Come when called! - How to teach ANY dog


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this video is about the first building , block of having a dog that is reliable , off leash I'm talking about of course , coming when called first of all I would , introduce the key to teaching this , reliably and effectively to any dog we , have to ensure that every single time , the dog comes to us it has a very , pleasant consequence for them never ever , call your dog for something that they're , not going to enjoy for some dogs this , might be getting their nails trimmed or , going home from the park every dog is , different but if you know your dog then , you will know the things that they like , and the things they don't like say the , word come only before they get all the , good things for example call your dog , before going for a walk so they're calm , good girl before they get to play with , toys come and before dinner come the key , is to protect your Kube if we say the , word come without being in a position to , enforce it and the dog chooses not to , come then what we've actually taught the , dog is that the word come means nothing , never say the word come unless a you're , sure that the dog is going to do it or , be your able to enforce it with a long , leash I want to show you an exercise , that you can work on with your dog in a , distracting setting to help teach them , to come for this you're going to need a , long line preferably 20 to 30 feet some , treats that your dog really loves , clicker or a strong verbal marker like , yes and a lot of consistency remember to , always practice on the long line until , your dog is fully reliable reason why it , is so important to keep your dog in a , long leash is because there is no other , way to set them up for success you , to start off with the shorter distance , at first if you have done your homework , your dog should respond fairly easily , okay come good girl very good okay you , see what I did there as soon as she , turned towards me I clicked to let her , know that I liked what she just did and , her reward is on its way if you're not , using a clicker you can say a word like , yes or simply start praising the dog , avoid the common mistake of waiting , until they're all the way in front of , you to praise them if you've tried this , and your dog is not responding to the , word come it could be for a number of , reasons maybe the food that we're using , isn't high enough in value or they , simply prefer to sniff at this point in , time what you can do here is to use the , long leash and give it a gentle tug to , guide the dog towards you you don't want , to yank or pull on the leash hard you , just want to show them that this is what , you expect them to do as you're doing , this encourage your dog by talking to , them in a happy tone of voice this is , probably far more overlooked than , anything else when teaching a dog to , come get in the habit of releasing your , dog every single time to go back to , whatever they were doing , oh snap we want to convey the message , that just because they've been called , doesn't mean the fun is over it just , means that you have to come and then you , can go back to whatever you were doing , the idea is that eventually the release , will become the real reward so you will , no longer have to feed them treats every , single time if your dog likes to fetch , this would be a good time to throw a toy , for them to go after so they have come , yes go get it , good job when you start to build on , distance timing will have a big impact , on how quick the dog responds notice how , high time the clicks here say I come , good girl Thalia come , good today I come good job I think it's , important to say that no amount of , training will make the dog 100% reliable , but you can get pretty close practice in , different environments and always quit , while you're ahead , teaching something slowly always , produces better results this is one of , those things you really can't teach as a , task or a chore you do have to be very , patient and consistent but teaching a , dog to do anything is about making it a , fun and enjoyable experience

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