Dog Training Podcast - Canine Conversations - talking dog training


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we will be doing something new here , today and that's gonna be called a super , ask me anything in which I will address , a whole bunch of questions first one , goes out to Kenneth I have a question , hopefully can help me my dog is very , nervous and anxious around cars can't , walk in a city she's great around people , don't doesn't like cars , eighteen-month-old kinetochore so sorry , social in seven weeks you need to get , her out by cars you need to get cars at , a distance keep it very very positive , use treats use food what I probably , would do with the dogs if I wouldn't , feed her for like maybe a half a day , like maybe don't feed her her nighttime , feeding the night before and the next , morning take her outside with a nice big , bowl of food something she absolutely , loves put it down when cars are in , distance I did this with goofy he hated , bicycles started feeding him on on , Pacific Coast Highway where I live in , front of bicycles on the weekends and he , just started to think that one bicycle , run is gonna get food he really really , loved it , question number two jessica says what , what about if a high-value treat like a , bone makes the dog protective of it if , you have to correct the dog and remove , the bone how do you remove it from , without getting into flight or biting so , a great question one thing is I would , make sure that the dog doesn't see it as , that high value of an item if he does I , would have two bones I would give him a , bone and then I would say hey come here , I'll give him the other bone and then , take the first one I would start , switching one bone for another make sure , the bones are far enough apart so the , dog doesn't get both books because then , you guys get a third bone and that's , going to be a pain in the neck but , making sure you're always trading on , something valuable for something , valuable something more valuable you , might want to get some structure on the , dog so the dog has an outcome and I'll , leave a commander you come in a fully , command whatever you want to call that , but you're going to need to get the dog , to listen to you and not to not to , be that possessive over it and also , remember it's always always easier to , remove the dog from the item then remove , the item from the dog if you remove the , item from the dog the dog is more likely , to snap out and bite then if you remove , the dog from the item question number , three goes out to Gregorio who says , please continue to work educating us , when you get a chance can you make if , you know how to teach a dog not to climb , on the couch well there's not really a , video I need to do on that what you can , do is make the couch off-limits to the , dog so if he gets on the couch push him , off when he's laying down let him relax , pet him good boy good boy when he gets , on the couch don't yell at the dog and , interact with the dog when he gets on , there just have a line on the dog when , he gets on the couch , give him a pull no down very non , emotional corrections just make the dog , think that they don't belong those good , he's bound to listen to if he's a good , dog you've been training him and they've , been watching my videos you shouldn't , have that hard at a time with that , that's that's a really easy one next , question , Coco thank you for your valuable , educational videos you're welcome , somewhat embarrassing problem my 15 week , lab retriever will eat her poo when I , let her out for potty I made sure to , scoop it up okay this isn't that , uncommon when when Labrador or any dog , eats poop it's usually a lack of , nutrition there's usually pretty hungry , so what you're going to want to do is , make sure the dog has a really good , nutritious diet a good either it's a , kibble or what food diet or raw food , items sometimes it happens on raw food , dyes because they're not getting enough , calories and stuff like that , it's embarrassing to me to say - but , Maya has done it in the past not a big , deal make sure the dog has plenty of , food make sure that if it doesn't go , away there's a product that people have , used called stop eating poop it's it's a , it's something I think it makes the poop , taste better or whatever but I've heard , that that's not a bad thing to do you , don't want the dog eating poop okay , question number five goes out to mark , Gombrich just adopted a one and a half , lab mix I think think maybe one half , month lab I don't know a one and a half , lab mix from the UMaine said he has no , interest in any chew toy or balls is , this normal , stays at my side all time maybe it's one , half year old lemak they told me tries , to mount all dogs how do i socialize , well first of all you get two different , issues here if he doesn't have any , interest in chew toys or balls he just , has a low prey drive that's kind of like , Jimmy's like I'm a Jimmy likes bone so , he would probably do that but not a chew , toy so you might try a bone get a good , marrow bone and see if he likes that if , he stays by your side that's a great , thing if he tries to mount all dogs you , want to get him socialized with dogs and , don't let him mount them so that's going , to end up being a disaster so you just , have to tell him to sit he sees the dog , and then you take him away and he you , tell him the down dog walks up he gets , some treats from you he goes away so if , he sees that he doesn't really get to , take it to that next level of mounting , those dogs and he's calm because he , stays by your side you should be able to , fix this pretty easily don't let him get , to the point where he starts to mount , you have to correct him correct him , before that or guide him in the behavior , before he gets to that level it's going , to be a lot easier for you okay , Cindy says all of your videos I watched , two and three times that's great thank , you increases the views I pick up , something that I missed I have a small , wooden table that's perfect for the set , I did watch it with my and she did , perfectly she's at GDS just turned six , month old and she has good solid basic , training or the use of a collar or use , I'm not really getting this email , I've 18 acres for whatever he's just , fascinated with deer poop I tell her no , leave it with time is quicker the , ecologist seemed to faze her I've turned , it up is an ongoing process the Battle , of deer poop can I was usually price , yeah so deer poop is the problem for all , dogs because even goofy and Maya , like to eat deer poop must really taste , good I've never tasted it but I'm , assuming it tastes good if they eat it , so um just just try to keep the dog away , from I mean I wouldn't really over shock , the dog for that because just natural , she's just being a dog , I wouldn't it's not it's not that big a , deal I don't know it may not even be , poison I think wolves probably eat deer , poop maybe some extra nutrition in there , how do I get this goes out to Steve , number question number seven let's see , if we can make it to ten questions how , do I get my four-year-old Catahoula , rescue to stop jumping up on people we , tried all the conventional things , recommend on YouTube by the behaviors , that would that led his obedience , classes well I mean I wake a tahula is a , really high drive dog so you're probably , just dealing with a lot of Drive but , what I would probably do is get the dog , at a distance teach doc to sit rewarded , to walk the dog back to you , don't let him meet people right away , because it's the excitement of beating , people and also when people meet him , they're probably saying Oh puppy puppy , or greeting the dog what I would do is , we would do in a couple of phases the , first phase would be I would have the , dog with me I'd walk the dog around , people and keep the dog engaged to me , very very focused and at the next phase , what I would do is walk the dog around , the people get the dog to stop and to , sit and sit down in front of those , people and then I would release the dog , back to me again and then the third , phase I would have the dog sitting in , front of people let people pet them for , a short period of time and then call the , dog back to me but letting other people , meet the dog willy-nilly is probably , what's causing this problem for you and , it's just it's not going to get any , better so , that's what I would do question number , eight Bradley I have a five month old , Labrador true when I walk she keeps , pulling and running in front how can I , stop that simple watch my video on leash , training and you'll see that you're , gonna just need to make about turns , about turns about turns when the dog is , too far away from you and poles gets , corrected then when they come back to , you they get a treat they get a reward , they get praise they get you know no , Corrections whatever you want to use but , you need to start making about turns , getting the book to pay attention to you , because obviously whatever's in front of , you is much more exciting to the dog , than you are , so you need to be more exciting than , that let's see question number nine here , we go Pedro says my three and a half , hello puppies barking sisters just fear , barking if I'm reading the body language , right at people and dogs in the distance , close up he's all excited and play and , is actually very polite with dogs that , are more apprehend fit is very playful , with dogs that engage in play how should , I handle when he's already barking how , should i do setups so that he sees , people in dogs and he gets rewarded for , not reacting so real simply gonna have , to focus on someone be Diaz but he's , only three and a half months old so I , really wouldn't do anything at this , point , but get the dog to engage you so maybe , have a hot dog with you or have some , cheese with you and at three and a half , months old you should still be doing so , much luring and shaping behaviors on , this dog before you get to any , Corrections it's too soon the dog , doesn't know what he's doing wrong he's , not doing anything wrong you're saying , the dog is good when he's when he meets , people dogs and stuff like that and , Duany was like that Duane he would blunt , and bark and stuff like that and what we , did with him is we just kind of always , reward him being close to us and we , would just make about turns or stop just , stop and make sure the dog knows he's , got to come back to you and anything as , he's getting rewarded for that he's , gonna be a lot more likely to to , disengage or to or to be able to be , called off of that but don't do any hard , corrections on a three and a half month , old puppy who's just trying to play he's , just being a puppy and you don't want to , do that and the last and final question , on this super ask me anything goes out , to doors who says how can you train , puppy to be nice with rabbit , what do I have to know before I take , puppy how to prepare rabbit that's that , there's a joke that how to prepare the , rabbit and a stew probably a moving , house as well should I bring puppy and , rabbit at once or rabbit first a new , home I don't have a puppy yet but he , will be Staffordshire Bull Terrier I , this doesn't look good for the rabbit , Doris it just doesn't I mean I would I , would really suggest you not get a puppy , if you're gonna have a rabbit , especially as taffy it's too much it's , just it's Demi Terriers are their , terriers there are they're hunters so I , would not suggest this at all I would , don't get their dog if you have the , rabbit and you want to keep if you like , your rabbit don't get it don't get a , don't get a staff II don't don't do it , maybe a labradoodle or something I don't , know but but you're gonna need to , introduce very slowly you're probably , gonna need to hire somebody to do this I , I would not I would I wouldn't do this , sorry , so I hope you enjoyed this long edition , of ask me anything with a super Edition , and I hope to see you soon if you like , this video give it a thumbs up and hit , that subscribe button .

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