Nashville Dog Training - First E Collar Training Session with Puppy


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hey guys it's Larry pack matches dog , training and here we have Remy Remy is a , seven month old golden doodle female , golden doodle she's here for one week , boarding train she just came in last , night so today is her very first day , here okay she has no training whatsoever , and just regular puppy stuff so we get , to start from scratch here and we need , to give her a little bit of off leash , obedience as well as many other things , we're going to do but what you're going , to see today you're going to see the , very first session with the remote , collar training okay she hasn't felt it , yet we haven't used it yet so the first , thing we're going to do is search our , levels all right so we're going to start , like we always do on the lowest level , possible , which is a level one so I want you to , keep an eye on Remy and see if you , notice when she feels the e-collar , okay so I'm pressing right now so I'm , starting at the lowest level and just , going up slowly to see when she gives me , some kind of sign so I'll watch the dog , okay did you see that there that was , obvious that was good sometimes it's , very subtle but she looked behind her , like well what was that so super low , levels there you see she feels it on , number five this e collar goes from a 1 , to a 100 very rarely do we have to start , a dog out higher than single digits okay , so now we have her working level and , that's on the number 5 very very low , level so as we always do I'm going to , just start teaching her the meaning of , the e collar let's see how it goes , let me come yes good girl good girl , that's a good girl yeah yeah that's a , good girl , so we want to make this very positive , for her we want her to want to train , okay we're gonna keep it very short we , take our time you don't rush through , this okay Remy come yes good girl that's , a good girl yeah it's my girl yeah oh , yeah oh what's those belly rubs who , wants those belly rubs that's a good , girl let's go do it , doing good come on , rémi come yeah it's good girl that's a , good girl , good job Remy very nice very nice , good job , yeah good job okay that's good so you , get to see that they're on the super low , levels like that Remmy thought that was , an inch so you see her start scratching , okay you didn't hear me give the command , again I didn't lay off the e-collar what , I did was I kept tapping on the , continuous bud with some straight-line , leash pressure which allows her to , figure out okay the scratching doesn't , make it go away moving towards me makes , it go away that's perfect I'm glad she , did that you get to see how you work , through that , so again Remmy comes yeah good job very , nice the nice thing is the first dog the , first time this dog has come to me just , on the leash forget it you can get her , to look at you Remmy come yes good girl , good girl , good job ready very very nice very very , nice , let me come now remember is a very young , dog is this a baby's make it fun use a , lot of sprays you know food rewards fun , but finally the ready good job girl , that's a good job got to make it fun you , got to make it a positive association , for the dog you don't want to make , training boring and negative so right , there and little leash Remi come yes , good girl good job , yeah that's oh man that's beautiful , oh that's a good girl yeah that's a good , girl , come on couple more times and I'm not , going to do this for long I mean like I , said this is a very very first session , ready alright so here comes one , yes you can have a mint so there you go , folks , that's unedited video right there Renzo , coming out asking me to have a mint has , good stuff right Sophie yeah all right , Remi uh-huh even on the terrace Remi , come yes good girl , good job good girl , okay one more time Remi come yes good , girl good job , Remi good girl alright let me explain , something to you okay that's it I'm , gonna stop for right now that's , literally her first session I don't know , how long total working time that was two , three four minutes maybe I don't know , but she's young she's very young and , even with older dogs you know even with , fully grown adult dogs I keep it very , short to start all right we we keep this , very upbeat and we don't put a lot of , pressure on the dog we don't want a lot , of pressure we want her to want to keep , going okay we want to make this a , good situation for her a good experience , and then we stop , so half hour later I'll come back out , and we'll do it all over again and I'll , do it several times a day but we keep it , very very short especially in the , beginning , all right so we'll check in with you , like I said this is day one and what , we'll do is we'll check in at the end of , the week or maybe in the middle see what , kind of progress she's making and I'm , coming I know she's going to do real , well thanks both.

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