puppy or rescue dog - House training


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hey YouTube a lot of people have been , asking me to make a video on how , straining their new rescue dog or puppy , there are two basic concepts to house , training one you want to teach your dog , where you do want them to go and two you , want to prevent your dog from going into , places you don't want them to go , training your dog where you do want them , to go is very very simple all you have , to do is take your dog to the area on , leash or put them in a pen where you , want them to go and wait at some point , your dog is going to go to the bathroom , and at that point you can click and give , the dog a treat or say yes and give your , dog a treat now you don't want to click , or say yes too early or the doc can , actually stop peeing to get their treat , your jobs you've earned the opportunity , for freedom yeah so the hard part about , house training is training your dog , where you don't want them to go the key , concept to training your dog where you , don't want them to go is prevention you , want to prevent any reinforcement of , peeing in the house and really reinforce , peeing in the appropriate areas so your , dog wouldn't even think twice to go , inside of the house or wherever you , don't want him to pee every time your , dog makes a mistake and peace in the , house they're being reinforced for going , to bathroom inside the house when I was , a child in Africa we had an outside , toilet and we had an inside toilet it , was very rare that I'd want to use the , outside toilet because I'd have to go , outside the house and go to the bathroom , there when there was a toilet inside I , would just use that so you can see how , even little dogs who love comfort they , don't want to go outside where it's cold , the grass is wet they don't wanna get , their feet wet it's highly reinforcing , if they've already had a reinforcement , history of peeing in the house they're , going to go they're going to choose the , house over the yard that corner upstairs , in your parents bedroom they're going to , choose that corner over going out the , door or waiting at the door for 10 , minutes while you ignore them to go , outside in the wet grass and get cold , and sugar and it's not a nice experience , for them so you really have to build , that as an experience a nice experience , and remove the reinforcement value of , going to the bathroom inside of the , house so how do you prevent dogs from , going to the bathroom inside the house , the first few weeks that you own your , dog or you begin this training plan of , having them never pee in the house you , want to have your eyes on that dog 100% , of the time every moment that you cannot , see where your dog is that is the moment , they might be going to the bathroom and , learning to go to the bathroom inside , the house so you have to use prevention , the dogs can be on leash with you the , dogs can be in their appropriate pen , that has a toilet the dog is going to be , in a crate and the dog is going to be , outside where it's safe the dog is going , to be on your lap while you're working , on the computer or unleash at your feet , while you're working on the computer and , that equals prevention if you see the , dog going to the bathroom you can now , take action and prevent it from being , reinforcing what you're going to do when , you're watching your dog and you see , them going to the bathroom in the house , you're going to interrupt them they're , stunned and sniffing pop up let's go , inside and you make your way outside as , quickly as you can , and if they go to the bathroom outside , you're going to highly reinforce them , most likely they won't go to the , bathroom outside because they've just , been rushed out and they completely , forgotten that they were going to pee so , you can wait a little bit if they don't , go back to the prevention method put , them you know back in the crate or on , leash or on your lap you really don't , want to use punishment when training , your dog way to go because the horrible , thing that can learn is blue when my , human's around he doesn't like it when I , go to the bathroom so you can actually , prevent your dog from going to the , bathroom in your presence so when you're , outside with your dog on leash they're , not going to want to go to the bathroom , because you shout at them every time , they go to the bathroom another thing is , they can learn ooh , it's okay to go to the bathroom when my , human was gone but when my human was , present it was not okay so to go to the , bathroom it's reinforcing if they're not , watching but if they're watching I get , punished so you get a dog that never , pees in front of you in the house and , sneaks away to pee it's very hard to , house train a dog like that where if , they they're relaxed with you they're , going to squat right in front of you you , can interrupt it and get them outside so , once your dogs getting pretty good at , house training you can start having them , in one room with you so they have access , to the living room then maybe they have , access to the living room the kitchen , the living room the kitchen the bedroom , living room the kitchen , and upstairs and you can use baby gates , to keep them in the areas that they're , best in so what do you do if you have a , dog that's already peed in the house , multiple times , well first you want to take action and , get rid of those things that the dog , pees on so if it's something cheap like , a dog bed a rug a cheap rug a pillow get , rid of it just throw it away get a new , bed start from the beginning if it's , something , offensive that you need or it's your rug , that you can't remove you want to use an , enzymatic cleanser vinegar bleach it's , not going to work you're going to have , to use something and don't worry they , haven't asked me to say this I don't , promote them at all no one's called me , or email need to tell you but Nature's , Miracle this stuff is amazing , this stuff really works to get odors out , of carpet there are other brands on the , market but this one is my favorite , Nature's Miracle , it's an enzymatic cleanser and it gets , rid of odors so clean that area well I , would douse it you know douse the area , this this cleanser doesn't really check , this I've never noticed it changed , colors of furniture or carpet it's , really great so you use that cleanser , and then you start to train your dog oh , this isn't actually a toilet so next , time you do your training sessions , you're going to do it right where the , dog pee because usually humans will , avoid the area that the dogs peed , because they think it's gross sometimes , the areas under a table sometimes it's , in a corner you take that dog and work , on sit pretty or teach them some tricks , right on top of the area they peed feed , them treats on it or you can put their , water ball there so that they can drink , out of that area or put their bed there , if they don't pee on their bed obviously , in the area that they usually pee so , they can learn oh this is part of the , living area too this isn't just a corner , to go to the bathroom another tip is , when your dog you've just come home your , dog has a full bladder take them on , route through the areas that they , usually pee so they can learn when they , are in that area and they need to pee , the route to go to the bathroom , sometimes when they're upstairs , they don't think oh I can actually go , down the stairs and go out the door they , might not think that thought so when , they're upstairs oh that you know the , corner is the best choice so you take , your dog while they have a full bladder , and they've already had some training , and walk them through that area where , they usually go to the bathroom then you , see them sniffing and you can go let's , go run them outside go to the bathroom , so they learn oh when I need to go to , the bathroom in this upstairs area I run , down the stairs and go out when else um , hmmm I think I've gone over everything , Oh the tips some dogs pee more than one , time so if you got out yeah they peed on , leash it doesn't mean you can suddenly , let them loose in the house while you , work on your computer or watch TV , sometimes we'll pee within a minute of , peeing so you set yourself up to fail , thinking just because your dog has gone , to the bathroom they're not going to go , for a while and that's where the , problems happen it's really depressing , at first the first few weeks of house , training will be somewhat like a , nightmare , you'll be so tired you'll wonder why you , got a dog while you got a puppy puppies , can't really hold their bladders until , they're at least 12 weeks they don't , have very much control at all so getting , angry isn't going to solve anything , management will there is hope it can , happen you can train your dog not to go , to the bathroom in the house it just , means they have less access to your , house during the training process here , are some tips take your dog out as often , as you can when you first begin every , one or two hours keep notes on how many , times your dog needs to go in a day , times that your new puppy most likely , will need to pee are after being fed , after playing after napping or any other , time there is a lull in activities don't , leave your dog in a crate where you can , only turn around and lay down for more , than four hours a day as it can cause , hyperactivity and behavioral issues a , better option is an exercise pen or a , puppy proof area where the dog can make , choices throughout the day .

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