How to encourage focus and compliance under distraction - Dog Training Pro Tip


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all right listen it's a snowy day in the , bluegrass believe it or not it's the end , of spring break and it doesn't look like , it at all it does it looks like the , beginning of winter break you know but , what we're out here today is uh you know , just exercising some dogs and you know , one of the things I've been getting here , lately there's a lot of questions about , how I get such a high compliance rate , when I take this dogs out in public you , know I've posted a few videos of me , taking dogs out progress reports for , clients and stuff and you know people , like Stoney how do you get such a high , compliance rates why the dogs why do , they pay attention so well you know I , mean I'm not doing anything special in , particular when I go out but what , happens I'll tell you where that comes , from guys is I have so many dogs here , and every day I let them out and I let , them run and carry on and play and so , over the course of time what happens is , these dogs they kind of just get used to , playing with each other and then when I , walk out the door it's a special thing , so it becomes special to get noticed you , know and so it really works super well , hey rogue what are you doing , like say take this dog here for instance , I'll just pick her out of the crew she's , out here running around you see as soon , as I called her she comes running over , here alright now look I'm gonna give her , a treat put her leash on her now the , funny thing about giving this dog a , treat right now is she left food in her , breakfast bowl and so you know you say , well Stoney she left food in her , breakfast bowl why does she you know why , is she so ready to work for food outside , because guys what's going on here if , she's not working for food she's working , for my attention once I bring this leash , out if I if you do your obedience right , when you bring the leash out the dogs , aren't looking at the leash like the , leash is getting in the way of doing fun , stuff they've been doing fun stuff so , the leash looks like a way to be the , special one it's like being a student in , class you know you're the student you , know the answer so you want to raise , your hand so the teacher will single you , out right so when I call your name out , here in this group of dogs I'm singling , you out as a dog and then you get to run , over here and be the center of attention , come on rope you can be the center of , attention for a minute so time and time , again over the course of the day I'm , walking up and down this hill , and so as I'm walking up and down this , hill I'm playing with the dogs letting , them play with each other but every so , often I pick one of the dogs out like , right now I happen to pick rogue out and , you'll notice Rogue is hanging out with , me and being very compliant while these , other dogs are running and playing , that's because at the moment like , hanging out and playing with me is more , fun than doing that stuff with the dogs , because she's the center of my attention , right , she's the teacher's pet at the moment , and so I kind of walk and as I'm walking , down the hill we're just working on , general leash compliance you know she's , just kind of being good and and doing , some relatively loose leash walking , which is cool and these other dogs are , running around and play it and being , crazy right now as I get in closer , proximity to my exercise with small , challenges course come here dude then , what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start , working on speed and precision right so , I've got these cones sit and I'm gonna , ask rogue not only to be good in a , general sense but to be good in a very , specific sense and I'm gonna use the , cones to measure my progress sit if I do , this stuff right then I'll get good , compliance it'll be cone dog Stoney , that's what I'm after let's go now when , I give the dog a treat sit the feeling , that the dog gets is a feeling that far , surpasses the value of the treat itself , right sit it's the same kind of feeling , you used to get when you were in class , and you would raise your hand let's go , and have the right answer sit in front , of the class good , now as I walk onto my course here it's , really slippery and you know how I'm , always talking going on and on and on , about you know environmental , socialization well today this is a wet , kind of snow so all of my equipment is a , super slippery you know and so I have to , be very careful and had to be very , patient you know and some people will , say Coco hey some people will say well , Stoney why do you do it when it's , slippery , well because look I don't have control , over the weather and you know these , people that own these dogs , they might be on vacation somewhere and , if you're on vacation somewhere and you , have your dog you don't want that to be , the first time the adults ever been , walked in the snow do you right so what , we say around here is you don't practice , swimming when you fall out of the boat , you practice swimming in anticipation of , maybe falling out of a boat so that's , the same thing with your environmental , socialization wait very nice they say , that's real slippery so I went ahead and , told her kinda to chill out a little bit , there easy now this board is long and , slippery so we're gonna go real easy , over it , very nice very good dog up up easy , weight very nice easy up now iWatch , gonna put it up here on this table and , I'm gonna make her stay sit stay and , you'll notice look at this table this is , no wet snow guys this isn't any fun you , know what I mean to put your bottom on , and you again people say well Stoney why , do you make them do that well cuz look , guys we all in life are tasked with , things that we have to do even when , we're uncomfortable and you might as , well get your dog used to that at an , early age now watch this so rogues been , really good I'm gonna say okay ruk , right in him I'm gonna let her off work , now I let her off work specifically you , know so that she could go do what she , ever she wanted but see what she did she , stayed there because she doesn't want to , lose my attention she doesn't want to , lose being the center of my attention , right so when you're working your dogs , you want to gain a high rate of , compliance guys make sure that they look , at working for you under high levels of , distraction as leading to something good , for them right and then you won't have a , lot of trouble going out and having your , obedience seem like you're making lots , of hard rules and keeping a dog from , having fun all right good luck. 

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