we want them to , do so this is the first way this dog is , going to learn the low commandos we'vie , got our door and obviously this dog is , going to want to get up pounding at the , door etc so what we're going to do with , our little pup is we're going to , continue to open and shut the door , bouncing the door on the puppy's nose , until they finally stay back it and , don't rush the door and once we can open , this door all the way up with the dogs , staying in the crate we will release , them by saying their name don't so the , dog is learning right away when they're , excited they can't just do what they , want to do they have Togo through us in , order to receive that positive , reinforcement that whenever our puppy is , outside of its crate that we're watching , them never leave a puppy unattended , until they're completely trustworthy if , you don't watch your puppy chances are , you they can have an accident or get , themselves into trouble doing something , wrong and pick up a bad habit so it's , very important to watch your puppy , anytime that it's outside of its crate , let's talk about getting our dog to , learn proper habits in regards to , relieving itself we want to prevent bad , habits with puppies so we never want to , give this dog an opportunity to make a , mistake and have an accident in the , house the way we do that is we try to , make it impossible for them to make that , mistake by getting it out and giving it , a chance to go tithe bathroom anytime , after its eaten anytime after it's drank , water anytime after it's been in the , crate for an extended time and that time , after the dog has been sleeping or , anytime past ten minutes outside of its , crate and if you do that and you make , sure you walk your dog for long enough , period of time outside to ensure that , they relieve themselves , you'll pattern in the right behavior and , dogs are cyclic just like people they , have habits if you create good habits , the dog is going to naturally seek those , good habits and do it that way again and , again when you , you're seven week old puppy home get a , smile on strap collar that fittingly , such that you can't pull it over the , dog's head and get yourself a short lead , now this can be a conventional lead that , you purchase at a store this can be a , short piece of cord that you tied to the , collar the most important thing is that , you allow the dog to drag this lead , around when they're Little puppy and , get used to it in the beginning we're , not going to try to pull on it we're , just going to let the dog drag it around , on the ground and we're going to also , teach our dog to take treats from our , hand in the house now this dog is , outdoor sand since it already knows what , birds are it's looking for a way to , entertain itself when it was in the , house the treat would be the most , important thing and so it would pay a , lot more attention but as you can see , I'm teaching this puppy to take treats , out of my hand after the dog gets used , to the lead for about three or four days , and gets used to taking treats out of , your hand then you can start using the , two in conjunction to teach the dog to , come to you now you're also going to , give a command when you coax the dog and , come to you and give a treat we use the , word heel to get the dog to come to us , heel good so we're going to be kindly , insistent with this lead meaning we're , not going to pull hard but we're going , to teach the dog then if they succumb to , the leash pressure and come to us , they're going to get something for , themselves and if you chant if you , decide that you want to heal your dog on , one side or the other , use that relative hand want this dog , to learn to heel on my left so I'm using , my left hand that'll be important later , okay back woodlice our four month old , Visual we're actually demonstrating , pedestal whoa which will actually start , with dogs they're seven to eight weeks , old and continue on during their puppy , training here we have an upside down , garbage can and this provides us a , fairly unstable pedestal to start , teaching our dog the wool command , so we're going to carefully place our , hands under the belly and under the neck , to stabilize our pup we're going to set , them on this pedestal and we're going to , slowly take our hands away we notice we , have our lead on as well and we're going , to keep our hands closed and we're going , to allow the dog decide whether they , want to jump off or not if they jump off , it's important'll demonstrate to catch , our dog so have your hands close very , close in the beginning and don't trust , them and have your garbage can and up , tight upside down kitchen garbage can on , a flat surface so it's stable you don't , want it to be wobbling around in the , beginning your dog gets up there just , continue you through insist ency and , repetition to get him to stand on this , pedestal and you'll notice eventually , after falling off a few times and being , caught by you they will stand on this , pedestal when once the dog comfortably , stand sin the pedestal you can offer , them a treat after several days of this , exercise when your dog becomes confident , and associates positive in other words , they recognize that they're going to get , a treat and they take the treat readily , you can begin actually giving the dog , the command when you put them upon the , pedestal you give the dog the welcome in , now as the dog gets better and better at , this you can trust them a little more , and you notice that have my hand on , the leash just in case the dog begins to , fall off can catch them we're going to , demonstrate that Doles is probably going , to come off herein a second but you'll , notice'm making it more advanced now , I'm walking around the dog and Doles , dozen't want to fall off of this , pedestal so it it the pedestal creates , thought process naturally that causes , the dog not not to want to move and , we're going to build an association with , the word whoa , this also teaches the dogs dog humility , it teaches the dog that we are dominant , and then in certain situations we have , complete control and this sets precedent , eventually we can walk all the way , around the dog whoa whoa using the using , the lead to help stabilize the dog world , and this can be done once a day the best , way to star tour retrieving exercise is , actually in a house down a hallway with , all the doors shut , starting from the open end of the , hallway throwing the bumper into the , closed end or the dead end that way when , your puppy picks up the object they , won't have any other option , but to come to you when they turn to you , you praise them chances are they'll come , running back and then just scoop them up , into your arms you should still let them , drag a lead while they're doing this , don't do too many retrieves the cardinal , sin of retriever training is to do too , many and bore your dog quit while your , dog is still excite dhow do you , guarantee that you quit when your dog is , excited so if it's one retrieve and your , dog does it correctly in the beginning , quit then only later when you're , positive your dog is going to go for the , next one you can begin adding more , retrieves to your scenarios once the dog , is proficient doing retrieving and , excited about doing retrieving in the , house down the hallway then you can have , your longer lead on we'vie got A's foot , check cord and go outside when you go , outside to do your retrieving it's , important to do it in areas that have as , little distraction as possible , have your infertile so you're not , going to get tangled in it have your , retriever bumper up and hold your lead , close to the dog that way the dogs not , going to get tangled get the dog excited , like you did inside and throw it short , first now if this was day number one I , praise my puppy would't take the , bumper out of its mouth fora while and , then when I too kit I give it back the , dog if this was day number one that's , probably where Would quit that way I , guarantee the dogs not going to get , bored with this exercise only after the , dog shows consistency and excitement for , retrieving should we add another , retrieve don't you , once our dog becomes confident with the , suitcase method when we're just standing , still we can begin to walk around the , dog when we do this we're going to want , a little more control so we're going to , loop the lead around put it through the , handle of the leash around the belly , like this hook the clasp end to the , collar and now we'vie got a little more , control if the dog gets excited just , literally grab them like this , use your hands to stabilize we don't , want this to be horrible experience , good and bring them back into the , suitcase whoa , Oh as the dog becomes better we can walk , around the puppy again if the puppy , moves watch what happens puppy moves we , just catch them with the suitcase lift , them IPA little bring them back to , where they were start over well very , quickly your dog will allow you to walk , all the way around when they'vie done , that give them a treat good take your , time with this use a lot of repetition , we just have a puppy we don't want to , use heavy negative reinforcement .